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    Black_Doom got a reaction from HoboKa in OCR03586 - Katamari Forever "Tales from Arctic Katamari Roundabouts, and You and I, in Cherry Blossom Season"   
    Whooooooooooooooooooooa! Absolutely insane comeback. This song is the new definition of awesomeness. Yeah, that's how good it is. Don't even hesitate, download it ASAP!
    P.S. That title lol
  2. Like
    Black_Doom reacted to Liontamer in OCRA-0063 - Mirror Image: A Link to the Past ReMixed   
    Preview Mirror Image: http://youtu.be/l-DGg1_vJ2w Download Mirror Image: http://mirrorimage.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Mirror_Image_-_A_Link_to_the_Past_ReMixed.torrent  
    Mirror Image is a reinterpretation of the soundtrack to Nintendo's SNES masterpiece The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. 
    The music of the Legend of Zelda games has always been an integral part of the game experience, even being able to play musical instruments in the games themselves. We felt that A Link to the Past deserved more attention than it already got in the game music community, since many of composer Koji Kondo's greatest and most iconic themes originated from this game. In celebration of the game's 25th anniversary, we set out to honour the legacy of its soundtrack by creating an arrangement album while also staying true to the awesome diversity that defines the remixing community. We hope you enjoy it!
    - William Harby (WillRock) & Emery Monzerol (DaMonz)

  3. Like
    Black_Doom reacted to AngelCityOutlaw in How to follow   
    What did you expect? 
    If people aren't "following" something, it's because they don't want to and it's not even particularly useful to be honest. There is also the matter of the forums being borderline dead — nobody is asking how to follow threads.
    Therefore, this thread (and your choice of words) comes off as "Here's how painfully easy it is to follow threads, you idiots."
  4. Like
    Black_Doom got a reaction from djpretzel in OCR03586 - Katamari Forever "Tales from Arctic Katamari Roundabouts, and You and I, in Cherry Blossom Season"   
    Whooooooooooooooooooooa! Absolutely insane comeback. This song is the new definition of awesomeness. Yeah, that's how good it is. Don't even hesitate, download it ASAP!
    P.S. That title lol
  5. Like
    Black_Doom got a reaction from Sir_NutS in OCR03577 - Castlevania Legends "My Beautiful Vampire Hunter"   
    Oh, this is totally awesome. There's nothing too fancy here, yet it is an absolutely top-notch work - it even may be one of my favorite tracks by Mr. NutS. Just can't stop listening to it again and again! I'm a huge fan of such melodic house-ish tracks  The tune is incredibly catchy, especially love its subtle melancholic/dreamy vibe. The instrumentation is pretty neat as well - really love the sweet synth lead, nice bass and solid beats. I also dare say that in my opinion some vocals can easily fit this song and make it a bit more interesting - I can certainly imagine a vocal version of this track Don't get me wrong, though, I can't get enough of this stuff, it's simply amazing! Keep it up!  I hope you will make some similar ReMixes at some point
  6. Like
    Black_Doom reacted to synesthesics in Extreme G (Remixes)   
    hey whats up ?
    finally complete my remixes from extreme g this appeared in 1997 for nintendo 64, the soundtrack is by simon robertson & stephen root,  hope you like it,
    cheerz & enjoy download on my bandcamp https://mellowsonic.bandcamp.com/album/extreme-g-revised
    check out
  7. Like
    Black_Doom reacted to OzGuy in R.I.P. Archie Sonic   
    So... I guess it's official. Archie Sonic is dead.
    I read it a lot in primary school, and I loved it. At the time, I was a bit biased towards Sonally... which is unfortunate, as I started reading after the reboot, but looking back, the stories told were great, and always managed to pull off "dark and edgy Sonic" in a way Sega's own writers never could.
    I hope the new publisher is great, but Archie Sonic will always have a place in my heart. What are your stories?
    "And though you're dead and gone, believe me, your memory will carry on."
    - Welcome to the Black Parade, My Chemical Romance
  8. Like
    Black_Doom reacted to timaeus222 in OverClocked PlayList: Puzzle Games   
    Am I the only one who cracked up when you said, "Threes is the Bees Knees from Threes and submitted by Joseph G's!"?
  9. Like
    Black_Doom got a reaction from ~Faseeh~ in Sonic 3D Blast: Dimensional Duality   
    Soooo, sort of necro-posting, right? Well, as you know, Speeding Towards Adventures, which I was directing, was released a few days ago; so I'm interested in starting a new project, and this might be a perfect candidate. This game turns 25 in 2021, so we've got a plenty of time. But at first we need to generate some interest, right? What do you guys think?
  10. Like
    Black_Doom reacted to Meteo Xavier in Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History   
    The mastered tracks are finished and have been delivered to Ocremix staff! Now the staff, who as we've seen with this week's release of the 62nd OCR project album are extremely efficient about releases and have it down to a science by now, have all the finished and mastered audio!
    At this moment I'm unsure if we still lack enough artwork, but I don't think that should be a huge hurdle to complete. Any other hurdles from here should be minor. I know I've said that before, but now that the top brass has the full mastered content, it's extraordinarily unlikely anything should mess it up now.
    Thank you for your patience and hanging on with us (or at least restraining yourselves from REALLY dramatic acting out on it). We hit a MAJOR finish line FINALLY and things should go quite good from here to release.
    Look forward to it! It may come up sooner than you think (a first for this project!)
  11. Like
    Black_Doom reacted to Liontamer in OC ReMix presents Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog!   
    OC ReMix Presents Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog!

