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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Which I already admitted. Again, I apologize for bringing it up, since it was no fault of the judges per Larry's elaboration. You're right. It's a MIDI rip with a GarageBand preset and vocals on top. I critique because I care.
  2. Perhaps. I mean, I like the guy, and his games are great, but even so, he's not the second coming of sliced bread like most of this thread would have you believe.
  3. You forgot the bad animation and pointless rambling. The difference is he's combined this with angry video game rants. Which have also been done before. That said, I do like a lot of the visual gags. It's easy to be cynical, but his presentation and delivery is better than most.
  4. Ha, no. That's anything but a MIDI rip and I will defend it until the day I die.
  5. I'm pretty torn on which version to buy...on the one hand, I could use the PS2 guitar for GH1/2 as well as Freetar/FoF. On the other hand, not having online play is kind of a dealbreaker. :'(
  6. Good guess, but not quite the proverbial tobacco. Although I just realized the mix was actually direct-posted, so it doesn't really have a place in a discussion about the judges. My bad, carry on.
  7. Yeah, the "guy with an accent and chip on his shoulder talking quickly over bad animation" thing has kinda been done before.
  8. That'd be kinda hard seeing as Claado Shou has pretty much dropped off the face of the earth.
  9. If I'm not mistaken, by agreeing with the OCR content policy, everybody agrees to let other people use their OCReMixes as long as credit is given. That said, I don't think mine would really fit anywhere, but you're free to use it anyhow.
  10. Sounds like someone never played Narbacular Drop...
  11. Can't have you bringing axes on the plane.
  12. I just got this image of Dwight Schrute asking that. Answer: Because the Bad Dudes are that awesome.
  13. They're down to about $150 on eBay. I'm definitely going to have to get one at some point.
  14. Actually, the default setting is that the newest posts are displayed last, so I'm not sure how you guys got it to be the other way. Be sure your "Thread Display Mode" is set to "Oldest First" in your user CP.
  15. If nothing else, we definitely have the greatest project thread in the history of OCR. But srsly, this project will rox teh sox.
  16. I think he's got you there, Cerrax.
  17. So it seems that a scenario similar to Compyfox's much-scoffed-at hypotheticals has arisen. I'd imagine this creates an interesting situation regarding distribution and artist rights.
  18. I definitely plan on covering this at some point. I'll probably go more of a cover route though...don't really have any good ideas for a full-fledged arrangement.
  19. They totally need to use The OneUps' version of Vega's Theme.
  20. Hahaha, face. Although that only reminds me of sad I am that the CycloDS is still out of stock.
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