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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. Needs more rock. Seriously, though, so happy for you guys it's about to be out at last.
  2. Agreed. All other things aside, the justification that "we're in America, man. ...We can say what we want," is completely fallacious. Yes, the First Amendment protects 99.99999% of speech. But there's some stuff that isn't protected - for example, "bomb" on an airplane or "fire" in a theater, or purposefully incendiary language such as racist or sexist comments designed to inflame certain responses. Someone didn't pay attention in his Civics classes.
  3. Disgusting.
  4. I absolutely love this idea; makes me wish I had skills I could contribute to it. If you get a solid enough group together, are you going to consider live performances? Anyway, best of luck to the band!
  5. Did this once with Pokemon Red, with the added rule that if the first Pokemon I encountered in an area was the same as the first in a previous area, I was allowed to catch the first Pokemon I encountered in that area that WASN'T the first from a previous area. It actually forced me to use some Pokemon that I normally wouldn't have - the Abra, Rattatta, Oddish, and Doduo lines, to be specific - which made the game a lot more interesting. Did flawlessly until the Elite Four battle against Gary, where my Raticate, Vileplume, and Kadabra fell at last. Actually, thinking about it, I also did have one other difference; I made Box 6 my "cemetery" box, and so when those three Pokemon fell, I put them in there instead of releasing them.
  6. Same; I'm more than a little annoyed about it. It'd be one thing if this was content that wasn't going to be available on release day - if it was content they needed a few extra months to finalize it, or was something they needed to wait and see how the rest of the game worked before they could best decide how to integrate - but it isn't, it's something that can and will be available on release. Which is a little strange when you look at how they handled DLC on the past Mass Effects (in particular, look at how Zaeed was handled). That was far more reasonable.
  7. I actually meant to make one this morning (er, yesterday morning at this point) and forgot. This. I played for two hours earlier on my friend's XBox, and while it was difficult as all hell, it was easily one of the most rewarding multiplayers I've played. I've always enjoyed co-op more than deathmatch or the normal CoD/Halo-style team games - although there's certainly nothing wrong with those - so it made me extremely happy. My only gripe is that I'd like to see more than just wave survival co-op - it'd be nice to see some other co-op options intro'd into the product, ala the co-op missions in CoD:MW2, but it's a very, very, very minor gripe.
  8. Well, there's always http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02156/. EDIT: D'oh! Sniped by suzumbachi. That's what I get for taking forever to find the link, lol.
  9. Same - in particular, Green Amnesia is an excellent study track for me. As far as other OCRs, Stockholm from the recent Unsung Heroes album is a recent favorite addition to my study list. As far as OSTs, you might take a look at the Okami one - a lot of it might be a touch too dynamic for what you're wanting, but there's definitely some stuff on there that works well for studying, at least for me. Also, for FF9, I'd almost recommend Terra, except the second half is probably a bit too much of a change in pace for your liking. But , Soulless Village Bran Bal, and Crystal World are all potential additions.EDIT: Stray thought, but I also use a lot of pot hocket's stuff for studying, too.
  10. ! What?! Grr, now I need to go get both of them - I was so annoyed with myself for failing to get the first. Must... find... card....
  11. I'm excited for you guys. Can't wait to see - and just as importantly, hear - the final product!
  12. This is a reason I can get behind.
  13. That's really awesome looking. My only question is why did he launch out of the side of a building?
  14. I played for a couple of hours, and that's the only real complaint I had as well - I miss the days when I got to control every detail of combat. Even so, the combat system wasn't all that bad and definitely accomplished what it set out to do(creating a more fluid, real-time battle system), perhaps to a better degree than the previous game. Actually, just thought of another complaint: Mog. Every time that moogle said "Kupo" or a form of that "word" I wanted to shoot myself - or more accurately, shoot it. The voice acting for it honestly bothered me more than Vanille ever did (again, only played XIII for a few hours as well, so time might have an effect). From what little I played, though, I found the actual gameplay superior. Still don't intend on buying it though.
  15. Gotta agree wholeheartedly with this.
  16. One of my favorite games from the original/Color Gameboy has to be the abovementioned game, in large part because of its music. There's always been one song that stood out to me: Star Maze. It's easily been a decade since I last played it, and I can still hum it (almost) perfectly. So, I thought I'd offer it up for remix consideration!
  17. ^ This x 1000.
  18. Regarding the bridge, I agree with If you didn't want to do that, though, I'd definitely ditch the bridge and just put original material in. As to the mix as a whole, I liked the sound choices you made - very interesting, creates a very chill atmosphere. Am I correct in assuming that you're going to add more on to the end?
  19. Mmm... loving what you've done here, Archangel, particularly the swell that occurs around the 3/4 mark. I also thought you did a good job of keeping the dark, foreboding feeling of the original, while maybe also adding a touch of contemplativeness to the mood. The only thing I noticed was that I heard one piano note that sounded a touch thin somewhere around the middle on the first play through, but I couldn't find it again when I replayed the song a few times, so it probably was just my speakers acting up. Overall, very .
  20. Finally have enough time to do this up. I'll get right on listening!
  21. ! Whoa. I totally didn't expect to win anything. Cool. Congrats to all the other winners too!
  22. Lol, I totally forgot there WAS a raffle. But yeah. Betcha Rexy wins.
  23. Mind-blowingly amazing. The flute - the best piece of this mix for me, hands-down - is just gorgeously emotive, supported by an great arrangement. This was definitely the song from the trailer I was most anxious to hear (and managed to miss at the turntable listening party, lol), and having just listened to the entire song three times, it definitely did not disappoint.
  24. Excellent. Which one, if I may ask?
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