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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. i dont use twitter! did you make a post on the coursera forums? i figured out how to get in ( go in from the website, instead of the email link) and i tried to find you guys but i didnt see anyone i recognized.
  2. what exactly happened to your computer?

  3. herpy berfday. but seriously, dont eat too much cake.
  4. anyone else having trouble logging into the classes? the elearning something or other course i took, just makes me log in over and over again. i sure hope the music course doesnt do the same...
  5. smooth. i wish i owned fl, the fl gauntlet sounds fun. did you make this all in one go? i assume so since the demo doesnt let you reopen things
  6. i think thats why chiptune infused music is becoming more of a thing as well. inspiration from humble beginnings. I think limitations also spark creativity more than having limitless options. you have to figure out ways to work around your limitations when you have theme, whereas youre just overwhelmed by it when there are none. not to mention, i think a current train of thought among alot of people is that there really are no limits to graphical advancements, so todays equivalent to yesterdays masterpeices, dont really impress people as much. In fact, on some level, i think people expect advancements like that in technology because of how often things get outdated these days.
  7. so it runs the midi sequence to the little phatty? like if you set the sequence to play mario, it would make the moog play the mario theme?
  8. well since hailfire peak is open, I'd be interested in giving it a shot. We have pretty good WIP feedback right? It'll probably take me a few iterations of feedback to get there but I think its worth a shot. No better way to improve than to try Oh and heres an example of a rearrangment I did. https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/esperado-feat-hakstock-all-the
  9. thanks for the tips! I'll see what I can come up with. I suppose I shouldnt group it all together, k-pop and j-pop. Theyre likely two distinct genres, I just know nothing about them really so it made it hard to distinguish them.
  10. it would be a pretty epic screensaver if you could make it play the music when the screensaver goes off. i think we go back because its what we grew up on, and it just feels more classic to us. someday when we have VR helmets, kids of today will go" man, i remember the good old days of skyrim, when we didnt need vr graphics.... kids these days and their fancy helmets and their nanokrunkstep music..."
  11. what IS dod exactly. is it kindof like thasauce, where its a place to hold musical duels?
  12. cool to see an mmorpg that isnt entirely based on states and autocombat stuff. i enjoy games where you can "cheat" it a little by taking on beefier enemies if youre good at dodging. I personally think that makes it more engaging and enjoyable. I might give it a try!
  13. games by james! interesting store. but really, welcome! *throws rock*
  14. looks like a screensaver. i bet this was mindblowing back then though. it actually blows my mind how we've gone from dos graphics to whatever the most mindblowing 3d game is today, in only 20 years. though, i guess thats kinda a long time. makes me feel a bit old, sorta. the music is good though
  15. its good to see you posting this up here! i cant comment much on the bass since my speakers such beyond words. ok theyre not that bad, but theyre no monitors.
  16. id say post it in the "post your remixes " thread, located here: http://ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=16 but thats just me. cool album though
  17. A freind of mine offered me a chance to do the music for a youtube video he was helping with, but wants the song done in a jpopish style. Im not big on jpop, but i think it would be alot of fun to try, and it would help me be a more rounded musician, somehow. the song example he gave me was this: I was curious if anyone had any particular tips on generally what various synth techniques to use, baselines that are typical,typical song structure, sfx. etc.. to use in a basic jpop song. thanks!
  18. here I thought it was gonna be all cheery and nice. guess not! the music compliments the video quite well! nicely done
  19. I feel perhaps TOO excited at the fact that there are three other OCRers in my city it would be quite nice to get together sometime . I pmed OA about this thread, so we will see! hopefully we can set something up in the way of cons , otherwise ill likely be going to magfest, so maybe ill hang around whatever panelesque thing we hold there, and hand out water or something XD
  20. the title seems fitting enough! you should try out one of the contests in the competition thread, theyre really good for helping you learn to make longer, fuller songs. youll probably get better feedback on your production skills from more skilled people than myself.But I think a good place to start with making THIS piece better, if it were me is to add a lead sound over the funky organ sound.
  21. mhmm! i live in St. Paul actually. It does happen to be the closest con to me as well though, excluding the recently formed animinne ( or however its spelled) which is supposedly in downtown, but its tiny. I think the next biggest if im not mistaken is Acen? and thats someplace in chicago.
  22. there's a thread over in the music production thread about varying them. I think the levels sound fine, but you could just change the rhythms slightly on certain ones. the patterns sounded good, just on autopilot the whole way through.
  23. Dont limit yourself! It counts for as much as you let it thats what the wip forums are for, mix it up and let er rip
  24. Yea I meant being a posted remixer. I guess I missued the term mixpost. I thought it meant that you have one mix posted. sorry on that! I MISSED THAT?! that was my first detour, so i guess i didnt even really know what a panel was at the time. Oh well. I will Pm OA about it! thanks for the input guys!
  25. the drums need some variation and theres a part around 140ish that has the sounds of birds chirping and water running. while it doesnt sound bad at all as part of the mix, it doesnt sound very wintery, if thats the idea you have going. thats a bit of a small nitpick, but I enjoyed it though! i always enjoy hearing more laid back atmospheric songs.
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