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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. Would that mean bonus tracks are a possibility as well?
  2. Wow that's gross... This journalist need to be prosecuted for defamation. I believe the exact term for such act is 'Libel'.
  3. What if I'm a Metroidvania fan instead? Always on the lookout for fresh old-school platform-adventure games, with lots of exploration, secrets, and huge boss fights. This one seems very promising, with a vast map, and a lot to uncover. But it looks more like 'Metalgear meets Bionic Commando', than Metroid to me. Whereas, it may have much more exploration and replay value than these two titles combined. The plot doesn't seem very compelling, but that shouldn't be an issue. Now, I need to get my hands on some x360...
  4. Happy Level Up man! guitar skill +4 drum prog +3 synth knowledge +1 mixing +2 found 304 zenny learned the 'Coffeecake spell' Lv1
  5. Guitar Rig isn't too bad when it comes to fuzz & distortion, even for bass. The basic overdrive effect tend to try to render an electric guitar effect, so it may not be as convincing for say, an electronic bass or a synth either. Try this: -Mixdown your guitar/bass part, import it in your wave editor, and use distortion plugin on the part. -Then pass it through a noisegate to add grain while avoiding sound saturation. -Finally add a phaser filter on top, and normalize the average rms to -16dB. I get a really nice fuzz sound, free of clipping by doing that. Hope that helps.
  6. Well, as long as there's enough source and that the mix is clean & creative, the lenght probably won't matter that much. But I'm afraid it might still be too generic sounding for OCR standards though. Then again, I'm no judge. Neblix is right, you should go for Cosmo Canyon, but don't forget the game title pal.
  7. Well, song critique can never be 100% objective. There's always a part that is subject to personal preferences. But it's cool man, I got your point. Maybe I hadn't been expressing myself clearly enough. Let me rephrase that. -The pad sound is fine. Just add some harmonies to avoid the monotony. -In that case, the reverse crash was a purely subjective thing, as Neblix suggested. -I was talking about all snares in general. I didn't said loud, I said dry. -Yeah, the gurgling sound in particular is a bit too present. But if you're ok with it, keep it that way. I'll leave it to others to confirm or deny the need for afformentioned tweaks. Maybe precising that the song is 'Cosmo Canyon' into your topic title would help bringing more people in here to give feedback. ...oops! That would be another one of my subjective suggestions, wouldn't it? xD
  8. B. computer. I use my comp to play old games mostly, but it's always refreshing to try and run Crysis on low at a whooping 10fps. As for A... well, I haven't owned a home console since the PS2.
  9. Ok , now it sounds more varied, and the mix appears to be cleaner overall. Here's the crit: -Intro pad sound is better. Intro atmosphere isn't. --> Add some other strings to give more texture. -Your drums aren't introduced at all. --> You absolutely NEED a reversh crash of sorts. I'm dead serious. -Snare is still a bit loud. --> Try to lower it to 85-90% of its current volume. -Snare is a bit too dry. When it hits, it hits hard. --> Add some wet and space in your reverb to soften the blow. -Your electronic sfx are somewhat too proheminent atm. --> Put them in the background a little more. -Flute is still piercing. --> Lower the velocity on the most highly pitched notes. These are all minor fixes that you can adress fairly easily. You're almost there, just a little more effort.
  10. I haven't been very active on this recently, and it makes me kind of sad. Got lots of stuff going on, and so little time for the poor Headdy. But things need to move forward, so I took drastic measures: -The tracklist has been narrowed to a grand total of 15 tracks. -Priority was given to the songs that people requested in this very thread. And here's what's going to happen: -I'll take suggestions on genre, but I won't add tracks to the present list. -If someone wants to join and claim track, you're welcome to do so. -Likely, there will be no track release on this thread from now on. -Instead, the finished album will be released directly upon completion, and made available for free of course. I'll be making a post with project's tracklist and details later today. Stay tuned.
