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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. I used to be quite bitter about being single myself. Though I found after about 3 years of being single, I really came to understand myself on an emotional level. Sure it was rough at times, but I felt much more ready for someone to be in my life again on a romantic level. There's a lot of inner insight you can gain when you can devote a lot of your focus inwards, rather than outwards. (Though I am not saying to close yourself off completely to others, of course!) It just so happens that someone has recently come into my life shortly before Valentine's day. Its nothing too serious yet, however, and I honestly feel its just another day today. Even before I had this new girl in my life though, I wasn't dreading Valentine's day. To some it may be a day to show that little bit of extra affection towards someone special, and perhaps some even get carried away with it, but to many it needn't be more than just another day in the life. Don't let yourself get too caught up in the heartbreak. I don't really know where I'm going with this, I guess I'm echoing what Luke has already said to some degree, because that is some wise shit. Have a good one friends.
  2. Been following this for a while and damn I love how its shaping up. Every time I hear samples of the soundtrack it seems to be getting better and better too. Honestly, I love soundtracks like this, it complements the action so well. Graphically it looks pretty polished too, especially considering how small your development team is. And the sequence with the building opening up just to have him burst through the wall anyways? Just amazing. Really like how this is looking, I will for sure buy it whenever it happens to release.
  3. Yeah definitely. I haven't really had much experience with remixing at all until I did this. Having deadlines and some set sources kind of forced me to sit down and work through some tunes, and its turned out quite well. I feel like I improved loads from the beginning to the end of WCRG. These compos are definitely a great practice if you can commit to them.
  4. I echo everything said in this post. I loves me some Sonic, grew up on that stuff.
  5. OH BABY. I absolutely love the new town layout. The expanded beach is a real treat. Also, didn't know about that street pass model house feature, that is way too cool. WHERE'S DAT RELEASE DATE? D:
  6. I've got a lot to work on as is, other mixes and school and whatnot, but I think this thread has convinced me to add a Warcraft 2 song to my to-do list. I absolutely loved that game as a kid and played it for hours on end. Once I have time I'll give some of the other PC gems mentioned a look. There's some great stuff out there, I just haven't had a chance to play many of the games that have been suggested, so I'm not as familiar with their music.
  7. Downloading now and I hope this is truuuuuuuuuue. Either way the game LOOKS beautiful so I am excited to give it a spin.
  8. Ohoho! Happy birthday, good sir. May it be bitchin'.
  9. Megaman X5 Intro: People may not think its the best X game, but I loved this intro music. This song really pumped me up back when I first was playing through this game. Kinda wanna do a rockin' cover of this at some point. *EDIT: Just had to throw this one in here. L.A. Noire Theme: Its so smooth. I can seriously lounge this song, its fantastic. Also the theme from Shinobi III: Almost forgot this one. It was a real gem back on the Genesis. I absolutely loved this game, and this song introduced the game so well. Nonstop, fast paced ninja action.
  10. Well, I think its a great way to share your love and appreciation for great video game music. I'm sure a lot of people like to add their own spin to some of the music that they enjoyed as they played the games the love. Its also a good way to get your name out there, due to the popularity of OCR. Sometimes lesser known games are remixed, which is a great way to show appreciation for some of the great soundtracks out there that might go unnoticed otherwise. I haven't submitted anything yet, myself, but I certainly hope to soon. I love taking an enjoyable theme from a game and adding my own spin on it. Its a great way for me to practice production, personally, but its also really fun to take an existing theme and see how you can alter it in interesting and exciting ways. Of course sometimes its just plain fun to remix something. I guess many people here do it for the fun of it, which is awesome.
  11. Oh awesome, I'll download these as soon as I get home to my music PC. Always happy to have some shiny new VSTi's to play with.
  12. By the way, if anyone street passed a Mii named Twigsworth on their 3DS, that was me. Pretty much home now (just an hour train ride left back to Guelph). I miss it already. Here are some pluses! + Met well over 30 really awesome people (And I STILL missed some of the OCR crowd) + Saw a couple great panels, including Grant Kirkhope, indie game composers, voice actors, and of course everything OCR related. + Learned a lot about all kinds of things over the course of the weekend, from production / composition techniques to the state of the industry. + Saw a few concerts, Earthbound Papas of course being the highlight for me. So happy that they played some Black Mages songs, and the originals were really great too. + Played some games in the game room including Smash Bros and DDR. (though DDR reminded me how terribly out of shape I am) + So much more. And I guess a few cons: - Because I met so many people it was hard to hang out with a lot of them. (Still did get to know a fair amount of people though) - Didn't get Nobuo's signature (but honestly I'm just happy to have seen him live, that was a real treat) Overall a great first MAG for me. I plan to be in attendance again next year.
  13. Hey man, didn't get to say bye to a lot of people but it was awesome meeting you at MAG. Great times!

  14. I didn't get to say goodbye to nearly as many people as I wanted, so if I missed you my apologies. But it was super awesome meeting everyone that I did. It was almost overwhelming (in a good way). Also very difficult trying to remember screen names AND real names in some cases. Regardless, I had the time of my god damn life. You are all awesome.
  15. The hands of fate hath gripped us firmly.

  16. Will do. Though I will be starting school as soon as I get back, but I definitely plan on working on lots of music regardless. Word.

  17. Just an idea, but if you want to split it you could have one album for console Mario Karts and then another for handhelds. Or perhaps a Disc 1/Disc 2 type of thing. Though then some crossovers between games might not fit. (For example, I've considered remixing Luigi Circuit from the N64 with Waluigi Pinball from the DS as a sort of rivalry thing) But its just a thought I'm throwing out there.
  18. YEAH All packed. Been sleeping on and off for the past while. Will sleep more. Really god damn long day of travel ahead. But like MAGFEST
  19. I'ma post in this positive thread because YEAH. Well I joined this community in March 2011, so I haven't been around all that long. But I've really enjoyed my time here so far, and I've gotten to know some people through the forums and IRC and its been great. Not to mention the BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. Seriously, I've learned quite a lot since I've come here, and I am sure I will continue to learn more things. Hopefully I will get to know more of you some more too, that would be cool. I look forward to spending another year here, because I love it here, and you are all super great. See some of you at MAGFEST!
  20. Ah, I just accessed my friends list and it registered The Damned, cause I had the code already entered. Guess I just had to pop my head into the list or something. I dunno how all this internet sorcery works.
  21. I'm pretty sure you both have to be online at the same time at some point for it to fully register (as I noticed with Arek). But I could be wroooong.
  22. I echo what SuperiorX and Phonetic Hero are saying. Its been a great time for me and I've learned some new things and seem to have increased my efficiency, what with having deadlines to meet and all. I look forward to future competitions.
  23. I'm down with that. Sucks that its at the same time as the Egoraptor Q&A but alas, OCR takes priority. Also I just noticed The OneUps are playing twice according to the schedule and that is just fantastic.
  24. For someone who is just starting out, getting any of those ALL bundles would be pretty daunting and probably completely unnecessary. If you get the Signature Bundle of FL Studio, it comes with several good synth plugins like Sytrus that are pretty versatile. There are also loads of free synths, samples, and loops online that would be better off for someone who is just starting to learn FL Studio. FL Studio also comes with a small set of samples right away which is a good start.
  25. Posting now so I don't forget later. I'm interested, myself, I just need to give a listen to some songs to see if there's one that tickles my fancy and would be good to remix. I was playing through some of Banjo Kazooie recently, but I've forgotten some of the music from it and Tooie. I will surely decide soon.
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