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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. Always surprised there's not more remixes of this track around - it's a great one. Always thought it'd make an amazing combination with Lohan from Legend of Dragoon, to be honest.
  2. I kept waiting for cowbell to show up in that list.
  3. Both can be found in the first post, HERE; just scroll a second or so down, and download Robotnik Round 1 and Robotnik Round 2; you should be able to find all of them in those two zip files. Hope that helps. Good luck in your exams.
  4. Just saw the trailer. Loved the Random Encounter theme of it.
  5. O_o Wait, WHAT? When did this retcon happen? I must've missed it somehow....
  6. Especially since both Vagrant Story and Tactics were outstanding games with great story lines and amazing music.
  7. Congratulations on getting finally posted, Mokram. I was sold at "funky ethnic jam."
  8. This. Although they seem to have departed far enough from their usual environs with this demo that I'm willing to be passively optimistic that this is a return to form for them. Which makes sense in my head, but now that I'm reading it, not so much....
  9. That's a great point... and some of those IPs could probably use the publicity.
  10. I only had one complaint - I wanted it to be longer. Very nice stuff.
  11. Was wondering the same thing - the amount of money they must've spent on some of those properties, getting rights to use them.... But still, interesting idea. Interesting enough that it might make me actually go see a Disney movie in theaters for the first time in a decade. (And no, I'm not counting anything Marvel made. )
  12. lol You might try over here.
  13. Yeah, I haven't had time to touch mine since I started it - job hunting and wedding planning tends to take up a lot of time. I plan on finishing my votes this weekend when I have more free time.
  14. This. The last Final Fantasy that interested me was 10, and (prepares for angry reaction) I felt really let down by that. Nothing since has really impressed me. But the concept for this looks good (albeit yes, AK-wielding "terrorists," but it's definitely different from standard FF fare as far as I can tell), and DAMN - those graphics. Now, if they can just deliver a fresh story, I might actually buy it. But I'll wait and see.
  15. So sorry for your loss, Brandon.
  16. That's full of potential win.
  17. Currently, I'm using FFIX to ease my fiancé into games, and she's addicted to it, so I'm really looking forward to sharing these remixes with her when it releases. Also, because the music is just so damn good anyway.
  18. Why shouldn't atheists and non-Christians have every much right to be on this site, SpiDoL? Yeah, the guy in the incident you're referring to may have been a bit of a jerk, but it seems a touch unfair to ask ALL non-Christians to be banned as a result... which seems about what you're talking about. On the other hand, there IS a pretty strong Christian subset in the community, which you may not be aware of. I would direct you to here as proof. Maybe that'll make you feel more comfortable being around here. But boycotting the site just because there's the occasional jackass or person you find offensive is a bit ridiculous. This is the internet; jackasses abound no matter where you go. Just ignore them, if they really bother you that much.
  19. Taking a break from voting, about 2/5 of the way through. Some interesting stuff in there; I've liked most of the ideas I've heard, at least, even if some of the executions were lacking. EXTREMELY sad that I haven't gotten any Locke though.
  20. All album art is based upon this image. Seriously though, no idea; I've been wondering myself. But I actually rather like the surprise of seeing the art for the first time when the album comes out, so I'm okay with not knowing.
  21. Huh. Yeah, I knew that about TNG's theme, but never knew it about the DS9/Voyager themes... mainly because I've only ever seen like five episodes of each, tbh. Cool.
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