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Everything posted by Nonamer

  1. I sent out my gifts yesterday. Hope the recipient likes it.
  2. I LOVE IT! I would buy most of these shirts...but only have the budget for 1 or 2...
  3. ...Well...
  4. I have my gifts. Now to actually send it. I'll do that either today or tomorrow. Gifts are looking good so far! By the way can I reveal who I am in the package? This is my first Secret Santa...
  5. Hilarious, but no one outside of OCR would get it. Very nice!
  6. DJPretzel, if you can read this: RESUB THIS! It's not the best ReMix I've heard, and it does seem a bit outdated, but if DJP made this today I'm sure it would be amazing. The arrangement itself was fine, it was the production that brings this down. But compared to other ReMixes of the time its pretty good. I don't know why, but I'm a sucker for this kind of music (probably has to do with the fact I live 2 hours from Miami).
  7. To put it short, this is the track Nabuo Uematsu would have made had it not been for SNES limitations. A great song if you are flying or riding a long train ride. This is literally on my airplane playlist.
  8. OBJECTION! Your honor, this mix is one of the most awesome tracks on OCR. It's six minutes of length does not diminish from its greatness. A mixture of beauty and power, every instrument works together to make a solid ReMix. There is no evidence to the contrary. I find DigiE GUILTY of great talent and artistry.
  9. Ah, Zero. One of my favorite video game characters. I loved Zero's Theme from Mega Man X (...okay I heard it in Mega Man Xtreme), and this track made me appreciate Zero's Theme in MMX2 and MMX3. Darkesword gave the source proper justice. The intro was a little too soft, but it quickly transitioned into one of my favorite tracks. I loved the SFX spree of the buster shots and sabre swipes.
  10. I got this Zelda album three days after buying the bundle CD for skyward sword. I love listening to the original followed by C418's "Skyward". Soft, but powerful, this track is one of the highlights of the album. My only gripe is that it is a little conservative, but it doesn't destroy the track. PS: I love Minecraft's music.
  11. This is one of my favorite (if not THE favorite) WillRock ReMixes I've ever heard. The amazing anthem at the beginning is just calling to be the opening of an action film. The entire track is a synth orgy. I LOVE IT! There's a reason this ReMix showed up in the "Heroes versus Villains" trailer THREE times!
  12. Let's DO THIS! Reviews (as they come): 12/02/11 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=35467&page=2 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=824767#post824767 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=824773#post824773 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=824780#post824780 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=824781#post824781 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=53&page=2 12/25/11 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=38192
  13. Nice recreation. A little out of sync on some parts, and it's not really a ReMix, but from a human hand without editing its not bad. If you are interested, you could check out a Banjo-Kazooie project we're starting up.
  14. White OCR Shirt: Out of stock Navy OCR Hoodie: Out of stock Black OCR Shirt: Out of stock Yeah... EDIT: Also, why is OCR under "Anime Merchandise"?
  15. Your OCAD sig is outdated. Just an FYI!

  16. I understand the concern, and it definitely might seem exclusive or preppy, but I don't think it could do any significant harm. Keep in mind that: 1) most people who buy these shirts are already involved with OCR and 2) It can still grab the attention of curious friends. ...Plus I need more white shirts... Your idea of the logo on the front with the instruments on the back is brilliant! Will the website be on both of these T-shirts in some way? It would defeat the purpose of promoting OCR without it...
  17. I still need to buy the original one... I like both, maybe the instrument a little more...but the university one is brilliant for someone my age...I CAN'T DECIDE!!
  18. The New York Times on Skyward Sword: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/30/arts/video-games/the-legend-of-zelda-skyward-sword-by-nintendo-review.html?_r=1 Do you find this article to be accurate? It's rare to see the NYT talking about video games, let alone review them...
  19. How does a whip have a mem- Forget it the ReMix is too awesome to use logic.
  20. All I'd ask for is something flexible, like a Gamestop gift card. Nothing too expensive.
  21. I lol'd. What makes me sad is that the songs make me want to buy the actual games, but I can't play most of them because I have a Mac and don't own a 3DS.
  22. So I was bored, and decided to make this sig for this project to help get it off the ground. Copy the code below.
  23. ...Screw it I'm in. Now to think of a gift...
  24. There is no fixed position. People volunteer to be a project creative director. For example, there is a Game Boy project, with The Damned leading it and WillRock as one of the people in charge of quality control. I would ask around the OCR irc channel (irc.esper.net, channel #ocremix) or in private messages. PS I agree that one game is enough.
  25. Don't know if this was intentional or not, but for Extreme Road Trip by SoulEye the tracks are not labelled correctly. There is no artist or album when I plug it into iTunes, and the tracks are labelled like ert_title. It's the only one that's like this. I manually corrected it, but something you guys should look into.
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