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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. Mad congrats to LuIzA! Really digging this funky track; I don't know how, but I must've overlooked it somehow when I first downloaded the album. Definitely a fun, different song.
  2. Actually, FF8 is what almost killed the series for me. (And apologies in advance to those of you who absolutely love the game.) To understand, I picked up the Final Fantasy series around the time that 10 came out; and I definitely played them out of order. For me, I first played 7, then Tactics, followed by 9, 8, 6, 5, and then 10. And to be honest, I disliked 8 so thoroughly that I almost didn't give those last three a chance (which I am eternally grateful I did decide to later play them, particularly 6). Oh, and I guess you could technically put Legends 3 in between 7 and Tactics, depending on if you count that as a true FF game or not. Now, don't get me wrong, I did enjoy parts of 8. Music was good, battle system was actually pretty fun, and the card game was extremely enjoyable. The item refinement system didn't bug me much, either. But the story... man, that story, I just did not feel it in the slightest... again, apologies to those who did. Which made me wonder (since 7, Tactics and 9 were the only three recommended to me by the guy that got me into the series) if it was really worth my while to try the others, since I play games primarily for story.
  3. I have one more suggestion, and then I'll shush, I promise! From the under-represented Might and Magic 7, the .K. Good luck all!
  4. I'm actually really digging how subdued this piece is. Yeah, you get the really strident brass, and some other instruments really come forward in a few places, but for the most part it just kind of... "hovers" I guess, like a dark cloud. I think the intro would've bothered me, except for how short of an amount of time it spends exposed before other instruments come in; as is, I'm probably siding with djpretzel in finding it more intriguing than anything. Nice one!
  5. Lavender Town, Pokemon RBY. Someone really should do it. Great theme. Looking forward to what you talented folks make out of it!
  6. Mellophones represent. Er, I mean... that was pretty good.
  7. Seconded. I only played for about two hours with my friend, but the thing that struck me most was the music. Really, really well done soundtrack. As to the game, pretty darn good. I found myself wishing for a little bit more to do occasionally, but very tough and challenging, and I did actually feel like I was commanding a small starship.
  8. Well, welcome to the forums, then! Given that I'm not a huge metal fan, I've gotta say I found this a very enjoyable medley cover - not once was I tempted to hit pause or stop listening. The one criticism I can level to give you something to look at improving would be to maybe take a second look at some of your transitions; some of them worked really well, but some not as much.
  9. As far as Pokemon? Probably mine would be the time in my second play-through of Red I caught, raised and trained six Viridian Forest-caught Pikachu and used them to sweep all eight gyms (leaders+trainers), entire Elite Four, and the champ, without using Candies or vitamins, just because I could. Fighting Brock was a pain.
  10. Pretty much this. There were only like one or two really important details, and they get covered for the most part in the beginning of the game. You'll be fine just hopping into BL2.
  11. Excellent work - I'm feeling this intro a ton more than the previous one. Fixes pretty much all my complaints with the previous intro. I'm looking forward to seeing this on the front page someday soon!
  12. Nice! Glad to see this getting under way at last - looking forward to the mixes that come out of it.
  13. Yeah, I've been wondering what happened to those two donors. *shrug* Still, it's great that OCR's gotten as much as it has already.
  14. Awesome resource. The fiancée and I are perusing it for processional ideas as I type.
  15. Seconding this; the intro's the only part of this great remix I'm not absolutely loving - although it's still pretty good - and I'd be interested to hear it replaced with some acoustic guitar. Maybe you could try working in a soft piano backing for it?
  16. Disco Dan is perfect for a milestone mix. Gotta admit, I was kinda expecting this mix to be a bit more on the chill side, but it was definitely a pleasant surprise - DD delivers as usual - and looking at the remix title, I guess I should've expected something with more energy than I was thinking, lol. Looking forward to the mix floods, and all the other little fun stuff mentioned in the Remix post. Long live OCR!
  17. Gotta say, this is honestly a direction I never would've thought of taking J-E-N-O-V-A - and it completely works. Good idea, great execution, definitely a track I'm going to be listening to for a long time.
  18. Made me think of another "physical impossibility" in video games.... Wall Hack - Passing/attacking through solid objects or walls through use of lag or cheats.
  19. Time to pimp this to all of my friends again. Already @ $22K.
  20. Related to this, there's also Spawner and Spawncamper (also seen Spawnkiller, though not nearly as much), terms I first encountered in Subspace Continuum and have seen in other games since, that refer (usually negatively) to the person who practices spawn-camping. And don't forget Respawning.
  21. Those are some great choices for favorites you've got there - most are mine, too. Welcome to the community - I hope you find the community a big help on your road to becoming a composer. (Also, as a side note, if you're looking to start contributing musically right away, I know there's several projects looking for extra vocalists. )
  22. Awesome work as always, dude.
  23. Dang, man. That was amazing. My only suggestion is length - I was left wanting much, much, much more, but that's because what you had was awesome and I didn't want it to stop.
  24. Yeah, this has been bugging me for a while too, although not really overmuch. I've honestly just taken to opening new track's pages twice if I see an artist I don't know/know has doing vocal tracks in the past, and just killing the extra tab if there's no lyrics.
  25. Death metal waltz?
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