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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. As I recall, this was discussed in the past... I'll see if I can find the thread and link it to you (although it might be somewhere in the Ask a Judge thread). EDIT: Found it: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9889&highlight=genre
  2. Seconded wholly. Also, new-gen Battlestar Galatica had one I enjoyed a lot, and Eureka as well. If I had to pick a favorite, it'd either be Firefly's or Eureka's. I also like a lot of the new generation Doctor Who's music, but, strangely enough, have never found its actual theme to be much better than average.
  3. VHD always gets it right, and this is no exception; one of the finer pieces off of the WA album. Dan's always had a genius for instrument interplay, and his talent for it really shines on this one. A must listen.
  4. Venture Bros, completely - well worth watching. Metalocalypse... not really so much.
  5. I can second that - great work, both of you. And congrats to the winner.
  6. Okay, so I have a question for anyone who's really familiar with the Marvel Universe: Is that chick that Cap saved in the bank, who later gives the interview, supposed to be anyone important? 'Cause I got a sort of "we might be seeing this girl later in a girlfriend/sacrificial lamb/recurring character role" vibe off of her, but I'm not familiar enough with the lore to be able to find her if she IS supposed to be anyone in particular. She's probably just there to serve as a stand-out foil for the "normal" humans, but.... Also, saw it again tonight. Just as awesome the second time, and I caught a lot of slivers of dialogue that I missed last time around.
  7. They heard you liked complaining, so they put some complaining inside your complaining?
  8. Welcome both of you, Mr. Rudi and Elder Kirby! Took a listen to your channel, Rudi, you've got some rather interesting stuff there. And it's always good to see someone who wants to mix new games, Dennis, because even if my tastes generally run toward more popular composers and games, I've got a few less popular favorites of my own. Look forward to seeing you both around more.
  9. Diggin' it, hardcore. Think it just got an insta-spot on most of my playlists.
  10. Finally got to see the movie today. One of the few movies I've seen in theaters lately that was actually worth the admission price. Will see in theaters again.
  11. Loving the arrangement so far, man. All my crits have been voiced already, so I'm just going to say I can't wait to hear the next version.
  12. Honestly, they made me think of the Pseudo-Arachnids from Heinlein's Starship Troopers a lot more. Then again, Starship Troopers is easily one of my favorite books, and I only read Ender's Game once in sixth grade, so that might be experiencial bias talking.
  13. Personally, gotta go with AnSo's The Life and Death of the Mario Brothers. EDIT: Ooh, nice choice Proto.
  14. Sweetness. More music is always a good thing. That would put the current total at, what, 36 tracks?
  15. Shared this with everyone who I thought would find it intriguing; I know a couple intend to donate. I would too, but the whole "I don't use credit cards/debit cards/checking" thing kind of makes that hard. One of these days (pretty soon, probably) I'll get around to getting one....
  16. Least I could do for a fellow knight.
  17. That was pretty much my experience too, although I also picked up quite a bit from eavesdropping characters. I noticed the humor got rather toned down, too, at least in the first part of the game, but it was a lot more prevalent in the second half, so I didn't mind that much.
  18. The entire first season... maybe with the exception of the final episode, because I think there's one thing in there that's technically not revealed until the second book. It's not a huge deal-breaker if you want to watch that episode, too, though. Although I could be wrong - it's been more than a year since I last saw the final episode, so there might be another scene I'm forgetting. But yeah - I'd say definitely 1-9 are safe. And the one scene I'm thinking of is a couple of chapters into the second book, so like I said, not a huge spoiler. EDIT: Did the math, and "more than a year" is really wrong. 8ish months.
  19. Yes, because that sounded exactly like Cosmo Canyon. Or Temple of the Ancients. Or Wutai. Or Tifa's Theme. ELP is cool though.
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