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Everything posted by Ptazza

  1. Ah I have fond memories of the original ducktales. If it's on the 3DS's eShop I'll probably get this assuming it's going for a reasonable price of course.
  2. Well if the purpose of a documentary is to be informative then shouldn't the information presented be balanced and fair (as in not-biased). You described documentaries from totalitarian countries, way I see it when you take the fairness and neutrality away from these and use them they simply turn into propaganda videos. I'd say she clearly does have an agenda, or she at least has a clear objective and angle she is pushing with her videos and that a documentary above all should be fair and impartial to be informative.
  3. Woah chill man, only said I didn't really like new Dante's character no need to lose it. Though original Dante was totally interesting and far wittier from what I've seen. My friend has played all of the DMC's and loves all Dantes so I guess I envy him a bit. Got fond memories of old Dante's awesome witty moments but thinks new Dante has decidedly badass moments. New Dante just ain't for me *shrugs*
  4. My friend wants me to give this game a try but I argued there's no point as I can't enjoy a game if I don't like the main character. Fortunately he agreed with me and seemed to drop the point. Don't matter if it plays awesomely and the art is spectacular with an irritating runt like DmC Dante I just couldn't play it.
  5. *meekly steps in* Isn't that a problem then if she is making these videos and her agenda is not clear? Doesn't it indicate she isn't putting forward a strong argument? I always felt her purpose for the videos seemed relatively clear to me, she wants to see less of her perceived sexism issues in future games and by generating interest in her videos she's creating a strong faction to argue against outstanding issues in future games and thus hopefully wield some leverage upon the game industry in the form of public opinion.
  6. Well regarding what you said about Kilika and Besaid, both places have access to plenty of water from the waterfalls or ocean (granted probably salt water) but also they do have access to magic as well Lulu having some degree of talent and Kilika having a freaking fire temple on it. Simply boil the water to remove germs and heat it and bam, bathtime. Expert Sphere grid not giving you boosts is kind of a moot point though Mirby, in FFX even with standard Sphere grid if you wanted to hit the stat caps you had to delete and modify the sphere grid using Clear Spheres and Stat Spheres anyway so you would have to remake the Expert as well if you wanted ultimate power. Still nice to know the Americans are getting some nice bonuses from it.
  7. Happy Birthday Snappleman =D Keep on Rockin.
  8. How much is FFXIV a month?
  9. Sure but it's not so easy, y'see that's where things cross the border from remaster to remake. There's a whole lot more work into converting something so radically different in graphical quality as 7 (despite so much fan demand) into something palatable for a modern console it'd have to be a full-on remake. An while I imagine the international version might not be too much of a stretch it's still not a big deal to many fans for who that was the standard version.
  10. Ehh if thats a screenshot it doesn't look as excellent as the game would have to be to get me to buy it. X is my favourite FF but I still have a PS2 and a copy of FFX. They'd have to have made the remaster really special (I'm talking like extra content or FREAKING BLITZBALL ONLINE) to make me buy it. Was a bizarre choice to remaster X really, it's not old enough to warrant it really in my eyes or at least it holds up so well it doesn't really need a glaze of HD unless you are a big graphics junkie.
  11. If it is a literal port of the PS3 app you might get some luck if you look around the settings. The PS3 app is poor stuff but there's an option to use regular old YT format somewhere on it.
  12. Bear in mind the original example is Link, another silent protagonist and I thought Fusion had some nice moments with Samus. Though I don't look to Team Ninja for good female representation.
  13. Does Samus count? What about Dynasty Warriors/Samurai Warriors women? They be strong willed and kill at least a 1000 men a day. Is it about strong female protagonists or female protagonists doing typically masculine roles, because there is plenty of the former out there.
  14. Sure, that's bordering on puberty-desensitised-to-violence-fun. FF6 has your player character attempt suicide from the sheer depression they've fallen into.
  15. I think FF6 is a bit dark for kids. Though Terra hardly counts as the main protagonist since in the end she's totally optional. I'd say Celes/Locke are the dual leads in that game since it's mostly their actions that drive it. I never really thought it was necessary to go to such effort though. These hipster parents with their lofty ideals Perhaps he's such a strong idealist he did it so as to get the attention and spread the message about a lack of female protagonists in Zelda-style adventure games rather than just for his kid (though that's fine too). Just seems like a lot of effort and contrived stuff.
  16. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01957/ A fine place to live, FFX Besaid Island, hell it's source material might do fine as well I use it myself. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01031/ May Fortune smile upon you, MGS2 Fortune's theme. Nice and gentle acoustic piece http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01363/ Beyond Midgar, FF7's main theme, might sound a bit sad but very gentle. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00811/ Another FF7 main theme mix, not as gentle but more positive than the last. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02330/ Wind Waker Mix, focused on the Ocean theme. Possibly a bit too positive and loud but it works for me. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02183/ Gusty Piano in a Garden, lovely little piece should work. And while it's not from here... Check this group out with some of their more mellower covers, don't think they have download links or albums so you might need to youtube rip them.
  17. Isn't 1.5million an awful lot for an indie game anyway? I mean I've seen game KS's before and their goal hasn't been close to that.
  18. Man this is awesome. At first I was apprehensive just because it's so different to the last Wind Waker remix I heard (Hoy Small Fry) which shares some similarities but then the pacing kicks up and it just goes full pelt and I was like woah didn't think that melody could do that.
  19. Most demo things I see only really do one or two games but man when you bash the console for ages before getting your hands on one. Then when you are the only one to have a hand on one and give a negative review you can hardly blame people for doubting you. You could just let people enjoy their happiness at a new console instead of coming in and stamping the big 'PC superiority' stamp everywhere.
  20. Yeah I recall my GBA taking some heavy hits back in the day from drops to thrown against the wall and it worked fine after them got plenty of life out of it.
  21. Come to think of it most Demo systems I've seen in shops tend to not work these days.
  22. Well what happened to it?
  23. I heard they were still letting Lucasfilm take the helm much in the same way as they did for the Avenger series of movies.
  24. My god it's a masterpiece. Blew my mind when I discovered the billion fruits and blasted off to space. Though I'm not very good at managing bug porn I'm sure good at printing money
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