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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. ive had some harsh criticisms in the past, i've been told the best thing is to do is to accept the criticism gracefully and work towards improving........ worked for me glad we pick odai! his art is looking great!
  2. Not planning on buying it, doesn't seem like enough content.. solid discount purchase though when the time comes. Beta seemed kinda vapid and empty. Not overly familiar with the original Battlefront games but hopefully this one will have more substance than just "Here's a bunch of Star Wars things in a level, go nuts". Even the soundtrack seems boring and full of "this sounds like star wars!" cliches... just so basic Makes me wish the cancelled Star Wars games were still active
  3. If game prices go up game sales are gonna go down, it'll hurt voice actors more than anything if they make that deal
  4. Ideas are for the artist. Based on what you said you don't want to see, I say we let Odai do the rest
  5. What there's 1 day left to make the final WAV? o_O I gotta work all through until Thursday next week, but I still wanna make that song, gimme some time?
  6. This is a long thread that I should probably have read before commenting, but without the time to do so I'll just say a couple no-brainers.. Voice actors are lucky. The fact that they only hire 2 voice actors (Nolan North and Troy Baker) to voice every video game is a problem. If this strike leads to more popular VOs having less work and more people getting involved due to them being less demanding, then it could be a good thing. Spread the work around more instead of just hiring 2 guys. If it made it easier to get non-union voice work then that would be good too.
  7. PSP is kinda lost to history right now, but you still get free PS VIta games per month through PS+ so it's not a bad deal. I've never bought a vita game before and I have a huge library of vita games. But using it for remote play with the PS4 is as good of a feature on its own to justify having a vita
  8. I don't know why the forum lists you as Slime (+5) but I can assure you, you are not nobody to OCR... all people are special little flowers here
  9. Some advice if you're leveling up a 2nd or 3rd character for high light level, put your high light weapons and ghost in the vault and switch it over to the character you're working on. Supposedly you get drops based on your light level when you turn them into the Cryptark specifically, so the higher the better. Put on your highest light weapons and armor even if you don't like using them so much and they're blue. I had a blue that was 297 light. I only got a 300 legendary artifact from Eris for the Depose the Court quest and that was such a tiny upgrade that it didn't matter. Mine is I think 295 on the Hunter and 292 on the Warlock... sadly, I haven't killed Oryx yet in the new raid. That easily pushes people up to 300 light. I did get the Devouring Maw for my Warlock from the Fallen S.A.B.E.R strike though and it's really cool. From the raid on 2 characters (without doing the ending) I got the sniper rifle, the fusion rifle, and 2 ghosts. All at 300 or higher
  10. I hope you're all lubing up your scalps cause on Friday we're gonna wear Oryx's ass as a hat This expansion has made Destiny into the game it should have been a year ago -- but I'm not complaining, I have an absurd amount of time into the game, and a bunch of friends who are amazing. And fiery Carolina Reaper peanut brittle straight from the Texan kitchen of Riboseman, MVP of the hard mode. His brittle has burned many an ass. I can only hope Oryx doesn't have any of it before I wear his ass as a hat. But seriously if you aren't playing The Taken King right now and you're into Destiny you're missing out. There's so much stuff to do right now. I haven't even gotten one of the new exotics yet but some people have. A friend got The Jade Rabbit (PS4 exclusive) and I saw it in game. The best thing I got was the PS4 exclusive sublime engram helmet. Gonna be spending some time in Court of Oryx to try to raise my light level for when the raid drops on Friday. I'm around 253 right now but would prefer to at least be 280 before the raid. I'm going to try to add the raid to the OCR events calendar if I can remember how to do that.
  11. Kemarofangs, not only will I help you out but I will introduce you to a bunch of other people who could too. Just be ready with a mic and join our party later. Now is a good time for this. Most of us took off work for the DLC tomorrow. I'll be on a lil after 11pm then DLC drops 5am..... then I'll just hold out as long as I can haha. As for Xbone I think we had 1 guy but he quit. Pays to be on ps4!
  12. I have literally never heard of any of those words and Nintendo hasn't been relevant for like 3 years
  13. There was a pretty dang good remix of that on the FF1 album by blackguitar http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02555 I'm stuck at work so I haven't got to download the album yet! But I can only imagine how awesome it is
  14. I feel like since it released basically on top of MGS 5 and the new Destiny DLC it will probably get passed up by a lot of people.. I will try to sneak it in here and there but at this point I don't even know how, I don't even have time for MGS 5 right now with all the new Destiny content
  15. I haven't gotten that far yet, but the game is real good. And now I guess I'll leave the thread until I finish it cause of spoilers
  16. So that was just a joke and this claptrap does nothing at all? It would have made a cool alarm clock though. There's lots of good quotes for 1
  17. "If you read it on the internet, it must be true." ~Everyone Ever, All Times
  18. "If you believe in chili dogs and she doesn't, you just have to move on." ~Ghandi, 1843
  19. Are you hungry right now friend? Do you usually walk into casinos and ask, "Is that a hotdog?" when you see any generally phallus shaped object? The object in question is more like a bumper from a pinball table. That's why he bounces off of it -- if it were a chili dog, he wouldn't bounce off of it, he'd simply grab it and begin eating it, or add it to his inventory in place of coins.... because really, what good are coins when you could be collecting chili dogs. Also I'd be willing to wager the people who made the game didn't give much if any consideration to the story or backstory of Sonic, so whether he liked Chili dogs was probably not even known at that time. Seems more like an anime thing.
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