    June 22, 2017
    Contact: press@ocremix.org

    FAIRFAX, VA... On the final day of Sonic's 25th anniversary year (gotta go fast!), OverClocked ReMix today released its 62nd free community arrangement album, Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog. Featuring 23 tracks from 30 artists, Speeding Towards Adventures pays tribute to numerous titles from the Sonic the Hedgehog series, and is co-directed by Russian community member Stepan "Black_Doom" Sudilovsky & Dutch musician Jorrith "Jorito" Schaap. The album is available for free download at http://sonic25.ocremix.org.

    Speeding Towards Adventures pulls together a deep group of musicians honoring the Sega sound team's music in a variety of styles, including rock, funk, electro swing, pop, orchestral, and more. Speeding Towards Adventures was made by fans, for fans, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Sega or Sonic Team; all original compositions are copyright their respective owners.

    "The fast-paced addictive gameplay, vivid stages, and, of course, catchy music made my first experience of diving into Sonic universe one of the most memorable parts of my childhood," recounted album director Stepan Sudilovsky. "Then I started to learn more and more about Sonic the Hedgehog games, and they were all amazing to explore, but music remained the most enjoyable part of this entertainment." The scope of the album's game coverage starts from the original Sonic the Hedgehog and works up to 2010's Sonic Colors, tackling a full dozen Sonic games. Sudilovsky underscored the album's wide-ranging approach: "My vision for this project: cover as many games as possible, as well as to represent a variety of music genres to represent the variety of Sonic's journeys."

    The album's artwork was designed by British artist Davy "Odai" Owen, who also designed the artwork for OC ReMix's 2015 Heart of a Gamer album memorializing the late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata.

    "I was happy to be able to contribute some of my 'get stuff done' skills, and helping guide the album and all the people who collaborated towards the final product was a blast," affirmed album co-director Jorrith Schaap. "Really proud of the final result and I'm sure you'll enjoy the album as much as I did!"

    Speeding Towards Adventures also marks OC ReMix's fifth Sonic series album, following 2013's Temporal Duality (Sonic CD), 2011's The Sound of Speed (Sonic 1), 2006's Project Chaos (Sonic 3 & Knuckles), and 2005's Hedgehog Heaven (Sonic 2).

