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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy it. I will most certainly keep it up.
  2. Man that's a seriously smooth groove you've got going on. I'm loving those chords. The saxophone thing that comes in around 1:46 seems a bit odd to me, but thats probably my only gripe with this piece. Loving that guitar that comes in at 2:09. It's got an almost distant tone, and I dig it in this song. A solid beat, good sir. As far as production goes it all sounds very well mixed. I'm not an expert on the house genre so maybe someone else will have some more specific points on that.
  3. Do want. I'm so down for a physical copy of this.
  4. I think it would be close to impossible to teach how to successfully convey emotions through music, given that human emotional response to music is incredibly subjective and personal. Sure, there are certain types of chords that have general feels to them, such as sadness for minor chords, happiness for major chords, a feeling of danger or unease for augmented / diminished chords, etc. etc... But really, there are so many emotions out there, often complex, and any of them can be found in music. Even songs in minor keys can make a listener feel happy or uplifted. So yeah, my two cents. *EDIT - Aw snap(ple), beaten to the punch. Oh well.
  5. That's so awesome. I lol'd at these. I'm pleased to say that I pronounce everything right. (Though I've never actually said the word Gungnir, but now I wont screw it up if I ever encounter it!)
  6. Maaan, I just want to nab me some Final Fantasy. I'm so close to just buying Final Fantasy VII, VIII and IX off of Amazon to play on my PS2. And VII is pretty damn expensive. >.> Also, The Damned, I agree. People suck. Motto for life.
  7. *EDIT - I took my entry down because I'm totally adding more to it. Some random new ideas recently came to me, and I've got some time to spruce it up *EDIT AGAIN - Alrighty, was up late working on this and submitted it Best of luck to anyone else who submits.
  8. An astute observation, good sir. Of course frogs are amphibious creatures, and thus I approve of their abundance.

  9. Simple waveform leads are amazing. I really like the feel of this. That beat is really sweet. The ambient vibe throughout is certainly welcome. Personally the lead didn't seem too loud to me, but I could see it still sounding great if it was toned down a tad. Sounds great, hopefully part 2 will be a real treat.
  10. LOL. This song has always stuck me a smooth, lounge around and have a classy dinner kind of song: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02153/ A lot more chill than that song by the Black Mages but I guess it all depends on the mood your going for. Also, sometimes I sneak onto the computer at parties and play the more dance / upbeat / funky OCRemixes. People love it, and they don't even realize that they're video game remixes. This is a prime song for that: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02064/ I'ma bust it out at the next party I go to.
  11. That 2nd slider up there in the top is the Master Pitch slider, check to see that it is in the middle and not all the way up to the top. If you drag it to the top the entire mix is shifted up an octave (and conversely down an octave when shifted to the bottom) If, however, this is all fine and dandy then I'm not sure what the problem is. I hope this helps though.
  12. Christ on a bicycle that tune was rockin' as hell. I really love the various guitar tones you've used, they work very well. Drums are fairly solid too. I'm no expert on metal so there's not a lot I can offer in the form of constructive criticism, but I do hope you finish this tune (if its not done already) and maybe even get around to submitting it. It's got some serious potential. Rock on.
  13. Mad chill vibes from this, I like it very much. I saw dubstep and I was expecting a big loud obnoxious romp but I was pleasantly surprised by the ambiance. Even with the various beats that come in its surprisingly relaxing in a strange way. Keep it up man, this stuff is great.
  14. Blast Corps was awesome. My favourite song was always Argent Towers. This is a fun little remix. I love the sound of vintage organs like that. I dunno if I have anything constructive to say, this isn't a genre I'm familiar with. Sounds good to me, haha.
  15. Excellent choice, I hadn't heard this one before but this is a pretty awesome song. I've been following the past few PRCs and it seems pretty awesome. I might have the time to enter this one which should be fun.
  16. Yeah the extra kick I layered in with the beat doesn't seem to be doing the trick. I also have a tough time mixing kicks well to get a good punch, but I'll have to try some more out. I was using a lead preset in Guitar Rig for the leads, which I guess weren't quite the best. I'll admit I might have got a little lazy with them but I'll for sure have to revamp the tone, and maybe re-record to fix up some rhythmic imperfections. Your feedback is much appreciated, thanks!
  17. Yeah man I definitely hear it. I could see this in a Guilty Gear kind of game or something. It's short and sweet, but after all, you're only at that screen to pick a character, right? Pretty badass guitar tone, also.
  18. This is the feeling I keep getting from this thred. That and being constantly pressured by my friend. But I must not. ...Anyone here play on Wildhammer?
  19. Here's an updated version: http://soundcloud.com/jordan-reed/amphibious-wrath-of-poseidon-1 Its longer, and I tweaked some of the mixing. Also, it pretty much repeats a second time with a slight variation at the end. I'm planning to make the melody different when it repeats, then perhaps lead into a new part where this version ends. I'll have to play with it some more. *EDIT - I think the lead guitars could use some work, also. I've never been that great at lead but I'll see what I can do.
  20. This thread has sparked my interest in purchasing the upcoming version on Steam. Though I should probably get a decent gamepad for my PC if I do buy it. My old one is past its prime. It's been a long time since I've played. Used to play Cammy a lot, and I tried Guile for a while, but only dabbled in the rest.
  21. Ah yes, fair point about the synth arpeggio. I'm planning to fill it out a bit more with some more synths, so I'll keep that in mind as I add more to it.
  22. Thanks! Aye, the small lead riff needs some tweaking. I kind of meant it as a subtle addition, but I agree it should be more prominent. I'll keep that in mind!
  23. My roommate is making a Shmup game, and I've been trying to make music for it. I recently got Komplete and I've been messing around with rhythm guitar using Guitar Rig 4. This song sort of came from said messing around. It was my first time trying out the whole pan 2 guitar tracks left and right kind of thing, but I think it has turned out decent so far. I think it could fit in a Shmup game with a bit of refining (and of course making it longer). *LATEST VERSION: http://soundcloud.com/jordan-reed/amphibious-wrath-of-poseidon-1 1st Version: http://soundcloud.com/jordan-reed/amphibious-wrath-of-poseidon What do you think?
  24. Well, its a bit messy right now but this is the current setup I've got going on: My condenser mic is leaning against that stand to the left. I need to start using that thing for some acoustic guitar. I also have my electric drum kit and guitars / amps (bass and acoustic not pictured): I've been meaning to clean up my studio a bit more but this will do for the time being.
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