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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. FF VII... first console game I ever played, and still one of my favorites. Not to mention all that great music.
  2. Voted, and mentioned it to some of my Facebook musical friends.
  3. Gargan Roo, or Fossil Roo? Gargan Roo (the one under Treno) isn't bad at all - it's actually one of my favorite grinding places in the early game. But Fossil Roo (under Qu's Marsh, connects the continents) I can agree with you on. The music never particularly bothered me, but it takes soooo long because of all the bloody gargant riding and the high random encounter rate, and it's not really that interesting of an area. And the mining minigame in Fossil Roo, whihc I think was supposed to be bigger than it was, was pretty forgettable and pointless - the big payoff from it is an item you can just synth by late disc three.
  4. Oh, for f- Agreed. At this point, I'd rather boot up my PS1 and toss 6, 7, 9 or Tactics into it. I mean, I guess I can't outright say that it's going to be bad - they could manage to pull a decent game out of it. But I'm all about story when it comes to my RPGs, and if it's even vaguely drawing from 13 or 13-2, do not want.
  5. I, too, await it with baited breath.
  6. I'll vote, too... just as soon as I remember what my password is, haha.
  7. Lol - I feel you, there was some sort of weird power surge in my apartment building this morning that made my alarm go off at 3 and woke me up. Looking forward to the arrangement - what game is it from, out of curiosity? - you'll be sharing with us! And, of course, welcome to the community.
  8. I highly doubt it's a case of "want" tbh. The staff has always been very good about sharing what they can, when they can. At any rate. Looking forward to the new KS - I'll pimp it out to all my acquaintances just as hard as the old one!
  9. You gotta be kidding me. Seriously, that's the best they could do?
  10. Which I'd imagine they can't be happy about. And I wouldn't blame 'em.
  11. Plus, I think it'd be nice for a lot of the unposted people waiting on the list to be able to finally call themselves OCRemixers. I could also see compo mixfloods being a good option. Another idea: you could also do something along the lines of an RPG-origin mixflood, or FPS mixflood, which would allow a more varied gamut of genres getting posted at one time (I doubt every song remixed from RPGs in the TBP queue right now is trance, for example) so listeners don't get burnt out from having too much orchestral, or piano solo, or death metal injected into their ears all at once. Of course, that could just happen to me....
  12. Especially if it was a temporary thing - give one or two people the power to post mixes while this Kickstarter issue is still ongoing, to help get the list cut down to size, then, once the list is significantly reduced and/or things have settled down, djp could take back over as sole poster. He would, of course, retain final say over which mixes get posted when, but he could make a list quickly and give it to the person/people he delegates the responsibility to.
  13. Oooh. I'll share this with my friends who love VGM, and with the ones that like string music too! I hope you get there.
  14. If anything, for me it was the opposite - the only experience with StarCraft I've had at all was watching my neighbor play for like 20 minutes once in college, so I really enjoyed seeing what you were able to do with a piece unknown to me. Actually, that's true of everyone's - they were all such interesting and (unknown to me) diverse choices. I said it earlier in the thread, but I really liked that aspect of this - the not knowing what sources to expect seeing. Anywho. Congrats to all the participants, and extra congrats to the winners!
  15. Read this a few days ago, and meant to link it here, but forgot. Found it an interesting read on the subject.
  16. This x 1000 - the one category I'm having trouble with is source usage in my voting, and that's mainly because I'm only sure what three or four of the sources were. >_< Once I figure out what the other sources are, I'll be able to turn in my vote, but since source usage is the highest-ranked voting criteria, I don't feel comfortable turning it in until I've double-checked that.
  17. Congratulations on your first mixpost! Solid debut mix.
  18. Listening, and loving all of the entries I've heard so far.
  19. This. I particularly like the idea of doing it more categorized/themed (i.e. "Beginnings" this time around), rather than simply saying "use this source" or "use this game/series," because I'm almost as excited to see what sources were chosen as I am to hear the actual mixes - I'm looking forward to a wide variety of sources, and I think there's also plenty of interesting potential for varied future themes, such as limiting it to tracks found in tomb areas, or music associated with optional bosses, underwater tracks, etc. Out of curiosity, have you given any thought as to how the themes of future "episodes" will be chosen? Will the winners of the previous episode choose, will you involve the listeners in any way, or will you choose the themes yourself?
  20. Your English is actually better than a lot of native speakers. No worries. As to the rest: I imagine it's precisely those details they're trying to hammer out with SE as we type.
  21. And a rousing middle finger to you, too, Square! There went whatever support I may've been willing to give the project.
  22. That's highly disappointing. Oh well - I'll give it a listen anyway, thanks for the link!
  23. 25, male, probably 1 hour a day.
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