    About OverClocked ReMix
    Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans.
    Preview it: http://youtu.be/Yemuj9HbaBE Download it: http://sonic25.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Speeding_Towards_Adventures_-_25_Years_of_Sonic_the_Hedgehog.torrent Comments/Reviews: http://ocremix.org/community/topic/45902/  
  12. Like
    Black_Doom reacted to Liontamer in OCRA-0062 - Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog   
    Preview Speeding Towards Adventures: http://youtu.be/Yemuj9HbaBE Download Speeding Towards Adventures: http://sonic25.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Speeding_Towards_Adventures_-_25_Years_of_Sonic_the_Hedgehog.torrent  
    Sonic has always been my favorite video game series. It has always meant a lot to me. I clearly remember the day when I asked my parents to buy some game and they bought Sonic Adventure DX. Of course, my reaction was nothing but fascination! The fast-paced addictive gameplay, vivid stages, and, of course, catchy music made my first experience of diving into Sonic universe one of the most memorable parts of my childhood. Then I started to learn more and more about Sonic the Hedgehog games, and they were all amazing to explore, but music remained the most enjoyable part of this entertainment. A few years later, I started to look for the soundtracks on the internet and downloaded almost every album existing at that time. I was listening to them on a daily basis, and I was listening to nothing but this music -- that's how obsessed I was with it!
    In the middle of 2012, I came across a remix of "Special Stage" theme from Sonic the Hedgehog 3, "Red Sphere, Blue Sphere" by Ben Briggs. Apparently, I had to head over to the Project Chaos website, grab the whole album and listen to it. That was another experience that changed my life drastically -- the idea of giving all-time favorite video game music a completely new life impressed me a lot. So, a few days later, I visited OCR and started to wander around. I was really surprised by how many arrangements and arrangement albums were published there! Finally, in the beginning of 2013, I joined the community. It was also the time when Temporal Duality was in development, so I was following the progress very closely. I'm a Sonic fan after all, so how could I miss something like that? So I must admit that this album inspired me to start this recruiting this album! Big shoutout to SuperiorX and Phonetic Hero! ;)
    Finally, about a year after registering on the OCR forums, I decided to start the album project. My vision for this project seemed to be simple: I wanted to cover as many games as possible (with up to 3 tracks per each game; yes, we ended up having 4 Sonic the Hedgehog 3 tracks, lol) as well as to represent a variety of music genres to represent the variety of Sonic's journeys. The project immediately started to gather lots of people, and that's not surprising at all, given how popular the Blue Blur is. And I understood that I needed some help, since the project was not going fast enough. This is where I asked Jorito to step in to direct the album along with me. Luckily, he agreed to help me, and that was one of those decisions that completely changed everything. From that moment, the project started to develop with immense speed. I just don't have enough words to express my gratitude -- he helped me so much! If I start to list everything he did for this album, I will probably never stop. Also, big thanks to Odai for such nice art, big thanks to the Sega composers for their work, and, finally, big thanks to all the musicians who contributed to this outstanding album. Directing it was a blast!
    - Stepan Sudilovsky (Black_Doom)
    Even though I have been part of this album for quite a while as a ReMixer, it was pretty late that I joined as an album co-director. And I'm glad I did, because it was an exciting and interesting experience to witness the creation of an album from "the other side." Since I'm no expert on things Sonic-related, I have to give mad props to Stepan for defining the vision for the project and doing a lot of the prep work that set things in motion and Odai for really capturing the Sonicness of Sonic. I was happy to be able to contribute some of my "get stuff done" skills, and helping guide the album and all the people who collaborated towards the final product was a blast. Really proud of the final result and I'm sure you'll enjoy the album as much as I did!
    - Jorrith Schaap (Jorito)

