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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. I didn't even knew you'd made a new album... wait, who are you and where is my horse?

  2. Tom Salta - Silver Horizon (from H.A.W.X. original game soundtrack)
  3. You know what's really really awesome about this: someone finally realized it was time to move away from big 10 dvd sets with awful iLok. => 80gb hard drive pre-loaded with kontakt and Morphestra library. Now that is the future! Just give me 5 more years to gather enough knowledge and money to justify getting it... while everyone has moved to something else.
  4. ilp0: You did justice to the Rockman soundtrack. You gave me my childhood back. From the bottom of my heart: Thank you for making this great album and sharing it with everyone.
  5. Great news, thanks for sharing Dan. That should ease everyone's mind for sure. Well it's up to the good people on the internet and the media that will review it. If there's demand for it, and if some sponsors help them, the other episodes might follow. In other terms: spread the word about MGSP, so they can make other awesome movies like this!
  6. Yeah, Dyne's show is great isn't it.

    Trust me, I would love to enter one of those over-crowded OHC turbo... but I'm already biting more than I can chew atm.

  7. As indicated in small caps on the site, the other download links are 'imminent'. Also, the torrent has nearly 80 seeds. I know, I'm one of them. There's approximately 12 instances available. Stop lying please. Just be patient, like everyone else. Thanks.
  8. Finally I've just seen it, and frankly, this was well worth the wait. Considering it's a non-profit movie, made by fans on their spare time, with very few tools at their disposal to begin with, It's impressive to say the least. I hope people will enjoy it for what it is: a great fan-tribute to Kojima's work. Production wise, it's a very solid product, action-packed, with stunning visual effects and epic soundtrack. Everything you would expect from a Metal Gear movie adaptation. It has plenty of references to the game that I'm sure fans of the serie will enjoy too. But imo, any videogame enthusiast will find it enjoyable. Apparently, this was scheduled to be a trilogy, since synopsis for two sequels were already written. For now, this is just the first chapter, but depending on the reaction from the public and media alike, it may continue. I'm especially interested in how Konami will react to it. I really wish them the best. If you want to see what a good videogame-to-movie adaptation looks like, this is it. Grab it here if you haven't got it yet, and spread the word.
  9. Darklink: Last time I checked, it was in english. Oh, and here's the full version of the theme song: Will There Be an End. Enjoy.
  10. Here's something I've been waiting for ages, and been following since it began. Originally started as a small project in 2004, it eventually evolved into a 70 min movie. Made by an italian crew going by the name of Hive Division, MGSP it's a fan movie based on the legendary serie created by Hideo Kojima. These guys made due with nearly no budget, and even managed to get Aoiffe Ferry, the songstress of the intro and end theme of the original MGS, to sing for them. The movie is now complete, and is ready to be shared with the world. I encourage everyone (not just MGS fans) to give it a shot, you might enjoy. Watch and download it here: MGS Philanthropy. Apparently they might also need support to finalize subtitles in japanese and chinese. If you can help, see here.
  11. Didn't even know they'd renewed this one. This should be interesting as the season 1 finale left room for lots of possible outcomes... Will check this out, thanks for the heads up Derrit.
  12. My guess is you're browsing with Firefox... then why on earth aren't you using Chatzilla?
  13. I won't announce much publicly until everyone starts working on their wips anyway.

    But I do hope you get back on track for the next Lufia Project due date though...

  14. Thought you guys might like to reminisce a bit. Hope this helps setting the right mood. Good luck with the Nights project L99.
  15. F is for: Front Mission 5 Scars of another japan only gem. R.I.P.
  16. Masashi Hamauzu - Train Graveyard One of my favorites song and OST ever. From Dirge of Cerberus Multiplayer Mode Original Sound Collection. A very rare album as it is only available on itunes japan...
  17. Sup Epitach ^_^

    Still up for the DH project?

  18. A bit of news for those still following: People have joined and the tracklist for the album is filling gradually. However, since it's 'project-mayhem-festival' on OCR right now, I'll have to wait for a more auspicious time before launching. And seeing as everyone including myself will be pretty busy in the next months, progress will be made at a slow (but sure) pace. I'll post details and link to the project thread when it's ready to go online. Hope to get some more support in the meantime.
  19. Yeah but you could say goodbye to games like Yakuza, Alpha Protocol or Bayonetta. It would become a Mario & Sonic party hd-turbo-super-cinamon-dentalfloss-remix festival in the blink of an eye.
  20. Yeah, that's because he hasn't worked enough on his flow. ;D It was a good idea though.
  21. Exactly, Jose narrowed it down. While it's an awesome endeavor to try and produce a double or quadruple cd remix album, one will find hard to maintain focus and objectivity for nearly a hundred tracks. I think that's what might make earlier OCR albums appear as more cohesive, since it's easier to keep a direction when you have an average of 20 tracks to work with. That being said, Jade, since I don't use aim and you can't be PM'd, I'll ask directly here. I'd like to claim track 28 of cd1 "After the Chaos and Destruction". Oh, and here's a playlist of 79 tracks if people want to listen to the album: Wild Arms soundtrack They're not in order, but at least you can link the tracklist in your first page to the actual songs. Hope this helps.
  22. This is pure gold. It won't fix your track if it's broken, but it can help a lot in masking the mechanicaly sounding parts.
  23. Thanks. I've just found out about this. Hopefully I'll be able to deliver more than just a project banner.
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