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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. I'd be tempted to get this, since I'm sick and tired of trying to make the Eidos port to work on W7. But my PSX and original copy of the game work just fine, so probably not going to happen, unless it comes out that they've expanded the story, added new content, something like that. It does amaze me all the hate that SE is getting over it though (well, I guess it doesn't amaze me). Honestly don't get it - if you don't want to play it, don't buy it.
  2. For me, the god-awful voice acting was more hilarious than anything. To this day, one of the funniest things to me in any video game is the voice acting in the fight between Haschel and his daughter. Cracks me up every time. The ending really did tug at the heartstrings, though, especially when Rose is getting all philosophical and speaking to Dart.
  3. I'm not familiar enough with the aspects of copyright law that would pertain to it to answer this question myself, so I'll ask it here, just for curiosity's sake: Would there be an issue regarding OCR "profiting" from Remixes if he did that? You and I and everyone on the site would know that OCR hadn't tried to, but a case could be made that those funds being donated to OCR would constitute a profit off Remixes using copyrighted material via a middleman. I mean, I'm sure someone somewhere could try to make a case off of that - even if OCR had no foreknowledge - and I seriously doubt he WILL donate it, but what I guess I'm really asking is whether a plaintiff against OCR in such a case would have a leg to stand on.
  4. I was going to say something similar, although I was thinking post count might be a better way to do it - anyone with less than 5 posts, maybe? But the three-month rule would probably work, too. Surely if you do something like that, it would eliminate the "ballot stuffing" you're worried about.
  5. Once I get a decently-paying job, I'm planning on giving you guys (and OCR as well, because I've been meaning to for years) a donation of some kind. Hopefully it'll be before the next bill is due.
  6. ^ Plus, we might gain a few new community members out of this - some of the people who listened to the RadioSEGA stuff and came here to vote might like what they see in the community enough to stay and become part of it. And new community members is always a good thing.
  7. Good stuff as always - have recommended it to many of my friends.
  8. You have my like. Technically, she does, but it doesn't fit the LotR meme as well if I type it that way.
  9. These, although I think my tears @ Aerith were more tears of rage than anything - I remember my mother coming down and asking me at whom I was yelling "You're freaking gonna die you piece of poop!" or something along those lines. Don't remember - was like 10.
  10. Oh, no, definitely get it for the sake of 1 and 2, and honestly for its own sake as well. Even if the last 0.05% of the game was a bit on the disappointing side, I don't regret the 40 hours I put into it, because the 99.95% before it was still an excellent and satisfying story.
  11. You should take some pictures and share. If they allow photos, anyway - can't remember if they do.
  12. I thought that the still images were a weird choice for them to take; I guess they were probably easier to animate than scenes with movement, but it felt a bit like it came from out of nowhere. Also, am I the only one who thinks that either blue or green is going to be the canonical ending now? I know a lot of people thought red would be, based on the original endings. Overall, I enjoyed what was added, including the new rejection ending. I just know it's going to disappoint a lot of the more vocal people who hated the original endings.
  13. Anyone else see any of the new, extended endings yet?
  14. Easily in my top five from the album; it caught me completely off guard, but in a very good way. I think what I like the best about it is the variation in instruments and sounds - I would've never pegged that synth lead as working well in the same song as the piano and guitar, but it truly did, in an interesting and thought-catching manner. That, and I definitely felt like I could see the clear progression of the track.
  15. For me, almost anything by Uematsu, Mitsuda, or the soundtrack from Final Fantasy Tactics will do it. Legend of Dragoon, sometimes, is also not a bad choice. It also depends on if I'm just feeling low and want comfort, or if I'm wanting something to snap myself out of the funk I'm in; Tactics and FF7, for example, are more of a "I want to be comforted and also inspired to snap out of this" kind of comfort for me, whereas if I'm just generally down and want to forget my troubles for a while, FF6, Chrono Trigger, LoD or FF9'll do it for me.