  11. It's a nice arrangement of Cosmo Canyon. I really like the fast paced electro vibe you gave it, and the cool variations you added to the original melody. Good work on the atmospheric pad & background sfx too. Current issues: -Intro pad is a bit simple --> try adding modulation flange or phase to it. -While the ustensils are nicely layered, the drums are a bit repetitive --> try to vary rythmic patterns & drum sound some more. -Snare hit is a bit heavy --> lower volume or gain a bit. -Flute is way too piercing --> tweak the EQ, try to remove 1 range of highs. -the mix isn't as cohesive at it should be right now --> polish the mixing/mastering aspect. Keep it up. I'd really like to hear the finished mix.
  12. Here's to one of OCR's finest: Have a great b.day Mr bLiNd! ...and don't forget to bring some of your awesomeness to the L.A. project too.
  13. Hey, that's a pretty neat idea! I'll give it a try and tell you how it worked. Nice analysis, a bit shorter than usual. I see you're targeting a more casual audience now.
  14. Try BONK. It's what I'm using all the time when encoding for WIPs & compos. It's very manageable, pretty easy to configure, and the bitrate can be up to numbers decency forbid me to communicate.
  15. Ah, looks like Stampede beat me to it. Yeah, BBoy world is THE place to get more accurate info, & recent videos. I've never hit bboy org personally so I can't elaborate on it. Just try avoiding places crowded with e-boys if possible, you'll loose your time. It's often attention-seekers, posting video of the move they've been trying to do for 5 years, because they never really train. As for liquid... wait what's with that liquid thing? At least call it properly. For training, luckily boogaloo and such don't need a lot of space. So you can find some video on the net, chat with a few people and get started at home. I've been trying to find you some good vids on that, but couldn't find something decent yet. I'll post here if I find anything of interest. Meanwhile, you should search for basics on how to do Waves, Pops and Glides to begin. Finding a training spot near where you live, and get to know the people there will help a lot. As you can get advice and improve on the fly, which is invaluable to your progress. Well it's all about experiencing new moves, meeting new people, and having fun. And I'll second Stampede suggestion: try to go to one big event, like BBoy city or Freestyle Session, to experience the real thing. You won't be disapointed.
  16. Well, you could also choose to finish your Metroid Prime remix first. People already gave you all you needed to get it done, just give it some more effort. You'll be glad when it's finished, and you'll be free to focus entirely on Galaxy man. ...maybe you'll even take a completely different approach from the first try, who knows.
  17. Now this is what I've been waiting for! Few questions: -Do you have a deadline for the first WIP already? -And what musical style are you looking for this project? -Is there any other specific restrictions/conditions? I'd like to claim Area 8 if possible.
  18. When I saw the title I thought this thread was about this: You know, changing thoughts impulse into games command, or using biosignals to shoot fireballs by making an angry face.
  19. Looks like I missed the party. Sorry Dyne. I needed some sleep since I'd put up an all-nighter for the compo on thursday. Make no mistake: this is a show for the elite only. I can't believe I've missed techno-vicking synchronising to Bad Dudes. What a glorious moment it should have been.
  20. I'm not sure what you can learn to do properly in one month... But sure. Give me sometime to dig up some bookmarks. What style are you interested in the most?
  21. May I ask why you decided to turn your music-making experience into hell in the first place? It's not like LMMS & Ardour are gonna replace FL or Logic anytime soon... Ok, they're neither free nor running on Ubuntu. But for the sake of argument, why not use some free Win alternatives, such as Reaper? And let's avoid making this project thread into another help thread. PM are there for a reason.
  22. Dude, I'm 6.23 feet tall. Long legs are far from a hindrance in bboying. Quite the opposite actually, as your moves take more space, thus look more impressive. The only drawback is that you can't make windmills in your living-room.
  23. It was just a figure of speech. It means: lacking some more texture. Not sure you should get everything up to the snare level. It would probably end up clipping in the end. But definitely lower the volume on it, then work on the dynamics of the mix. I really can't give you any better advice now, as you already got the structure down. So imo, the only things left to do are a bit of tweaking & a bit of mixing. Then try mastering the beast in order to become the Hope of the Galaxy. Failure is not an option here.We're counting on you!
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