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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. ...those are supposed to be mega-girls inspired from MegaMan bosses, see: Is that one gay enough for you bitch?
  2. Here's a link to the actual contest page: The Conduit remix contest. I think some people have already submited multiple entries. Also the suggestion to get 'ACID express' seems to imply the samples may be loops in ACID format. This sounds strange...
  3. Yup, you've gotta finish this song sometime. It looked promising.
  4. Wow are all the songs still hosted? It's like your whole musical-life is up there! Dunno about the columns, haven't seen this being used in v-bulletin boards, strange. Anyway, it reminds me of The Vagrance's thread about weekly song. But I suppose yours was made way before his. Good idea, but I'm not sure everyone will have the patience to listen to each track and give feedback though.
  5. Dynamite Headdy. A 16bits jewel from Treasure for the Sega Genesis. Lot of engrish in the US & EU ports, but highly enjoyable... and also hard as hell!
  6. I've had that shit happening to me all the time when I was in college, except it was scary as hell, because I couldn't even breathe either. Anyway, I usually sleep only 3 nights a week. So I confirm: it's very possible... Just don't push your luck if you have any kind of heavy physical activities planned at some point.
  7. The many sub-forums fusions had me worried for an instant ... but again, change always comes at a price. Even though I would be pleased to have the 'Workspace' (or workshop) forum back with both 'WIPs' & 'Remixing' at least, I can live without it. Luckily, my arm is still flexible enough to allow me to reach the mouse, and execute 2 or 3 more click than usual to reach target.
  8. Shinji Hosoe - Tears Which Died (from the Under Defeat soundtrack) Some of my favorite work from Shinji Hosoe on this album. And one of the best shooter for the Dreamcast with Ikaruga and Trigger Heart Exelica.
  9. Should be dubbed Awesome Video Game Nerd by now! He's one of my three favorite 'VG humorists' out there. Others are Yahtzee and his 'Zero Punctuation' reviews (that Sephire mentioned somewhere I believe), and Egoraptor with his 'Awesome Game' serie. Anyway, back to the f**king Nerd (as he calls himself!). Well now he's not that Angry anymore. But I've always liked his amazing talent at scratching the bottom of the barrel with more lame games & systems. Favorites AVGN reviews of mine would include: ("how about: vainquish this horrible game?") (absolutely hilarious!) (you can store a beer in it!) ("you want a shoryuken?")Check out his last one: X-men.
  10. I've got nothing against a little dramarama, but let's save everyone some time by considering this: Now, I'm not taking anyone's side in this, but at least give the man a chance to prove himself by posting another song. Then, if it goes well, we can all tag along and sing Kumbiyah together at some bonfire later.
  11. Here's a link to the original song for anyone interested: 'Sorrow's Distortion'. This is probably one of the best battle themes across the entire Castlevania franchise. What's really amazing about this song, is that you can really feel the sorrow, despite it being a rocking & fierce tune. Good luck & praise to anyone who try his/her hand at this!
  12. That sounds very much like George Carlin. I've been through this not so long ago, so I really understand what you're talking about. The main thing about changing, is that it involves making efforts. And as strange as it may sounds, not a lot of people want to make a difference. The moment you step out for yourself, and set in motion a course of action to put an end to this past part of your life, you're already different from 95% of the people. The hardest thing to do isn't deciding to change. It's to start making the first step toward a better self. And as far as I'm concern, you've already did. This subject is highly interesting, and I would really like to take part in that convo. As of now I don't have much time, but I'll come back to this thread later.
  13. So out of the blue I've decided to listen to some Rozo... And as expected from the Wip-Cru's sharpest blade, the delivery is right on schedule! This is the kind of track that could easily make people overrun the dancefloor in a nightclub. I red the complaints about the dull drums, but frankly it wasn't a bother. This Red Canyon's rendition is all that it should be: hot, fast paced and tense. The rythm comes in fast, and the distorted bass leads the way. Synths really materialize the groovy ambiance. The leads are nicely refined, and the deviation from source is subtly handled. And did I told you about that shaker? It has been a naaasty shaker allright! Great job. Oh, and as a side note: Yes, we do!
