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Everything posted by Nonamer

  1. First, I would check with other OCR Members who have headed successful projects, like The Damned (Pokemon: The Missingno Tracks), Level 99 (NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming), k-wix (Mega Man 9: Back in Blue), and KyleJCrb (Super Dodge Ball: Around the World) and ask how they went through it. Since you haven't posted anything yet, I would recruit a creative director. Since the album as a whole will be judged for quality, I would recommend someone who has posted on OCR before to check each submission. Preferably, this album should be released in 2013, the 15th anniversary of the first Banjo-Kazooie title in 1998. I wouldn't mind helping on this project. I can't make music (yet), but I've been around long enough to see how things go.
  2. If you're using Firefox, that might be it. Try IE (*shudders*), Chrome or Safari. I thought it was well arranged, but everyone else hit most of my main gripes. Especially the wind instruments. They didn't sound as I had hoped.
  3. I loved the Oracle of Ages/Seasons and Minish Cap. Those are my favorite Zelda titles. I can't wait to go home and play the hell out of this game.
  4. I like it (literally and metaphorically)!
  5. Question: Is the Super Meat Boy soundtrack the basic soundtrack or 2 disc set? I plan on buying this later today.
  6. I bought the Skyward Sword bundle two days ago, soundtrack included, and now this? My computer is now loaded with Zelda goodness!
  7. When I first saw this I was like: "Awesome! New AkumajoBelmont remix!" Then I saw the original date of post... You better finish this!
  8. Wrong. Chuggaaconroy (see previous post) was suspended and had ALL his videos up when he came back, without having to upload repeats (he only had the last 100 vids or so).
  9. Retweeted. I only have 32 followers...over half of whom have never heard of OCR. Hope it works. EDIT: Just for fun we should include #OccupyYouTube
  10. I remember when Chuggaaconroy (who led me to MAGfest and eventually OCRemix) and NintendoCapriSun both had their youtube accounts suspended due to fake copyright claims, and they had over 100,000 subscribers. Both managed to get their accounts back, largely because Youtube was bugged to no end about it. I'm certain OCRemix will get it back if we bug them enough.
  11. Now how am I supposed to find out about the next OCRemix album release? Hope this get's resolved fast.
  12. Da-na-na-naaaaa! http://t.co/SpWJFntN The soundtrack is amazing BTW! Too bad my Wii is back in FL. EDIT: Jesus my thumb looks diseased...
  13. Venus Lighthouse:
  14. I'll try to get the bundle tomorrow. I can't play it until I get back from college in December, and the anticipation is killing me.
  15. I was skeptical, but I ended up liking this a lot. Vocals are very nice, and the serious tone was unexpected but welcomed. Good job!
  16. Shhhh. They don't know about it yet. They'll find a way to complain about monkey entrapment...
  17. Super Mario Bros... Super Meat Boy... SMB... I think PETA has a bias against SMB games.
  18. Holy crap! I personally felt that some of the strings were a bit too loud in the beginning, but after the guitars came in no other problems came to me.
  19. When I first heard the low-res drums, I thought "Oh great...It's another one of THOSE mixes." Then the rest of the song came in, and I was like "WHOA! Blast of awesome from behind." Well executed!
  20. It's pretty good, but needs some work to be OCR-post qualified. I thought that there should be a bass instrument or synth that would play all throughout the song. Without it, the song sounds REALLY empty. As for the lead synths, they're okay, but it's not a bad idea to re-examine them as the focus of the arrangement. Don't be afraid to go wild, as long as it's not grating to the ear. As Alex Smith stated, the drums give a low-res feel, and do not give off the intensity necessary for this kind of piece. My musical pet peeve is a lackluster ending. If you work on it, I would LOVE to hear the finished product.
  21. Amazing! Definitely something to bob your head to. I don't find the glitchy voice that terrible...the vocal part would be rather bland if it wasn't glitched. What is this album you are referring to?
  22. It's pretty good...very catchy. Other than the fact that it's another ice cap mix, I like it.
  23. *Finds out his dorm opens on the 8th* *See's front page* I WANT TO GO NOW!!!!
  24. *Looks at the title* *facepalms* *Continues to browse OCR on his Mac*
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