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Everything posted by Black_Doom

  1. And another one! @Chernabogue decided to take "Mystic Cave (2P)" from Sonic 2. Welcome!
  2. Hey, we've got our first claim! @TheGeekyGuitarist has claimed "You're My Number One" from Sonic R! Let's go
  3. Wow, this is surely one of the most creative remixes of this theme. It's relatively straightforward, but the unique spin certainly makes it work so well. I literally had chills running down my spine several times. So good!
  4. https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02208 This is what you're looking for, I think
  5. Hey guys! I think a lot of you love that Blue Blur that goes by the name of Sonic the Hedgehog! And I'm also sure that a lot of you love racing games or just games that involve any kind of competition, right? So, what if we take the best of both worlds, blend it together and make a tribute album? Album Concept: the goal is to create an album honoring racing in Sonic games. They are usually super underappreciated from gaming and musical perspective, so I want to remedy that! The list of allowed games includes games fully dedicated to racing (e.g. Sonic Free Riders) and games that has 2P racing mode (e.g. Sonic 3). 10-ish tracks in total would do just fine. There're are also a few personal recomendations regarding the first and last tracks: either "Green Light Ride" from TSR or "Race to Win" from Sonic Rivals 2 would make a perfect album opener, and "You're My Number One" from Sonic R is a perfect candidate to close the album. But that's just my opinion, y'know Genre Guidelines: this album is dedicated to racing games, so pumping music is what we need for sure. Any kind of energetic rock or electronica is more than welcome! The closing track, however, can be much more different. For an album closer I would like to have either something chill and mellow which could symbolize a victory lap or some huge, epic, uplifting orchestral track which would work as victory fanfare List of allowed games (games in bold are already taken, see below): Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2P tracks) Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (2P tracks) Sonic Drift Sonic Drift 2 Sonic R Sonic Adventure (Chao Race) Sonic Adventure 2 (Chao Race/Kart Race/2P tracks) Sonic Heroes (Quick Race or Ring Race) Sonic Rivals Sonic Rivals 2 Sonic Riders Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity Sonic Free Riders Team Sonic Racing Everyone who wants to claim a track - just let me know in this thread. If you're not a posted remixer, please, send me a completed work of yours, so I could have an idea about your level of skills. Now, there's a lot of games to choose from, so no more than one claim per game is allowed. Tracklist: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Mystic Cave Zone (2P) - claimed by Chernabogue Sonic Rivals 2 - Neon Palace Zone - claimed by GlacialSpoon Team Sonic Racing - Clockwork Pyramid - claimed by LongBoxofChocolate Sonic R - Can You Feel the Sunshine? - claimed by PirateCrab Sonic Drift 2 - Hill Top Course - claimed by Sir_NutS Sonic Drift - Spring Yard Course - claimed by Jivemaster Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Medley - claimed by Jamphibious Sonic Riders - Sand Ruins - claimed by GlacialSpoon Red - claimed track, no WIP Orange - initial WIP Purple - significant WIP Blue - finished arrangement (unmastered!) Bold blue - final wav Deadlines: I will not set fixed deadlines, but instead I'm going to handle each claim individually. It is highly recommended to keep in touch with me and send some progress at least every month or so. Ignoring me for too long and missing deadlines can result in your claim being dropped. Of course, life can be rough sometimes and I can easily understand that. Just don't disappear for too long! I may as well reach out to everyone from time to time just to make sure everything is okay Final Deadline: May 31 The project crew: Director: @Black_Doom Arrangers: @Chernabogue @General Offensive @GlacialSpoon @LongBoxofChocolate @PirateCrab @Sir_NutS @Jivemaster @Jamphibious Visual Artist: Flan Web Designer: Performers: Sound Engineers: @Chimpazilla Track evaluators: That's all, I guess
  6. This is certainly an interesting piece of music. Not sure if I could listen to it every day, but it still deserves a listen once in a while. The arrangement itself is super cool, and I didn't even notice the transitions at first. The brass sample gets a little annoying, but the rest of samples work just fine. Very nice overall!
  7. I've been putting this one on repeat quite a lot recently. If I want to listen to something before sleep or just when going for a walk, this will be one of my picks, no doubt. It's just insanely good, certainly one of the best chill remixes I've ever heard. Incredibly smooth from the very first to the very last second. Like, I cannot just say how much I love this track. Especially love the call-and-response between two pianos at 1:50 - so sweet. And the overall usage of those instruments is beyond any praise. And the whole track too. Absolutely fantastic collab! Gonna loop it a few more times, I think
  8. Oh, this is really lovely! This sort-of uplifting dreamy techno soundscape is just perfect. I can totally agree that there's nothing too outstanding or mind-blowing in terms of arrangement, but on the other hand there's a plenty of variety and subtle details here and there (like scratches and twinkling sounds) that made me appreciate this track. The beat may be repeating a lot, sure, but I don't care at all. The groove is super catchy and I love it! And boy, that phat, almost guitar-sounding synth at 3-minute mark is so good. Defenitely spiced the things up a bit. Very solid stuff overall!
