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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. I'm going to go on record first and say the Underground theme drove me nuts in the original Mario back when I was about five, and was glad that it got a little more to it in SMB3. Now, with that out of the way, this ReMix has got to be one of my favorite underground ReMixes ever. The hard guitar over the chippy beat underneath was super cool, and the feeling that emerges is something simply badass. Nice use of SFX. The solo and switch-up with the drumbeat was SO DAMN GOOD! I really don't think I could say much more without going overboard, so I'll just leave it by saying what I said before: Best underground ReMix I've heard thus far.
  2. I have to say, I truly love those low claps and the dirty sound to this. The guitar soloing was a neat touch, and this has a groove to it that does remind me of some of Royksopp and J.U.S.T.I.C.E's stuff, more the former than the latter. Not too crazy about the ending, but it's not enough to turn me away from this ReMix. The little "aaah!"'s made me grin as well. Very cool.
  3. Well, this is intriguing to say the least. Sounds electronic and tense at first and just opens up into a nice little jazzy number with more upbeat energy. The interest that comes out of this arrangement alone gets one thumb up from me automatically. You get the other thumb up because the ReMix itself is entertaining and very well done.
  4. I have to say it, the arrangement is the golden piece to this ReMix. The slow acoustic guitar intro that builds up into something a bit more upbeat is fantastic. And it's an interesting idea, using Metal Man for an acoustic ReMix is a nice little coincidence. Playing sounds clean and crisp, and all in all, not much I can find to nitpick here. Sweet ReMix.
  5. Lots of energy and the guitar comes in with some force, but not a whole hell of a lot of it. To me, it does have a great sound to it, and it's definitely nice to listen to, but besides the soloing, I think there could have been just a little more here. Still, for a debut, it's not that bad at all, so nice job.
  6. Nice intro. Love the horse riding feeling of the beginning that branches out into solid rock. Keeps the classic feel together while upping the intensity, which is awesome. I really like the change up after the second minute that almost sounds like something that would be played on a train level (never played the game, so I don't even know if there is one). When I first heard this, I didn't have the write-up in front of me, so the Mexican Hat Dance caught me off-guard and got me laughing like an idiot. Lots of great humor and terrific playing in this one. Downloading this one for sure.
  7. The orchestration of this ReMix sounds so good, I'm loving this! Very clean sound and the entire thing has a great flow. And only 6 hours to make this? That's impressive as hell to a guy like me. Enjoyed this a lot.
  8. Looks like it's going to be an awesome battle. Can't wait to hear what gets done with a lot of these guys, especially some of the lesser remixed Mavericks like Wire Sponge, Rainy Turtle and Toxic Seahorse.
  9. The ambient intro works really nicely in building up the more electrifying parts of this ReMix. I'm a sucker for ReMixes that are able to incorporate a lot of tracks into one solid piece with smooth transitions and arrangements, and this sounds expertly applied here. And god, I love that area around 3:00 up to the end. As many great ReMixes as Mattias has, this has got to be one of my favorites. Sweet.
  10. Sounds very metalistic, almost like you could hear something like this going through a cold, dark factory. But that's just my imagination running, probably. The fact that you could bring this much emotion and evolution out of source like this one is a pretty big accomplishment to my ears. Perfect length for what was going on, too. To pile on one more thing I liked, that ending was pretty cool as well.
  11. Absolutely love the bass and beat to this one! This is the kind of ReMix that just gets you to move, and the arrangement really shined in this. The title was pretty clever and I don't really hear anything wrong with this one. Lo-fi rock that brings back a lot of good memories, since the beginning of Zelda LttP was one of the things I liked about it, music-wise. Very nice.
  12. Awesome! This has the CastleVania feel written all over it and that arrangement is to die for. Such rocking gothy goodness in a little less than five minute package makes this an enjoyable ReMix for sure. Some of the production bits were the only drawback, but hell, for a debut this was a damn good one.
  13. Light and funky, with some jazz vibe infused in it. I actually like the guitar, but it was a bit brief in it's showing. Honestly, it's a good track to hearing every now and then on random shuffle mode. Liked the video as well. Nice ReMix, but not my favorite track from the OneUps.
  14. Strong orchestral intro into a kickin' electro-rock ReMix? Yes please! Electro-rock has to be one of my favorite sources and this arrangement is simply amazing. Love the addition of the piano at points, and the piano outro was a nice touch. Great ReMix.
  15. Listening to ReMixes like this one makes me just want to jump in a space ship and start shooting at anything that moves. For the safety of my community, it's probably a good thing I don't have a space ship then. So since that won't happen, I guess I'll just get by through putting this on my play list. bLiNd does another hit electronica mix, what more is there to say?
  16. Pretty good trance track. The energy had just enough "umf" to it to keep the beat going and there was enough instrumentation to keep me interested. I really enjoyed the break down in the middle before building it back up to finish strong. Fantastic ReMix with a hint of classic OCR in it.
  17. Pretty bouncy and happy, with nice glitchy vocals. Poolside has a great harmony between them, which, considering the use of autotune and other technological voice stuffs, that's a damn good feat. I am grateful for the lyrics tab at times though. But yeah, this song really picks up halfway through. Catchy and really fun to listen to, and about the only thing I could nitpick about is that I wasn't fond of the quick ending. Poolside is made of win.
  18. That electronic opening was pretty damn cool. Lots of action and energy out of this one with it's electronic drum and bass beat, with a sweet breakdown in the middle. Wonderful use of sax as well. It feels like it's short even though it really isn't, but I guess that's just how good it is. Love that synthy guitar.
  19. So soothing and peaceful. I really love Ecco's soundtrack, so hearing another quality ReMix from it makes my night. Halc's delicious chip-tunes show up to add some charm to the light, watery, floaty instruments of this piece. Glorious and nice work on the title as well.
  20. Truly cinematic and dynamic in it's sound. Beckett's style is one of the most epic styles you can ReMix in, and this shows how damn good things can get when you take a great source and fill it with grand orchestration and lots of DUN DUN! You really hammered in the drama on this ReMix. Awesome.
  21. This does remind me quite a lot of Castlevania. Great concept for Wario's Castle. And of course Willrock's guitar play is sweet. This ReMix is nice and dark, with plenty of organs and guitar, just the way I like it. Love the ending as well. Definitely going to snag this one for my playlist.
  22. I have to say it, I love this ReMix for how different it is. The grand little intro switching to the more zany western sound was interesting. The whole ReMix has a bouncy weirdness to it, and it's unique. The vocals and whistling wouldn't have worked in my opinion if this ReMix wasn't so wacky to begin with, but because it is, it worked perfectly. This ReMix is charmingly goofy.
  23. Smooth and sexy, this is just what I've come to expect from Morse's work and he doesn't fail to deliver here. The piano and percussion are marvelous and the light feel to the whole ReMix is awesome. So cool, so chill, so good. Morse rocks it as always.
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