  13. Like
    Black_Doom reacted to Dave the Rave in Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog - History   
    We are roughly 11 hours away for the franchise's 26th Anniversary. Hope this project gets released before then.
  14. Like
    Black_Doom got a reaction from KingTiger in Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog - History   
    Hey, look, what's that? https://mobile.twitter.com/ocremix/status/875445330883432448
    Yeah, I'm slow a bit
  15. Like
    Black_Doom got a reaction from Jorito in Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog - History   
    Hey, look, what's that? https://mobile.twitter.com/ocremix/status/875445330883432448
    Yeah, I'm slow a bit
  16. Like
    Black_Doom got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog - History   
    Hey, look, what's that? https://mobile.twitter.com/ocremix/status/875445330883432448
    Yeah, I'm slow a bit
  17. Like
    Black_Doom got a reaction from Huepow00 (DJ EAR) in OCR03549 - Sonic CD (JP) "The Madness"   
    Hahaha, I definitely remember this track from that SSMB album XD Crazy, even a bit schizophrenic, but very enjoyable. Those vocal samples are just amazing  Excellent blend of various Metallic Madness themes!
  18. Like
    Black_Doom reacted to DarkEco in OCR03547 - Lemmings (GEN) "Extinction Party"   
  19. Like
    Black_Doom reacted to Garpocalypse in Is a Good Sonic Musical Possible?   
    If you're asking for some cringey sonic musicals....It's been done, 
  20. Like
    Black_Doom reacted to AngelCityOutlaw in Is a Good Sonic Musical Possible?   
    The real question here is "Why would anyone want this?"
  21. Like
    Black_Doom got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in OCR03546 - Final Fantasy VIII "Attack on Dollet"   
    Oh my God! What a majestic debut! This is one of the most jaw-dropping remixes I've grabbed recently. I'm not huge fan of some of orchestral remixes, but I looooooooove such epic cinematic sonic journeys with a touch of modern aesthetics.This is like watching some thrilling movie, when you're hooken right from the very beiginning and don't want to miss a single second. I bet I'm gonna listen to nothing but this song the next few days (maybe even a couple of weeks?). Guys, download this breathtaking masterpiece right now! And, of course, looking forward to more posted works!
  22. Like
    Black_Doom got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in OCR03547 - Lemmings (GEN) "Extinction Party"   
    Haha, I remember listening to this track in the workshop a couple of months ago! Very fun track with a very strong groove  The combination of the guitar and somewhat retro-ish eletronica is pretty neat. Another instant eargasm! Great debut man, hope you'll submit more!
  23. Like
    Black_Doom got a reaction from djpretzel in OCR03547 - Lemmings (GEN) "Extinction Party"   
    Haha, I remember listening to this track in the workshop a couple of months ago! Very fun track with a very strong groove  The combination of the guitar and somewhat retro-ish eletronica is pretty neat. Another instant eargasm! Great debut man, hope you'll submit more!
  24. Like
    Black_Doom reacted to Wiesty in Mode Seven: A Jazz Tribute to the SNES - History   
    Hi everyone!
    I thought I'd post a thread in here to make it official that the OC Jazz Collective is currently working on their second ABSOLUTELY FREE OC Remix Album! The entire crew from Chronology returns to bring you some more jazz, this time in the form of a tribute to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. We've got some new faces on board as well and as per usual are open to arrangers who would like to submit their arrangements for us to record! Currently we do not have a working title for the album but we will keep you updated with this thread as we progress! Looking forward to bringing you more music!

    -Currently seeking visual artists!
    -Currently seeking arrangements! 
    XPRTNovice- Alto/Soprano
    Anthony Lofton- Tenor Sax
    Sir Jordanius- Trumpet
    John Stacy- Horn/Trumpet
    Fratto- Trombone
    DrumUltima- Vibraphone
    Nostalvania- Piano
    Andy Pearce- Guitar
    Jay Yaskin- Bass
    Wiesty- Drums

    John Stacy
    Jorik Bergman

  25. Like
    Black_Doom reacted to GrislyGrizzly in What happened to Repercussions of Fowl Lamentation?   
    I used to collect the early ReMixes but when I moved years ago I started slacking. I'm going back now listening to the nostalgia but the last couple of days have been really confusing when it comes to the Duck Hunt April Fools' album Repercussions of Fowl Lamentation. This OCR catalog doesn't acknowledge it and http://duck.thasauce.net/ I've read held the songs once but was apparently emptied out in 2014. Random tracks are on YouTube and the cover art is easy to browse online, but collection itself seems to have been completely deleted from the internet. Does anybody out there have it saved? Are people supposed to share this anymore? What the hell did I miss? Haha
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