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Everything posted by Orangedragan

  1. Not interested in claiming a track; I have no composition talent whatsoever. :\
  2. Dooooooeeess anybody need a singer? Baritone here, PM me if you might be interested.
  3. Dooooooeeess anybody need a singer? Baritone here, PM me if you might be interested.
  4. Dooooooeeess anybody need a singer? Baritone here, PM me if you might be interested.
  5. Dooooooeeess anybody need a singer? Baritone here, PM me if you might be interested.
  6. What kind of vocals are you looking for?
  7. I'd like to offer my services as a vocalist to anyone that might need it. Bass/Baritone with broadway/classical/folk style voice. PM me if you'd like examples.
  8. I'd love to offer my services as a vocalist! Baritone.
  9. Did someone say vocalists? Baritone here that's all for working on this album.
  10. I'd also like to offer my vocal services to you wonderful mixers. I'm a bass/baritone.
  11. You can list me as interested. I'm not an arranger, but a vocalist; Bari/Bass. I'd be glad to lend my voice to anyone who needs it.
  12. I would kill to be involved in this album! If anyone needs a bari/bass voice for a mix, please contact me! I have plenty of examples of my voice for anyone that would like to hear it.
  13. You have my voice!
  14. Bass/Baritone voice here for anyone who might be considering a vocal track. Examples of work available, just send me a message.
  15. Vocalist here! Bass/Baritone. Can't compose though, so I'll just be an instrument available for anyone.
  16. I don't suppose you could use any voices for this project? O:)
  17. Speaking of vocals, voice for hire here! I'm too white to rap, but other than that, I'm good.
  18. I'm no expert in this genre of music, but that got pretty awesome intense at the end. Well done. I'll leave the critiques to those more knowledgeable.
  19. Fabulous! Any chance you could credit me on there as JLawrence Kenny, with a link to my website? www.JLawrenceKenny.com Many thanks!
  20. I'm available if anyone is making any vocal tracks!
  21. Seriously, no second draft? Works for me, haha. Can't wait to hear it! Well, technically, I don't often listen to myself sing, but I'll sure as hell share it with everyone.
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