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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. I haven't done much with mine yet, I could do a different track no sweat. I always liked Green Forest and it might be an interesting one to try and turn into a cool beat. You can put me down for that instead.
  2. Aye sir, I'll give a Lava Reef beat a shot. I'd be willing to do more if we need more beats in the future, but I'd want to get this one done and sounding good first so I'll get on that first.
  3. I'd prefer to start something fresh with rap / vocals in mind, rather than repurpose these ones. I may use some similar elements, but I'll experiment a little. I'm thinking Lava Reef would be really sick to work with if its not claimed yet. I may change my mind though, as I can see some tracks have rappers but not beat makers yet.
  4. Just started listening but after 3 tracks I'm already in love, my goodness. I foresee this sitting nicely in my "Recently Played" for a long while.
  5. Hey so I'd be interested in working on a beat, someone else can rap over it because I'd be terrible at it. Here's one of my more hip-hop-ish songs from the Wily Competition: http://soundcloud.com/jordan-reed/amphibious-black-alleycat And here's one that is from the Sonic Competition I did: http://soundcloud.com/jordan-reed/amphibious-aqueous-vibe-rusty I've always been interested in working on some hip-hop beats. If you think I'm good for the project just lemme know! Then I'll decide on a track soon after. *EDIT: Also something like this could work too as a slow/chill rap maybe: http://soundcloud.com/jordan-reed/amphibious-feat-xenon-odyssey
  6. This is pretty much how I do it too and I am often underwhelmed by how I am able to execute my ideas. I do get some ideas from pure improvisation, but I will most often get a riff in my head with a very specific instrument sound and fail to realize it. I suppose I need to learn more about building my own synth sounds properly. The worst thing is getting an awesome idea in my head at work and then completely forgetting it by the time I get home. Ultimately writing music doesn't actually scare me, it usually feels really amazing when I'm "in the groove" of it. I suppose if I ever start writing music as a career that outlook may change dramatically.
  7. Thank you everyone! I have to say I was consistently surprised every round. I really didn't count on making it to the end, but I guess this helped fill up my summer with some fun music making. Thanks to everyone for any feedback, critiques, or general comments. These compos are always an amazingly fun way for me to try and learn new things and get better at making music. There have been some amazing entries throughout this whole thing, its been a blast and I'm very impressed with errybody. I'm excited to hear some of the bonus mixes too
  8. Well, I'm gonna also do the pimp-my-own-music thing. I released a sort of ambient chillout album last summer that might be what you're looking for: http://amphibious.bandcamp.com/ Just enter $0 and you get the free download. I may know some more artists / songs that fit what you're looking for also, so I'll look 'em up when I have some more time and perhaps get back to this thread!
  9. Oh my goodness this is too good. I love FFXI and I love chillout / ambient music. This is some absolutely exceptional work, I am in love with this track, its absolutely my kind of remix.
  10. Two men enter, one man leaves. Done and submitted, myself. Pretty happy with how it turned out since I've never done this genre before. I hope y'all like it. I look forward to hearing Gario's entry!
  11. It is simply a matter of polish now, should be done with this bad boy right on time. Hope y'all like drum and bass.
  12. I'm feeling the same about mine. I've had to work a lot this week but its certainly coming along nicely, so here's hoping I get 'er done and do it justice.
  13. I am once again trying something different. I can feel the adrenaline.
  14. Oh good golly gosh. Bastok sounds superb, and I'm digging that Mog House. Sarutabaruta sealed the deal for me, this is gonna be fantastic.
  15. My goodness that is fantastic. This ensemble is perfect for Kirby music. I wanna buy dis.
  16. I don't speak British moneys but that sounds like a sick deal. Sonic Colours is great.
  17. Exactly what I did last year. And Gario slept above me in a chair. There are many sleep options. Might I also recommend the bathtub as a solution.
  18. Seems like an entirely non-creepy request. One time I got hypnotized except I was entirely aware of everything, so it was kinda like I was acting. I had to pretend I was the Hulk and get mad because I wasn't green. *EDIT - I guess I've never really had any strange music requests, but then I haven't been doing musics seriously for all that long.
  19. I've been meaning to do some kind of barbershop thing, I used to be in a quartet in high school. But whenever I try to record vocals I get weirded out by how I sound and just cant do it, hahaha.
  20. I am going, already paid for my pre-reg. I think I've got a room situation set up for myself so s'all good there, will have to work out travel again, but I've got lots of time.
  21. You are a true gentleman, sir. I am glad you like it! I wont let any silliness get me too down. In the end its the music that matters, and I know I still have a long way to go but I love what I do so I'ma keep on truckin'.

  22. I have absolutely NO problem with Radio Sega publicizing this competition. That's really awesome to have that kind of exposure. What I DO have a problem with is a bunch of them joining our forum in the semi-final and voting exclusively for one mixer. If they've been following this since the beginning, how come none of them bothered to vote in any of the other rounds? Its pretty unfair to literally everyone involved. Imagine how different some of the rounds could have turned out with those 6 or more extra voters. There have been some REALLY close matches this competition. Maybe me or Rexy wouldn't even be in this round. Just my 2 cents.
  23. For serious. I'm still here, guys. So is Gario.
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