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Status Updates posted by DarkeSword

  1. What am I fighting for?

    1. Brandon Strader

      Brandon Strader

      The right to party.

    2. timaeus222


      The right to having bear arms.

    3. KingTiger


      Everlasting peace.

  2. Dunno if you saw this yet, but I'd like to get competition runners using the new calendar function: http://ocremix.org/community/topic/40805-introducing-the-competitions-calendar/

    1. MindWanderer


      Hm... I did see that, and in fact already submitted this RWS round to it. Not sure if you get notifications for that, or if they didn't go through or something.

    2. DarkeSword


      The events are approved!

  3. Hey timaeus. While technically your sig is within the 250px limit, your sig is taking up a lot of vertical space and needs to be pared down a bit. Please edit the layout of your sig and try reduce the vertical space it's taking up.

    1. timaeus222


      Alright; I figured it wouldn't be enough for all screen resolutions.

    2. DarkeSword


      Thanks dude.

  4. Hey man, your sig was gigantic. 250px is the height limit for graphics in your sig. I've edited it to a link. If you want an image in your sig, make sure it's not huge.

    1. GoldnGamer97


      Understood, thanks for letting me know O_O I had no idea how to link it, any other way ^^; terribly sorry about that

  5. I'm not really sure what the deal is with that. :\

  6. I wouldn't worry about it too much. My real name is associated with 'DarkeSword' in a lot of places. Plus the only real issue I see is if someone tries to IM him, they end up IMing me.

  7. Mr. Pretzel. Nice work. :)

  8. I moved your thread to workshop, as per our Community forum Music posting policy.


  9. Is there a reason you want it pulled?

  10. OverClocked ReMix is an AMERICAN WEBSITE. If you are not from 'MERICA get out.

  11. Your sig is too tall. 250px is the height limit. Please resize it.

  12. Your signature is too tall. The combined height of stacked signature images should not exceed 250px.

  13. Your sig is too tall. It needs to be 250px or less. Please resize it.

  14. No, but there should be. Some sigs are getting kind of big.

  15. Your sig is too large. The combined height of images in your sig cannot exceed 250px. Please resize your sig in accordance with the 250px limit.

  16. Hey man, your sig graphics stacked up end up being 290px. Gotta keep it at 250px and under, please. :)

  17. I moved the Link's Awakening project to Projects.

  18. Your sig is too big. The combined height of graphics in your sig cannot exceed 250px. Please resize your sig in accordance with the 250px limit.

  19. You sig is too tall. Please resize your sig in accordance with the 250px height limit.

  20. Concrete Man is the most important thing right now.

  21. It's cool man, no worries. Normally I would delete a thread like that but your art is good so I just closed it and left it up. Hopefully someone sees it and contacts you. ;)

  22. It's cool man. I was mostly joking with my ANGRYFACE.

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