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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. first, there was great greed, for gameboy.... sortof. See, i bought it thinking it was totally something else, only to find out it was a final fantasy legends sortof knockoff game based loosely on some anime i never heard of. All the characters/enemies are named after food objects with the exception of the anagonist "biohaz". the story was lackluster and the gameplay was monotonous. still, it had quite some charm to it, and i like playing it once in a while, despite my utter rage the first few weeks i had it. Final fantasy x-2 and ultima runes of virtue both make my list of games i wish i hadn't bought. i also hate whomever made diablo 3, its not even diablo. edit: oh man, i forgot about the newest prince of persia game! the game is beautiful, and the plot isnt horrible, but the fact that you have no hp, and literally CAN NOT DIE, takes all of the f un away. you cant have a game with no punishment for failure.
  2. ea doesnt care about anything but $$$. now every star wars game is going to without a doubt , suck.
  3. I do that with GTA and driver games. having your own tracks to hype you up for a big stunt or somethin is nice. humor reactors makes excellent chase music
  4. is there any way to add a minimap plugin? i might just do that on my own. my new roommate apparently has it, and it makes navigating servers waaaaaaaay more easy, especially when you still need to connect your claim to the grand OCR railway.
  5. theres alot of decent jump scares in the older resident evil games ( pre 4) i just started playing resident evil zero, and as dumb as it sounds, anytime theres an automatic door it always starts me. Theres also the fact that sometimes enemies bust out of nowhere the EXACT MOMENT you enter a room.
  6. i dont suppose you can use a source thats already got a carribean feel , like say, wind water and wave s from the legaia soundtrack. im pretty sure its the forest theme. Edit: but then again, as a bonus mix, i dont suppose it really matters too much XD
  7. if i had to just float in the middle of the ocean i would likely be one of the few 23 year olds to die of a heart attack. fuuuuck that. also i agree with whomever mentioned regenerators from RE 4. the first time you see one , its so disturbing and tense.
  8. i was gonna say, slender has jump scared the fucking pants off of each and every one of us who has played it. lets be real here. everyone, at least once. the first time i opened "that" door, in the original resident evil. oh yea! you know what door i mean....
  9. for real. the reminds me of how certain food and smells go well with games ive played. I LOVE playing darkstone, or some other diablo similar games in the early morning during winter with a nice way-too-fucking-big glass of egg nog ( not spiked) and the volume cranked on the game. the smell you get when you mix like 8 kinds of scented soap? yep, that reminds me of perfect dark in the summer time. my mom used to mix soap scraps in a jar of water which she had in her room for whatever reason ( where the tv and n64 were) so every time i smell that, its a nice nostalgia rush. lets not forget the " take a sip/bite of soda/food in between rounds" whenever people play fighting games. 2-3 cans of soda an hour when i was a highschooler polishing his tekken skills.
  10. i almost always play games seasonally. Like every winter i bust out darkstone and chrono cross, where summer sees me replaying legaia, or some other jrpg i still havent beaten yet. once in a while i play newer games, but not often. this cycle works since it usually takes me a few years to actually play enough to beat games. i sorta do the same with elder scrolls games. when i first played morrowind i spent numerous hours figuring out how to steal nearly everything in the starter town ( including everything in the census office) without being caught or incurring a fine.
  11. on a similar note. whats the difference between a studio subwoofer and a generic one youd get from bose or something? i figured i could get by with a generic one until i could afford a nicer one at some point. i mean, it IS garage sale season . good idea? terrible idea?
  12. blargh! the link for the download itself was busted!

  13. megaman is just harder to remix , imo, since theres so much going on i have a hard time coming up with something coherent. maybe thats just me XD
  14. I'd say just don't worry about ties too much. its bound not to happen too much. just make last rounds winner have a vote worth more points like prc.
  15. I'm pretty sure pixietricks'( or Jillian aversa officially) remix of radical dreamers is about some sort of breakup or relationship trouble.I always enjoy that song when Im upset. its called dreaming still, I think. I don't have time to check right now since my breaks almost over. good luck though!
  16. i just found this guy on craigslist, and i was thinkin, for that price, it couldnt hurt to get me a little foam. i found a tut on how to make my own triangular bass traps ( that dont look half bad) so im good there. but i was curious if there was any way to get scammed on foam . i know some people will say foam itself is a scam, but really for me its more of an issue of is there such a thing as "fake foam" that doesnt do anything but look cool. heres the ad http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/hnp/msg/3734747247.html
  17. Colour me excited! I really hope you guys do a listening party like you did with identity sequence, that was alot of fun. also, will you ever sell t-shirts Jill? Im just sayin, id buy one.
  18. not sure if i can join this round as i am moving to a new apartment and im gonna be really stressed with packing and such. i wouldnt be able to put my all into it really. i guess ill see though as the signups progress and i figure out when my actual move date is.
  19. so, YOU made a game right? i think i send shaggy a visitor message thinking it was you. bet he was confused! where can i find that game you worked on?

  20. oops. shouldve punctuated that better. but you joined them anyways so its all good!
  21. just some things that immediately caught my attention relistening to these the last time: trism: I had a hard time recognizing the source until a bit into the song. I suppose thats just the genre of the song. i really did enjoy the intro. also there seems like theres some intense clippage going on around the 46 mark that aside from messing with audio quality, also takes a bit of the energy out of the "drop" Final kingdom: it could just be me, but im not really sure why or how, but the drums just dont seem very full . otherwise I got the source right away, and i havent played that game in a loooong time. Cosmic sounds: this reminds me alot of the old might and magic game soundtracks. Like 6 and 7. Only thing that really jumps at me is the vibrato. seems like too much of it. I once read a violin instructors book ( i used to play ) and he said that vibrato is like a spice, a little is quite nice, but too much ruins the soup! i wouldnt say it ruined it, but perhaps you could just save it as an accent. right now it seems to trail in on every note. cash and change, sounds very similar to the source without being too similar or too different. nice . I feel like a tad more variation in the synths use might really add to this though. Seems like the same ones were used the entire time ( though i think im guilty of that too :/ ) while the arranging is good imo, it gets harder to hold attention in some spots because of the same sounds being used the whole time. edit: thanks for the music everyone!
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