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Everything posted by Hale-Bopp

  1. I'm a magfest virgin. Be gentle?
  2. Oh goodie, then I get to concentrate more on goofing off.
  3. oh crap, I've been called out to play, haha. I should probably practice or something? The only thing that gets me is the whole playing-an-instrument-while-singing thing. I kind of ummm, suck at it. Could be tons-o'-fun though!
  4. I can't believe I'm going. Meeting all you cool people, playing games and listening to live vgmusic. Wtf. This rules.
  5. I don't remember if I ever posted in this thread or not, but I just wanted to say this project absolutely KILLS. It took some time to let the whole project sort of gestate in my brain, because there's just so many joygasmic, aural sensations to be had. I love it all. Good work, everyone!!
  6. That was the very first thing that I thought of too, because I used to do this with my pedal...because I am a dumb. I'm gonna have to try this out later on when I get home and see if I have the same issue. I have yet to try my wah pedal with amplitube actually. Of course, my setup is kinda weird as it is. I don't have a DI box, so I go guitar > pod (yeah, I know) > sound card > sonar/amplitube.
  7. I'm that way with all my games. If Mario Galaxy takes most hardcore gamers 20 hours to beat, it'll take me twice that long because I like to play around and savor every moment of the game. To me, there's nothing more depressing than finishing a game in a few days. So yeah, I'm milking this one all the way through.
  8. Having played it on a few different occasions at my local Gamestop, I'm happy to say that this is the Mario game I've been waiting for since the N64 days. I love the Galaxy theme and everything else about the game so far, especially the music! The first few planets or so are addicting to play around on and are even challenging enough in their own right. That said and from what I've heard, the game gets much harder, though not frustratingly hard. I guess it's balanced just right, even for hardcore gamers. I'm excited and I can't wait to get my copy!
  9. To those of you into the DS homebrew scene, DS Organize has been updated somewhat recently to v3.05. You can now download files using the web browser! I've been grabbing mp3s and playing them back using this program and it rocks. This is seriously the best homebrew ever. link: http://www.dragonminded.com/?loc=ndsdev/DSOrganize
  10. Very nice work. This isn't like anything I'm used to hearing. It's very refreshing in that regard and fits the Halloween mood perfectly. Great stuff all around. I really need to try this game at some point.
  11. I still can't tell if my order for wiimote condoms went through or not.
  12. This makes for the perfect soundtrack bed. I really dig all the sounds used in this piece. Good stuff all around. It really put my head in a different place.
  13. The wife and I played Super Mario Galaxy today over at Gamestop. It's such a dreamy game. It's everything I've ever wanted in a platformer. It even plays as well as you think it would. I can't wait to get it!
  14. I can't find Mercury Meltdown anywhere. Most stores haven't even heard of it and don't even have it on their list of games coming in. It's weird.
  15. Sometimes I think it's my goal to make the music that I've always wanted to hear. Like, I never really cared too much if it was me that was actually making the music, just as long as it got made so that I could listen to it whenever I want. It's natural if you like your own music enough to listen to it a lot. Chances are that you created it because that's what you wanted to hear anyways. It's what you feel most connected to. However, if your goal is to also improve yourself as a production artist, then yeah, you want to take a break from that habit and listen to more commercial releases (or other people's remixes) in order to regain some perspective. Otherwise, sometime down the road (and I've been there) you'll finally listen to other people's stuff, then go back to your stuff and realize that something's missing. Well, maybe that'll happen. Maybe not. It could happen though. Reading your post though, it sounds like you kind of already know all this.
  16. The guitars sound so sweet. This one tugs at my heart. Good stuff. I'm also super duper happy to have tried some Pot.
  17. Worst. Timing. Ever. Video Games Live - Milwaukee - March 1st http://www.videogameslive.com/index.php?s=dates
  18. Seriously, last night the wife and I scuffled over who'd get to play Phantom Hourglass when we both wanted to play at the same time. She also stole my DS in the process, so now I need to go buy myself a new DS. I love my logic.
  19. I think for the first time in my life, I've recorded a song just as I imagined it in my head. I had always wanted to do this, but for one reason or another, I'd never really been able to before. It felt sweet.
  20. I'm hoping to get most or all of the following... - Dementium: The Ward - Mario & Sonic (Olympics) - Tony Hawk's Proving Ground - Lego Star Wars Complete Saga (please don't be buggy!) - Cooking Mama 2 - Geometry Wars - Mario Party DS - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword sheesh, I need a 2nd job.
  21. Though that's probably true with some brands/models, I was (and still am) really impressed with the quality of the Edirol controller I have. I don't feel like they skimped on the quality of the hardware at all, considering what I paid for it new. I guess what I'm saying is that it doesn't feel like a toy, which I assume must be a rare thing at that price.
  22. This games rules. A lot. Now they just need to make another sequel catered towards the hardcore gamers and everything will be perfect.
  23. Whatever you get, you really shouldn't have to spend more than $150 on. I bought a 49-key Edirol MIDI controller for $100. Works great.
  24. Phantom Hourglass is a near perfect game so far. I just wish the boss fights lasted longer/were tougher. They're so clever though!
  25. Sweet, thanks for the heads up on that. Just finished the survey. I look forward to receiving the stylus!
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