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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. Extra Credits had an interesting view on the matter a while back. Personally, I think both yes and no. No, in that upgrades are usually good for the medium; I shiver happily to think what Terra's Theme might have sounded like had Uematsu had more options than what was currently available to him, or what Mario's Theme might've been like with "real" instruments, or even, had they had access to better synths, what the various levels of Descent might have sounded like. Then again, had those options been available, would any of that music have retained those same notes, that same melody, that same feel? Most likely not. And that would be a loss to the world. So it's kind of a trade-off.
  2. Most assuredly; I'll be waiting to see the final product, for sure. What you've got so far is great.
  3. It was also released for Windows, though, and the soundtrack's the exact same. Or are we doing PC-exclusives? I didn't see that in the first post, but I might've missed it.
  4. Hate to say it, but I doubt the average YouTuber really cares all that much about who actually owns the rights to the piece, so long as they get to listen to it for free without having to put effort into it. I've actually even seen people post comments to that effect on other videos. As to outside of YouTube... *shrug* Probably the best explanation is
  5. I think this is Community and not Off Topic, but if I'm wrong please move it. Okay, so, confession: I've been messing around on Pottermore's beta somewhat the last day or so, mainly because I had some friends who love it and wouldn't leave me alone until I did. Pottermore, if you didn't know, is J. K. Rowling's new online project for fans of the Harry Potter series, complete with new info about aspects of the lore written by Rowling herself. Not all that great - annoying UI, very small amount of content, buggy in places - but then it is a beta, and some of the new info contained in it is mildly interesting. But I'm done with it for the foreseeable future, because there's very little to do in it, aside from repetitive chore-like "games" and it's very clearly designed for children and younger teens; one look at the feedback form makes that obvious. Which brings me to the question for the community: is Pottermore a game, or something else entirely? Several of my friends claim that, since the site is built around the premise of a "Where's Waldo?" style seek-and-find, and also contains a potion-making game and a "wizard's duel" game, that Pottermore is a game. I don't agree, though; I'd have to label it as an interactive data bank with gaming elements thrown in, or, at best, a data bank with mini-games randomly attached to it. Once you progress through the seek and find/story portion (which you can even easily skip through, aside from the Wand and House personality tests), literally all you can do is make potions, participate in a "wizard's duel" which is really just a glorified typing game... and go back and read through all the articles you unlocked. I'm curious as to what the community's opinion is on the matter, if any of you have messed around with it at all; it's a question of semantics, true, but still interesting to me. If you're curious, you can "play it" for free, and can probably fast-forward to the mini-games in about fifteen-twenty minutes' time.
  6. Just had a stray thought for music idea: the game Sapiens. It was a shareware game I played that came with a cd called Galaxy of Games III, where you're a neanderthal-ish person trying to survive in a world filled with bears, wolves, and rival tribes, some who want to trade with you and some who want anyone who isn't wearing one of their funny hats to be dead; had some really good beats and tribal feels to it. I could easily imagine it getting remixed into some sort of techno-ey or ethnic remix. I'll see if I can find it. EDIT: Well, I found tons of places where you could download the game, but only . Anyone who wanted to remix it would probably be better off just downloading the game and listening to it in its originality, lol, but that'll at least give you a taste of it.
  7. Happy birthday to an awesome Remixer and project director. May all your Pokemon be shinies.
  8. Now I'm imagining dragons in space. And it's glorious. Honestly, for me, about the only break in suspension of disbelief (aside from bug-induced ones) is the ever-present problem of repeated dialogue. An NPC can only tell me the same thing in the same exact way so many times before I begin to think that they're addle-pated. This is a problem for me in almost all RPGs, though, and it's something I've come to accept.
  9. Honestly, partially suspect they did it just to get the required amount of female nudity into the episode to make HBO happy. Besides which, if anyone in the audience was on the fence as to whether Joffrey was an a-hole or just a creature of his circumstances, it's pretty obvious now: He is a pure a-hole. One of the people I watch the show with was still trying to rationalize some of his behavior ("Just look at the way his adult role models act!") but after that scene, even she agrees that he's evil beyond that.
  10. Yeah, they're straying a lot farther from the books this time around... but most of it is in keeping with the lore of the book, which I'm okay with. Like, the whole "I know you really want to sleep with my brother" thing with Renly - not in the book like that, but in keeping with the lore well enough. As long as they remain that true to the lore, I'm happy if they want to make some small changes... although I AM sad that they've been taking some of the humor out, like you mentioned. Then again, they took out some of Tyrion's best lines last season, so it's not like it's a first.
  11. Did you choose the shield replenishment option with biotic charge? That helps a TON - makes him nigh invulnerable to all but one-hit KO'ers (Phantoms, Banshees, etc.), especially if you only carry one weapon.
  12. For me, it'd have to be, hands-down, Darkstone... although that was primarily due to the fact that the copy I had (a friend's) had a giant scratch down the middle that made 1 out of the 3 random dungeons each of the 7 areas could generate unplayable. Which, given that you have to complete all 7 dungeons to advance to the final dungeon, meant I spent a LOT of time playing through 3-4 dungeons only to discover that the 5th or 6th was bugged and I'd have to restart the game. Think it took me three weeks to beat because of that.
  13. My neighbor got the Krogan van with his free pack, and he doesn't even bother packing a shotty with it. He just Charge + Melee + Charge + Melee + Charge + Melee over and over again, because with Charge's ability to restore the shields he can melee down Atlases and Primes solo. He just packs a Locust III so that he can get in on helping against 1-hit KO enemies, and to mop up any weak enemies.
  14. Absolutely one of my favorites from the album; I listened to it on loop for more than a half hour when it first came out. Beautiful use of varied sounds - including an ethereal female voice - to create a moving piece of music. Mad kudos.
  15. Dearly Beloved's a tune that drives me nuts... mostly because every time I hear it, I swear it makes me think I've heard something extremely similar somewhere before, and I can never quite pin it down. Lol. But I can definitely second a "mix this please."
  16. Lol, I loved the battle intro's use as the intro to the second section. Genius.
  17. This is a great debut mix, especially for orchestral; I can definitely hear the story that the Remixer wanted to tell with it. Honestly, the second hawk cry didn't bother me - I didn't even consciously hear it in there until my third listen. I'm looking forward to more mixes from you!
  18. Been wondering the same thing. I just kind of figured it got switched to a different month and I missed it somehow.
  19. It's so good. I actually got my fiancee hooked on it, and she hates games. Worth every penny.
  20. You can always ask. In all seriousness, he's hosted several projects, so... probably? Exciting! Can't wait to hear what y'all churn out.
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