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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. ^ This isn't a sale. It's a fundraiser. The whole point of a fundraiser is to get donations, not purchases, and with fundraising drives like this the point isn't to spend X amount of money in exchange for something of equal value, the point is that you're contributing to a project or organization that you feel is worth the money you're giving to them. If they give you some sort of reward as a token of their appreciation for you, you don't sit around comparing its market value to the amount you "shelled out" for it; you feel proud to have given to a cause you feel worthwhile. Think of all the cancer fundraisers, or boy scout fundraisers, or whatever fundraiser you've seen in the past. You really think that rubber bracelet costs anywhere near $2 to make? You really believe that those braided keychains really cost $10 to hand-craft from Wal*Mart beads? No, and that's not the point. The point is you're giving money to a cause you believe in. If I had any way of donating to this album/site fundraiser, I'd do it in a heartbeat - and I wouldn't care if I got a physical copy, or download codes for some other awesome albums, or signed copies of anything. (I do admit that the remix request is extremely tantalizing though.) That's not the point. The point is I love FF6's music. I love the music many of these artists make. I love the community, and the ideals it stands for, and its goals - and because of that, I would give them my money, because it's a worthwhile cause and it needs the support.
  2. Think the reward is actually an original soundtrack for the game the donator is making, not a remix of an already-existing game. If I recall correctly. Which is still pretty cool.
  3. I vaguely remember playing that game on my friend's computer - think I remember the source, too. *checks* Yeah, I remember it now - that track really stood out. Cool beans - good luck, whenever you get around to doing it!
  4. Big fan of all of her work, too, including her multiple FF9 covers/remixes, so I'm stoked to hear there's going to be more Kate on the album.
  5. That actually reminds me of a question I had concerning the $500 prize. The "custom remixes" - will they be given to the donator only, or will they be shared with the community? EDIT: Whoops, just saw the response DjP posted while I was in mid-post - darn Charter guys.
  6. You're also forgetting that they're only offering 1000 albums as rewards. They also like to print extra to give away as free prizes at Cons and such. It wouldn't surprise me if they're actually planning on printing several hundred more than the 1000 (or 1500, I think either DjP or zircon said in an update on the kickstarter here, it's the last post) for promotional, prize, and giveaway purposes. As DS said (and gollgagh quoted), you're not just paying for your own copy with that $50. You're also helping defray the costs of printing others.
  7. Ooh, that price on Terraria has got me itchin' to make it mine.
  8. Saw this on Extra Credit's facebook yesterday, and my jaw just droppd. Some really good stuff in the trailer - tempts me to play the game, although that'll never happen. But still! Can't wait for the album itself.
  9. Aw heck. Now I might have to do this at mine. :-/ I would recommend Final Fantasy Tactics, but I'm afraid the music in it might generally be a touch too far on the somber/churchy side; but something like Ovelia's Worries might not be too bad.
  10. I am EXCITE. That's great news. I just wish Esto Gaza, Terra, and Bittersweet Romance were solid gold too. But I ain't complainin'!
  11. Normally, I dislike most metal - it's a genre that's just never appealed to my ears. I found myself actually enjoying this somewhat, though, so that should tell you something about what you've done with it.
  12. o_O That's... a lot more music than I remember the game having. I'm going to have to listen to it and see which ones I'd forgotten about.
  13. ^ I think we should try for 300% of the goal, personally.
  14. So, I just had an idea. Why not make the Initiative into a compo of some kind - or at least make an offshot of the Initiative into one? Ask all competitors to pick a track from a PC game 2000 and earlier, and use that in a round-robin competition similar to the Mega Man and Street Fighter compos? It might be a bit tougher to manage - you might run into tracks from wildly different games that would be nigh-impossible to combine - but it'd definitely be a good way to get people interested in and working with old-school PC tunes. It's a thought.
  15. Love all of the reward ideas - I particularly like the $500 one. This is a cool idea, guys.
  16. Glad to see this under way, even if it's just on a test/pilot basis. Looking forward to seeing what comes out of it!
  17. Seconding this. It's one of my favorite arrangements to get posted here lately, to be honest, and of a source that I have very little experience with.
  18. Problem for me is that it doesn't seem like they're really trying to update it, just basically throwing a couple of extra features onto the original and throwing it up to be d/led. If they really upgraded it, I'd be all over it.
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