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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. If you think you like RoF now, listen to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxdK-_-rwug Take two of these: grab your ankles for this one: then try them again. As for bringing it to OCR. Working on it.
  2. If this is for a pretty humorous (or humourourous i think is how the uk'ians spell it) track then it would be great. Kind of sounds like a drunk Irishman trying to order another drink by meowing at the bartender. Did you want me to sample my cat for you Gecko? He died 9 years ago tuesday but I can still probably get it done.
  3. WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!! That time of year already?! Guess I won't be eating this month. brb.
  4. At first I was really excited when they announced this. Then I read the details and now I'm pretty sure gaming is dead. Or at least the creativity part of it.
  5. I believe it. I did just turn down the graphics setting on Sonic Cd to Nostalgic. My eyes hurt now.
  6. Beware. My Friend. You will leave that movie just a bit less hetero than you were before you went in.
  7. I really got tired of the non-stop torrent of superhero movies but this movie was really really really good! Thor started to win me back over when it came out last year. It was good but I didn't think they did nearly enough with it. My biggest fears were that the movie was not going to be big enough or The Hulk was going to ruin it. I'm already thinking of seeing it again next weekend! Though I really can't figure out exactly what was so great about the post-credit scene. They left it open for a sequel? That's been going on for decades.
  8. Didn't like FF2 at all. I think I spent two years at least playing it before finally getting the motivation to finish it.
  9. You DO NOT want to do this!!! If you use a piece of music you like as an alarm you are eventually going to hate the music through reassociating it with what you are using it for. For example, something I will never forgive myself for, I used one of my favorite Uematsu pieces, Find Your Way, as my ring tone for when work called me. My logic at the time was that it would put me in a better mood to deal with whatever BS i was being called about. Now, i shudder whenever I hear the song. Nothing quite fills me with dread about the immediate future like Find Your Way (which i guess isn't entirely against the mood of the music). My advice is to put a piece of music on your alarm you really really really hate. It will get you up faster, you'll be more awake, and so help anyone who looks at you cockeyed that morning! And you wont mind hating that song because... you already hate it! This one scared the crap out me for years when i was a kid. I don't think I was capable of playing my beloved Sonic games without hitting the mute button when underwater until damn near highschool.
  10. I'm pretty sure that's the free erhu from Kong Audio right? Try messing around with the different articulations a bit more for the erhu. If you chose to go with such an exotic choice for your lead I think it should sound more erhu-like in phrasing. Listen to how he glisses down instead of holding a note with vibrato. Unless, i'm way off and that's not what you were trying to do. Either way though, it's a bit too mechanical to maintain the listener's interest. Good luck!
  11. That lead is really overbearing and distracting to the rest of the mix. Is it also panned to the right? I'd be curious to hear it without it as you might have something that sounds better beneath it all, but with the way it is it's really hard to tell. I'd work a little more on humanizing the intro and finding a way to make the groove introduction a bit smoother when bringing it into the mix. A drum fill before each phrase couldn't hurt either
  12. Not too crazy about the name. Or I love the name in an anti minecraft kind of way. I'll try getting something to you I just need to know the total amount of Duke Nukem references you're planning to have and what the name of the largest and smallet gun is called.
  13. I think i have something like that in the back of my FFX Guide I bought for no apparent reason years ago. However, if you start a thread like this you have to do your homework and illustrate your point. Pointing out that Toccatta from BSS sounds kind of like FFVII is pretty far off. I don't think Ginastera's work is anywhere in FFVII at all.
  14. I liked it best when music was around 50% of the whole gaming experience. People had their favorite level and with it their favorite music for the stage. I'm far from against more ambient use of music in games but it seems the entire gaming industry is mirroring the movie industry now and music is taking more of a back seat. Take Mass Effect. I love a lot of the music on my OST's of those games BUT the first time I clicked on Jack's Theme, I was thinking "Where the heck did this play in the game?" (Not to take away from the greatness of the great BGC) Same thing with Jeremy Seoule's work on the first Natural Selection. No idea what that sounded like now that i'm trying to remember something from it. Yet somehow the title screen to Road Rash has never been wiped from my mind in the way i wish it could have been by now. And I've been in a car wreck, kicked/punched in the head, bottles of liquor (i like sake/vodka/malibu combos) listened to people at work talk about The Jersey Shore. Somehow it's still there.
  15. ELP!!!! I always thought the boss music of FFVII had a little ELP in it but really, your post is... unsubstantiated... to say the least. BTW, Toccatta was NOT written by ELP but WAS supported by Ginastera after hearing ELP's arrangement of it. The more you know!
  16. Please don't ever, ever repeat that again. ;-)I think it's better to ignore the whole thing like it never happened. (Oddly, it does explain why the SOR3 soundtrack was freaking terrible and different from the first two games). Has any progress been made with finding the original Kirby 64 remix? I've checked some of my very limited sources but haven't found anything yet.
  17. Wow, it's been awhile since I came by this wip but I really like where you've taken it. the vocal clips take me straight back to the 90's in a way I never thought I was going to like. The only thing I can really say is that the bass line sounds a bit too repetitive. In a way, it acts as kind of a bridge between the bass line of the source and the remix. Good luck on the submission.
  18. Sega Vs Nintendo! My own personal Valhalla. Rather, Sega did what Nintendidn't. Became a third party and tried their hardest to alienate their biggest supporters. (VF5 R is only just coming to consoles after all this time?!) Guess what SEGA!? You're not losing me yet!!
  19. I've been wanting to do a remix of about every work on this OST. As soon as I finish up a few that i'm working on now i'll get right to it. I've always really dug Moonlight Wandering. Perfect night time driving music.
  20. Think about it though. How would you feel if you recently found out that a VGM composer like, I don't know, say Yuzo Koshiro, plagiarized a rather large chunk of the Streets of Rage soundtrack he did by taking music that was popular in America and Europe heavily quoting it then copyrighting the music as his own? I wouldn't know what to think if that were true. I'd probably deny the whole thing and avoid the issue completely.
  21. Also picking Phantom Train I think before the deadline, all of us that have a phantom train mix should cram our mixes into a single project and submit that one. Put an oscillator on it and call it the Dubstep Remix of the Year!
  22. I think that reply is too complex for someone like that. I should really click on more Nintendon't remixes since i'm loving this stolen one quite a bit. I'll be very interested in this thread once the remix is found so I can get a non-youtubed version. With all the abundant free art these days, I don't get how someone can be listening to this and be thinking "I really like this song! So much so that i think i'll say to everyone that I did it!" oh, they have no talent, that's right.
  23. Thanks alot BS, now i gotta pick something different to have any chance at all.
  24. This could be the first competition that I feel like I might finally have enough cajones to participate in. Just to clarify we don't need to claim anything before hand do we?
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