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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. i failed the shit out of this course. i just didnt have time for the number of videos we had to watch. and i got lazy, i wont lie :/ anyone going for songwriting or the other digital music class? they start next week! theres also an improv class in april
  2. maybe i should make start a remix album where the only rule is you have to use one food item as an instrument in the song. i did see spekio! that was a nice mix.
  3. nice Sig! that's a nice logo you have :)

  4. just for reference, on the OST download, this track is listed as having been produced by zircon... but is it a remix by radiowar? im confused
  5. i always thought this was related to can of salt, which blew my mind. but it makes sense to see that this is a ReMix! would explain the melody crossovers between the two songs. silly me
  6. this is an ReMix? i thought it was just a bonus track for the meat boy ost! sweeeeet.
  7. definitely hated this game after getting pretty far and then losing all my progress. this is a neat experiment, and a good mix!
  8. so, is it possible to have your status as posted remixer revoked? like say, if the mix you posted 5 years ago, gets pulled for whatever reason, and its your only mix. Do you then lose the little stamp under your forum name? I mean, im not posted or anything(yet), so it doesnt matter to me, but i am kinda curious
  9. i wanted to buy an erhu a while back. they seem really hard to play, but it would be a fun hobby to take up. theyre pretty inexpensive too. odd instrumentation is pretty cool too. I mostly meant really weird stuff like the cell phone or beer bottle. I was curious to see if you could use something really off the wall, and still get it passed by the judged, and it looks like you can! speaking of instruments, NEED MOAR BAGPIPE MIXES.
  10. also, try to make a few freinds around. theres bound to be people you can message and ask "hey can you listen to my mix?" and most people will be willing, with the possible exception of staff, since theyre busy folk.
  11. anything that has a good rhythm. i dont believe in genres outside of using them as a staring point to jump off from. a good song, is simply a good song.
  12. did i miss something, or is anorax's mix not in the download ? Edit: i guess i just missed it in the download, sorry!
  13. FASCINATING. i admire anyone who can make quality music with something that is generally a disposable object. or just unconventionally. wowzers
  14. whoa, nice! i honestly didnt expect there to be much response. also, this just in, THERES AN ORCHESTRA COMPRISED ENTIRELY OF VEGETABLES. my life suddenly has meaning!
  15. asweeeeeeeet. ive been waiting for a new episode!
  16. I know a while back we had a thread about unusual instruments. my question is, have there been any posted remixes that make use of funky instrumentation? examples would be like, the carrot flute, theremin or potato ocarina. I think it would be incredibly cool to make a really groovy song using vegetable instruments. not really sure where this thread belongs.
  17. i suppose it doesnt hurt it much. BUT I DONT WANNA BUY A PS3 IF I CAN JUST BUY A PS4 WITH PS3 GAMING CAPABILITY. D: im cheap dammit.
  18. hey :) do you have any posted songs in which you beatbox? i think that would be pretty cool

  19. oh , thats lame. i thought i got some sort of points that i can use to buy DLC or something. isnt that what microsoft points are? i feel like a grandma who doesnt know what a controller is these days...
  20. not having backwards compatibility with ps2 games makes some small amount of sense. ps3, makes absolutely no sense. i think most systems should have at least one generation of backwards compatibility, its not like it would hurt them that much to do it. if anything they would still make sales on old games. but then again, sony isnt the smartest company when it comes to fans if you ask me. they pretty much shot themselves in the face with the psp and the whole psone store thing...
  21. can you get a platinum trophie in any game?Im thinking of trying to in mirrors edge. That game was waaaay too short, but also incredibly fun, and i feel like getting all the acheivements would be a blast.
  22. he's still not of legal drinking age in the US. he could go get smashed in Denmark though.
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