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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. I'm all for VGM getting more recognition from "mainstream" music fans. Especially Uematsu. This makes me happy.
  2. Hell, that's soon. This is pretty cool, though - good luck getting it all done by then!
  3. I would be completely okay with this, although I don't even get Cartoon Network 85% of the year, give or take.
  4. What's happening? (i.e. is a screen popping up, the download not starting, etc.)
  5. For some reason, I'd just assumed Octopus Lime was Hylian Lemon. I guess it just made sense in my head.
  6. This is actually a very good mash-up. I'm sure it'll have no problem getting past the judge panel at all.
  7. After so many years, my dreams of a Beatles/Mario mashup making it past the panel can come true. I'll get right on it.
  8. That WAS kind of a giant "F U" on the part of the team, no doubt. I think honestly that annoyed me a lot more than any issue with the ending.
  9. ^ Also, if you'd like to read further into the progress of one of those two, http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=38299.
  10. Donated, and joined the marrow registry a few years back. Here's hoping.
  11. Welcome back. And I gotta say, love the feel of your remix - had it looping the last hour or so.
  12. I really like what you've done with the piece - it's very lovely. But you're right, it definitely is very close to the source. My suggestion is to put an original intro of some kind in at the start, because that's a VERY sudden beginning - maybe a build intro? Also, you might try to work some original material into the middle, splitting the iterations of the original melody. Once you've done that, see how the song works and it might give you ideas on how to transform the source material further. Definitely get an intro in there, though. Can't wait to see how this ends up!
  13. I seriously doubt it was planned, if for no other reason than how long it's taken them to truly respond to the criticisms leveled their way. I suppose it could have been, though.
  14. Seconded heartily, may it be the best of days.
  15. If I can ask a (potentially) dumb question: where is the FF5 album on the list? Or is it not in the works anymore? I looked, but didn't see it.
  16. I know! It's a grave injustice that there's just two remixes of the series, quality remixes though they might be. It needs to be rectified.
  17. Actually, the "send message" link's never worked for me, either. I just learned to go the long way through the user CP. That's weird that there's not one in your inbox, though.
  18. There's an answer a few pages back, let me find it. Hopefully that doesn't step on the staff's toes. I just know it's something I wondered about for the longest time, and made a point of noting when that answer was given.
  19. I wouldn't necessarily say a clean story break would be required, so much as I'd say it would be optimal if they really wanted to pursue a quality MMO. They could always do something similar to what they did with the co-op in 3 - have it set up to where you're just a soldier/biotic/Geth/whathaveyou whose story takes place against the background of the events of the series as we know, but in other places; it'd probably have to be a smaller MMO though, and probably could only reuse a handful of the locales from the series, if that. A clean break - i.e. set 100, 200, however many years after the "canonical" ending to 3 (because they'd pretty much have to decide upon one as canon, if they wanted to pursue this idea) would allow for a much more open-ended structure. Then again, they might make a MMO set in the last time when the Reapers came, where you could play as a Promethean or one of another set of races that were alive at that time. That might be a fascinating story, especially given the specter of ultimate, eventual failure hanging over things. I dunno. I'm not really a fan of MMOs in the first place anyway.
  20. I believe he was referring to this, although that's a long way from being "pushed for."
  21. Yeah, this aspect bothered me a great deal, but I decided to use the box asking for a description of "What makes good game music?" to rectify it by going in-depth into what makes each one of (most of) my favorites good, and the differences/similarities between them. I felt content once I'd done that.
  22. Just filled out. Good luck!
  23. (bold added)This is, honestly, my only real reservation with it - the fear it'll cause the list of projects TBP to get backed-up, this project included. Not a huge deal, it just makes me sad that all the projects will likely be that much further away in the future. On the other hand, I suppose this'll give an opportunity to post more stand-alone remixes. Might help the backlog there. Anyway. It's OCR's and the project's choice, in the end. And seeing as how I LIKEd OCR on Facebook long ago, have communicated with those I know who enjoy Megaman music as to the nature of the drive, and have a 6-page article over state budget cuts regarding education and the blind due at 8 in the morning, will leave it at that. Hopefully OCR gets to its goal soon and we can all hear the great music you've assembled!
  24. Besides which, even if they keep to their statement that Mass Effect 3 is the last installment in the game series of Shepard's story arc, they can always change media and make a movie, or books, or something. There's always a way to milk an IP if you really want to.
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