  16. Oh, I wasn't saying that there weren't ways to deal with it. Just suggesting that he decide now which method to approach it with.
  17. Sounds like a great idea to me. My only question is what would you do if you got more people from one end of the spectrum than another? (I.E. You get 20 newbies who want to participate, but only 5 stars) Would you consider having stars mentor multiples each week, etc? Aside from that one thing, though, it sounds like you've got it extremely well thought out. You should definitely run it.
  18. I wouldn't say they suck - especially not the fourth. I actually would put the fourth above the first in my personal preferences; for me, it wasn't slow at all, and had a lot of interesting things going on. I will grant you that the fifth one isn't quite as good as the others, at least imho, though. It's hard to put my finger on what's off about it, though; it certainly has all the elements of what made the other four good. If I had to really point to what makes it slow, it's that the first two or so hundred pages feel like a recap from alternate perspectives of the previous book (which Martin readily warned readers would be the case - the beginning of ADoD is occurring simultaneously as AFfC). I think, too, the other thing that made me enjoy it less was that several of the characters show up, tease you with their storylines, and then vanish - two of the more interesting POV characters, one of whom is new, only get two or three chapters apiece. One of them gets his last chapter a third of the way through, and then just vanishes the rest of the book. The fourth one's definitely worth reading, though, if you ask me. And there's far worse books than the fifth out there; you'll just have to grin and bear it and push through four or five of the chapters.
  19. I am excite, if that means what I think.
  20. That, and Treno.
  21. Seriously, I like to hear that.
  22. ^ Tried to get at that with my last post. This. If anything, if you ask me you're looking at it the wrong way - treat what the top-ranked mix got as the ceiling for the spread (instead of a "perfect" 5), and all of a sudden that 3.4 looks a hell of a lot better.
  23. Well, I didn't get my voting done on time - think I was short by the last ten tracks - so my votes didn't really affect the outcome, but I basically translated my votes onto something of an A-F American-style grading scale, where 1 = F = Failed to meet any of the voting criteria 2 = D = Managed to meet some of the criteria 3 = C = Met all of the criteria well enough to count 4 = B = Exceeded what was asked for on some of the criteria 5 = A = Exceeded what was asked for on all of the criteria So when I did my voting, almost everything I voted on was either a 2, 3, or - if I felt it was really good - a 4. Even some tracks I really enjoyed - as in, wouldn't mind putting on some of my playlists - only got 3s or 4s, because I was trying to be as objective as I could be; they didn't transform the source far enough, or transformed it too far from the original, or something else was too off for it to be worth a 5. I think I ended up only giving two 5's and a single 1. Meaning that, to me, a 3.7ish (think that's what you said the top score was, a while back) top score actually isn't really all that bad; it indicates that more than half of the people thought the track was exceeding what was asked of it. Then again, you have no way of knowing exactly what everyone's scale was. Yeah, it's slightly subjective, but that's the nature of public/democratic votes; no matter how well you try to regulate objectivity, there's still going to be a subjective element in the process. And as long as that was applied equally across the board by each individual - i.e. so long as Hardass A was equally hard on all tracks, and Easygoer B was equally generous with points on all tracks - it doesn't really matter, because it balances out. That's just my thoughts, though.
  24. Gotta confess right here and say I'm not a huge fan of metal, so when I heard this album was going to be devoted to that genre, I have to say I was highly disappointed - I thought I wouldn't be able to enjoy it with everyone else. Having listened to it repeatedly since it came out, though, gotta say my fears were entirely misplaced. Overall, an excellent album, with some high-quality stand-out tracks, and no one track I could point to as a weak point. Great work and a major face to everyone who made some tunes for this thing.
  25. Yeeeeesssss. That makes me so happy. Anyway, back to the mix. This was definitely one of my faves from the album, which - in spite of my noted dislike of metal - I found myself thoroughly enjoying as a whole album. Didn't mind the repetitive nature of the second half, because - as Brandon assured us we could - I was so busy headbangin' that I didn't notice.
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