  14. Allright, I've been following this remix from square one, so brace yourself as I won't hold back this time! I'm not a jazz specialist, nor do I excel at remixing for that matter. But the lead horns (trumpet) volume and/or freq. range is still too proheminent, which bothers me a little. Also, despite your nice brand new bass, the mix still seems to be lacking a bit in the low freq. department. It kind of impedes the realism, considering the premises of the selected genre for the song. But those two minor issues can be fixed with some EQ tweaks during the mastering. Next, the mix needs more room reverberation to make a believable and almost perfect kind of acoustic-lounge setting. Also, one thing in particular that I haven't noticed before, but which started to bother me as I was looping for the 9th time. It's that this jazz currently suffers from an unexplained lack of brushes. Some brushes will definitely add some dimension to the soundscape, and some meat for the ears too. For the rest, it is a clean and smooth dive to the depths of the ocean! I can really feel the subtle yet integral changes you've made to the dynamics. And those piano parts feel as jazzy & flowing as they should be. I've got to say that you're pretty close from the sound maturity you really wanted. Just a little more and it should be ready for submission, you're almost there. Don't hesitate to give #ocrwip channel a shot before you go through the actual process. As that way, you can have a pretty solid feeling for what the final verdict is gonna be. Go for broke X!
  15. This song has been on top of my playlist for almost 5 years now and... wait a minute, I wasn't even aware of OCR existence until one month ago, wtf am I saying? Anyway, I must have meant this remix will still be in my playlist 5 years from now, as it made me bounce on my chair like crazy ...for 2minutes and 31 seconds. Er, wait a second: is it really that short? So, I guess that is the main problem here. Because on the other hand, this mix doesn't fall short of groove to say the least! And that bright, 'lean back and relax' atmosphere is most enjoyable. Michiko Naruke's work on WildArms soundtrack is some of my favorite ever. And Marc Star hasn't failed to give a righteous tribute to the source. The drum pattern + light guitar & piano + groovy bassline combo was already good. But when the main melody kicked in with the flute, I was sold. Also liked the small parts where it gets more calm and the piano takes the lead. Totally luved it!
  16. I've listened to the last update only, so I guess you've already adressed all that Meteo Xav was pointing at. Ok Robo, let's be honest for one moment, I have a small request for you: STOP TEASING US WITH MAGNIFICENT BUT HALF-DONE MIXES, AND PLEASE FINISH AND SUBMIT YOUR WORK ASAP! You should have realized by now, that each recent piece you did, was of an above-average caliber? I think you're handling fairly rich soundscape quite well, and this highly atmospheric song isn't an exception either. It's still a bit harsh on the low frequencies, and it could benefit from a less proheminent rythmic presence. But what bugs me the most is on a more personal level: This same percussion you used in your Okami Kokari mix, subtely enters at the end, almost undetected. And it inevitably reminds me of this other unfinished masterpiece. So I'm hoping (as many others do, I'm sure) that you'll at least finish this one. Keep it up man, you got talent.
  17. UPDATE: v3. Check it on the first post! Thanks Rozo & Gario for your precise analysis & no less precious advices! v3 Update log fyi: -Fixed previous issues (hopefully) -Worked on EQ & freq, tweaked velocities -Added new instruments & +1min of material -Extended track to 3:24 (without looping) Feeback is always more than welcome of course!
  18. Are you talking about the banner? If so, you don't need to host it. Just do this: -Right-click on the image, select 'copy image-url'. -Open your control panel in another tab or window of your browser. -Go to edit signature, and paste the image url in your sig using 'insert image'. -Then return to CMC27 thread window or tab, copy the url of the first page. -Go back in sig-edit, select your image and click on 'insert link'. -Insert thread url, save your sig, you're done!
  19. Both GameGenie & Action Replay have seen some use back in the days. But with the latter, I've spent more time trying to make imported games work, than actually cheating.
  20. That show was so politicaly incorrect! Nice to throw in some interviews. It gives some more insight on the remix & compo scene. Everyone tried overshadowing you, but they can't break the unbreakable KyleJCrb can they? Nice work.
  21. I had to make one to celebrate the occasion. Yours is way better though!
  22. Pretty much like Bardicknowledge, I missed the deadline at around the same time... Despite the recession, people are still pretty generous, and that's good to know. Well that successful fund raising is great news, and hopefully you can pretty soon add a 'Huge Success' over the support OCR banner too!
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