  9. Stumbled upon this one while checking out some older stuff once again, and, wow, this is actually sweet! It defenitely aged really well, I think. Pretty catchy groove and the mix of strings and electronica is nice. This is going into my playlist for sure!
  10. Ooh, loved volume one a lot, so looking forward to this release! Especially the would love to hear the take one the introduction track, it is such a nice piece of music Good luck!
  11. Thought it would make sense to post this here: Yeah, another remix of your track, @Jorito Love this track a lot, btw. I've been listening a lot of vgm-related synthwave stuff lately, and this is just so good! Nailed it as always
  12. Super chill and smooth stuff, love it! Reminds me of zircon's excellent "Picolescence", just a little bit gitchier and more aggressive, if this makes sense, haha. Also, holy cow, that bass is huge!
  13. Wow, it's a shame I've missed this one somehow. I'm always into the quirkier/glitchier soundscapes that manage to maintain some structure and has a wide range of melodic stuff going on, so this is certainly a nice treat for my ears. Absolutely love the huge as heck drums used throughout the whole track, and, DAMN, that fake ending at 3:41 got me so much! Killer stuff
  14. Holy shit, that was so epic! My socks were rocked off completely, haha! You should certainly submit this to OCR, this track totally deserves to be on the front page, I think
  15. Holy shit, man, that was sooooo good! I think you should try to submit it to OCR
  16. Ohhh, I'm always excited for some Radiowar stuff! Did not disappoint as always <3
  17. Oh, I've been enjoying this track a lot since the album was released. The build-up is indeed very long and slow, but at around 1:40 the fun really begins with all the subtle variations and changes, and it's hard not to fall in love with what's going on there. Fantastic the section at 2:32, by the way - it works perfectly as a climax of this piece. This is not one of these crazy over-the-top dance tracks that make your speakers tear apart, but a very pleasant listen nonetheless. I certainly bopped my head a few times here and there
  18. Much love from me for sure - it's not your usual Metroid remix that has that dark and unsettling atmosphere, a sense of something heavy and gloomy, no. Instead, this is a rather uplifting and playful piece There's almost something awfully nostalgic about it, although I have no clue what it could be... But for some reason, this track makes me think of better and simpler times, haha. It was not very easy to extract the source from here, but after a handful of solid listens I can certainly say that it is there. It's a relatively simple tune, but that's where it's charm comes from, I guess. Some sweet piano, beats, organ and a few other details, and there you are - a nice and fresh listen that definitely makes you feel comfy. Can easily say that this is one of the best works on the entire site
  19. Wow, just WOW. I'm writing this during my first listen and I'm just about halfway through, but oh my gosh, I know I'm gonna love every second of this masterpiece. I'm a huge sucker for some smooth jazz jams and this is certainly right up my alley! You nailed it with your initial collaboration, Jorik, but this is just beyond any levels of awesome. Really reminded me of another modern classic of videogame music - "Jump Up, Super Star!", which is saying a lot, I think This one is a little less festive, sure, but the attitude is absolutely the same. Jeez, I think I got chills like 100 times while listening to this track - that was scary good. Mind-blowing work by your crew! Keep it up!
  20. Wow, I'm shocked this track has no reviews yet! Well, I have to say, this is really really good Definitely one of the best folk tracks I've heard in a while. It's a kind of song I could easily associate with a leisure stroll through a town/field/forest, and I guess that makes perfect sense. And, hey, there's accordion - hooo boooy, do I love it! This world really needs more accordion, especially in any piece of VGM, hahah.
  21. This is sooooo cool, wow. It took me a few attempts to get into the track, but, boy, I love it so much now! Absolutely catchy piece of music with that charming oldschool techno sound - eargasmic stuff right here Super mesmerizing space-y synths and some nice robotic vocoding - especially love the melody on the second part!
  22. Wow, this is a super underappreciated track! It's been stuck in my head for the last few days, and I'm really happy about it - super catchy and upbeat retro-flavored goodness! Totally nailed some of the classic WillRock sound here as well, haha. The guitar may be fake, but it certainly adds a lot of charm Absolutely love this remix, keep making awesome stuff!
  23. Another solid track from Jorrith! And also amazing work by both collaborators - the vocal work is simply beautiful, and those guitar solos made the chills run down my spine Certainly super authentic 80s sound overall - nice work!
  24. I don't know why I've been ignoring this one for so long, but man, it's really good. The spoken intro is just so silly, and I love it, haha. Good job here, Stephen! As for the instrumental part - wow, this groove is dangerously catchy! Classic fast-paced bouncy synthwave groove here. The call-and-response section at 1:43 is definitely one of the numerous higlights for me - those chippy bits are so sweet! Then there's a bitchin' solo at 2:31 - another example of why this remix is so amazing. Nice work, Will! And the following half-time part filled with a ton of cheesy sfx and more of that cool voice acting All in all, there's a lot to love - kudos to all of you, gentlmen!
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