So, first, let me start off by introducing myself... Hiya! My name is Garrett. I'm an aspiring musician. I don't have any equipment... But no matter, that's not stopping me from pulling out awesome remixes. (Though I'm not sure if they're OCR worthy). BUT! I'm working on a ReMix of Ocarina of Time's Title Theme. Yes, overdone. I know. But I thought I'd give it a shot. I want some advice, any advice or criticism. I'll take it. Most importantly, I really want advice on instrumentation with this one. I just wanna make sure I really nail this one on the head. So, tell me what you think of it, at least what I have done. And I'll consider the advice whilst making it. (I'm not nearly done, don't worry, this is just a very early build.)
New link. This is what it's turning into. Any advice?