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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Iunno my sleep schedule is all kinds of crazy but I'll usually be on sometime between 10pm and 7am or later if I'm not at work like I am right now :cry: you oughta add some of the clan people as friends cause they'll be on too

  2. Hey, take care of your family and redo your homework so you get good grades, the WIP can come after that -- don't worry!

  3. Hey, you just hit level 24 right? Is that your total or on an alt character? The fastest way I noticed to get to level 29 is to get your Vanguard rank up to 2... you do this by taking on Vanguard Bounties. You could also do it with Crucible but that is PVP. They're both decent ways to gain rank but you have to pick 1 or the other to get your legendaries unless you have time to do both...

    I managed to get a legendary arm armor drop for my Titan which was a Crucible armor, and filled in the other 2 slots with legendaries I bought from the Vanguard, and an exotic chest armor I bought from Xur... good luck and if you got any questions or anything feel free to ask! You're in the clan right?? Play with us sometime!

  4. I hit 29 on my new Titan so now I have 2 characters at level 29 And I have Sunbreakers (exotic) and a Legendary chest piece for a Warlock prepared, but never made a Warlock yet. In other news Weekly Reset took place an hour early today so there's a new Weekly Heroic Strike, Nightfall, and of course Daily Heroic Story. Also, the Vault of Glass is reset for everyone to run it again this week. And... the IRON BANNER is back!! Maybe a fluke? Didn't look like the detailed updates they talked about have been applied, but we'll see.
  5. Don't worry, I didn't put yours up for grabs just yet >:] Definitely hoping for some progress soon though! We're at 74 minutes with what is done, so that's basically a whole disc -- the album is really coming together so I hope people are hyped and excited about getting this done.. FF2 should be "coming soon" to OCR as well...
  6. Alright, it's been a super long time, and the WIP date is tomorrow -- we got 1 WAV, a suave jazzy Chocobo song from Amphibious. Thank you! THREE SONGS have been put up for grabs which means I'm looking for someone very talented to take them over. Under the Deep Sea is one of my favorites so it would be amazing to get something really special for it! Let's push the next WIP date to January 15th. If I don't hear updates for some of these other songs they may be put up for grabs as well. It's time to get the album moving closer to completion -- January 15th, 2015 will be the 2 year anniversary of the album announcement.. so, let's make it happen!
  7. I hope you guys can do it! And more people -- where they at? Spread the word maybe! Not even sure what I would cover yet... hmmm... so hard to choose, so many good soundtracks this year
  8. I got a bunch of Alpha keys but then realized I don't really care It's too much work to download outside of Steam and all that jazz. Here's some PC codes 627TT-PLD50-5D6TQ 627VD-GG3HE-IGGNP 627XY-ECRKZ-B0MEG 628GR-Q8ELT-BGE3M
  9. Hi! This is an idea that was tossed into the ether a couple months ago -- now that the year is getting close to the end, let's share some remixes we do this month of NEW game soundtracks. Stuff from 2014! Not as a contest or competition -- there won't be a winner chosen -- but to pay tribute to some of the awesome VG Music of the year. A lot of amazing soundtracks came out in 2014 and there is also a lot of amazing talent here at this community. Please participate in this exciting event; if it goes well, we may have to do it next year, or make it some kind of yearly tradition! Just post your remix in this thread, and it can be added to the first post here.
  10. Except gamer gate has really nothing to do with Anita, she's the one making it about her and appearing on behalf of GG on TV shows. The interview between Stephen Totilo and TotalBiscuit that Zircon posted earlier was super satisfying, you should watch it. It made me more comfortable with reading Kotaku again.
  11. It's true you can comment on games without ever playing them, maybe even if you just see cutscenes from them, or let's play or something that is in some way edited together.... but the question is, why then? Having seen her videos it is obvious that she comments on more of a superficial level with games which just begs the question of why. That's not how anything works. Journalism doesn't (or SHOULDN'T) work like that. I don't consider Anita a journalist of any kind. She's a blogger who has used controversial statements and actions to gain exposure / sympathy / financial gain. And in response to the person who says "you don't know her personally it's not fair to comment on her character". I know her as well as she knows games. That's exactly what she is doing with games so why is it wrong for others to do the same?
  12. I don't know how to search it with their system (notoriously bad at using twitter, all I do is type in the text and hit post status) but search for instances where Anita or Zoe used the #gamergate hashtag and ask yourself if any of it seems antagonizing
  13. This is actually really good and it's great to get some answers about some of this stuff. As for the Colbert thing.... I'm kind of amazed at how hard gamer gate is being exploited for monetary gain and exposure in the media.. Anita herself there talking about it? Well ok. I still think it was very wrong for Anita and Zoe to antagonize people (including using the hashtag directly to insult people) and announce whenever they're threatened on twitter but it seems to be working out for them now that GG is purely focused on them and their topics.
  14. Wow the US must be crazy Why do we have to be different from the rest of the world? Do we at least use the same type of measurement system or currency?
  15. Clock don't go back an hour until November 2nd at 2am
  16. Is anti-gamergate rooted in accusations and comparisons to offensive figures like Alex Jones? Not having all the facts is a little more forgivable than being mean IMO, he can at least read up on stuff and get the rest of the story whereas being mean or snarky is less easy to correct
  17. Yeah it's not even remotely accurate. I don't have either of those 3.
  18. You got proof the 2 events are connected? Maybe he just doesn't like your music
  19. I completely agree, -- it should be back on the front page immediately.
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