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Mak Eightman

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Everything posted by Mak Eightman

  1. This thought bothering me last few months, after i heard this: I simply have no idea how to build this sound. Is it effects or synth, both? Where to start? Which DAW better for this. Tools? I want to understand it! Thanks in advice!! SFME
  2. Probably i'm going to miss this deadline.. My wip is not ready. It's only 2:37 length and contains A,B and D parts.. I'll try.. THX!
  3. Misunderstanding? Sorry man! Thats better!! yeah.. i'm bad in humor.
  4. Thanks man! Sorry for bother

  5. btw about bass.. I have something to show you soon..

  6. My previous guitar had EXACTLY THE SAME box!! also inside i found cover, belt, strings, plecs and small 4 Om AMP!! it sounds great at clean tone. This box cost me 210$
  7. simple decision ~200$ and you can do whateva you want.
  8. spiderman, spiderman, ooooOOoh! I lol'd so hard!
  9. I'd suggest you to take your drums and rhythm guitars at the same loudness lvl. Note, probably drums still will be louder for your ears. But also guitars could sound louder for your ears. Correct freqs cut will balance it a bit. Now your drums working at highs and lows. Rhythms at mids/mid-highs. Try to mute the bass "guitar" and listen how drums and guitars mixing with each other. I, for example, always trying to make same "high-end" for drums and guitars. Let's say, rhythm guitars has low-pass filter at ~10kHz , amp tone has work space in mid-highs(~1-8kHz). If I use electronic drums in this case, I'm trying to cut aggressive freqs from drums(mostly ~4-12kHz). Then I have more place for guitars, plus drums sounds a bit quiet. But overall, I'd suggest to use acoustic drums + electro kick. Same effect - less brainkilling. also bass sounds too upfront..
  10. Hmm.. I have an offer. OCR is a music community. We have a stupid confrontation. Lets handle it in "music duel". 2 rounds. Round one: Each of us making a remix for same source. Round two: We collaborating for another source. Then ppl listen both rounds and vote. Melbu Frahma will be a referee. He'll chose the source for both rounds from FFT list. What do you think? Could be a start for FFT album and it'll stop stupid confrontation. That sounds.. bad.
  11. I didn't said I'm open-minded. Still, I can't say I'm closed. Album FOR ME is one single piece. Anything else is just digest. Each single remix has its own personality. Listening the one single track is not the same as listening album. Album consist a theme, direction, which leads you using SOUND as a guide. As I said before, It's my opinion about ALBUMs. NOT single tracks. If my words hurt someone, well thats to bad. I'm not gonna search an excuse for my opinion. I just offered my thoughts. Anyway, long ago this discussion moved to the individual. It's not the off-topic forum. p.s. I've noticed your hyperactivity anywhere I post.. Are you alright man? edit: forgot to say. SFME
  12. Nah whateva fits better xD

  13. Why everyone use this as an excuse for "whatever" words? I'm posting when I'm drunk. So? Damn, ppl! Be honest and say: "I dunno why I said so". Opened mind, closed mind.. Haters gonna hate. As for the FFT.. Masaharu "REZON" Iwata? Was he one of the composers? Anyway, as I can see, its a common thing for OCR to make something FF. But how about make a "real" album? Where every other track fit to another, not killing your soul and brain jumping from metal to chiptune then to orchestra, then dubstep etc. How about make three disks like: 1- Heavy/beautiful 2- Electronic/aggressive 3- orchestra/mellow place words whatever you feel like. I'd join such project, at least for two disks, maybe tree.
  14. ^This is the answer to Gar. Any OCR album(except few) has the same problem... Direction mess. This makes most of OCR albums not interesting TO ME as a listener. Actually ilp0's megaman is the only album I like at this moment.
  15. Just wanted to say THANKS, again)

  16. Welcome back!! Glad to see you again! Overall I like it and it sounds passable to me. I have only 5 complains about this mix. 1 - I can't download it for some reason 2 - Bells at the beginning sounds too "heavy" to my ears. I feel pain in my head. 3 - Transition somewhere at the end(fade-in dub) sounds kinda off to me. Could use some more instruments fading-out. 4 - Strong panning in some sections reminded me about pain i had from bells at beginning 5 - First version(Portal Storm) was amazing, just some production polishing, samples and guitar tones change could made it one of the best OC Remixes ever. Once again, glad you still here! p.s. #5 comes also from all of my friends
  17. Guess who.. Quick tip: to make your mix louder, don't cut mids from all of your instruments. Some instruments "kinda" have no mids already(flute for example). Cutting low-mids/mids or even use hi-pass for such instrument can cause em thin and quiet. Cutting low-mids you cutting loudness in most cases(some instruments). And don't boost highs too much(same result but from the other side). Tip 2: Rock Drums covering full freqs range in most cases. Low/mid-highs for kick low-mids/mids/mid-highs for snare toms works in low/low-mids and highs cymbals in highs/mid-highs(depends of what you want). Also in rock-like things, entire mixture based on drums. Rhythm guitar tone depends of drums, lead instruments depends of rhythms, accompaniment instruments depends of leads.. Weird? Maybe, but it works for me) What does it mean? Just be careful cutting drums in mids or boost em in highs. Highs will cutoff rest of freqs if you boost em to much. Tip 3: Rhythm guitar.. .. .. .. My rhythms suck, so i just say, low-mids/mids in this exact case could work.(don't cut mids too much, don't boost mid-highs too much) Overall it sounds like you cut ALL the mid range at master channel. Sounds pleasant for ears and relaxing as a result. Not sure that was intended:-) Still, i'm not authority. Don't listen to me much:mrgreen: Nice tune dude!
  18. Thanks everybody! This track one of my favorite, still it has lot of issues. First of all, incorrect balancing. Drums sounds badly in front of the mix. Rhythms borrowed. Lead and background(swell) guitars obviously out of tune(strings timing issue), as a result dissonance. Can't say anything about instruments choice. I don't care about genre and what instruments "should" be there. If I like something, I use it. Overall I'm kinda surprised. So many issues.. Still, posted. but listening other later remixes, i understand why Once again THANKS EVERYONE, who said such kind words here, who helped me, who posted this and who listened! I'll try to improve myself a bit more. SFME
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