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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Preview it: http://www.youtube.com/embed/748Fxf-gB2U Download it: http://ff5.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Final_Fantasy_V_-_The_Fabled_Warriors_~I.WIND~.torrent The Fabled Warriors is a series of five albums that celebrates Nobuo Uematsu’s classic score for Square Enix’s Final Fantasy V. Each album is comprised of themes for important characters in the series as well as the myriad of job classes that made the game famous. I have always felt that Final Fantasy V’s soundtrack has a bit of lightness to it that other Final Fantasy soundtracks eschew in favor of darker, moodier themes. This game always struck me as more of an adventure than any of the others in the series, and Uematsu’s score grabs that and runs with it. This is nowhere more evident than in “Ahead on Our Way,” Final Fantasy V’s main theme, and in my opinion, the best main theme for any Final Fantasy game. The Fabled Warriors will be released in five parts over the course of the next 2-3 years. The first four albums will follow the four crystals in the game, with themes arranged for all of the corresponding jobs, and the last album will cover new jobs introduced in the Game Boy Advance release, as well as serve as an endcap to the project. I hope everyone enjoys this tribute to Nobuo Uematsu’s wonderful score. We hope to make each album better than the last. -- Shariq “DarkeSword” Ansari
  2. Super Mario Bros. 3 - Bloopers in the Deep [3.19MB] This is a remix of the underwater theme from Super Mario Bros. 3. Enjoy.
  3. http://dcu.blog.dccomics.com/2010/09/02/welcome-to-superman-earth-one/ This October DC is launching a brand new line of original graphic novels based on existing properties. They will take place in their own continuity (called Earth One), removed from the mainline monthly DCU (New Earth). If you've ever been interested in getting into DC's superhero comics, this is a good way to jump in. Check out the link; there's some preview pages.
  4. Not bad, not bad at all. There's some very smart writing here, some great development and direction. Production I'm not so sure about. The entire thing sounds like it's in a small room with some reverb applied. Timpani rolls also sound mechanical. The percussion-heavy section also sounds like it has a drumkit's kick drum in there; sounds out of place initially, especially in a straight orchestral piece like this. I'm gonna go ahead and say YES (borderline). Not sure if other judges will have the same issues I do. Nice piece.
  5. I love the contrast between clean piano and rhodes with that soft, glitchy percussion. Source is prevalent enough to keep this in the realm of ReMix. The interplay between rhodes and percussion is really nice; things really lock together, despite being fairly complex rhythmically. YES!
  6. The Workshop forum is for posting your own arrangements and compositions. Don't post soundtrack rips on OCR, regardless of what you've done to the audio. We don't condone piracy in any form.

  7. Um, you're not plugging in your composite video along with your S-video, right? Because if you're using S-video, leave the yellow cable unplugged.
  8. I'm not sure about the source usage here. It sounds a lot like the original mapped to some interesting sounds and put over a drumloop. I realize that the approach here is more of a sound-design approach, but I feel like there's not much originality in the arrangement besides the original with some sustained strings and choir. I dunno, maybe I'm in the minority here, but I'm not feelin' it. Needs more interpretation. The strings also sound very dry and fake. NO
  9. I'm locking this because this really has nothing to do with plagiarism. Song in the OP is a cover.
  10. Threads about video games don't belong in Off-Topic. This is a video game site. -____-
  11. Please stop spreading misinformation. Dogphins are not fish. Also thank you Txai, your art is awesome.
  12. This is the first version of this I've heard, so I'm coming into this fresh. Not sure about that piano, it's a bit mechanical. Everything sounds kind of muffled too; there's a lack of high frequencies here which is kind of noticeable throughout the mix. Great arrangement though; nice big sound. Lots of energy, great variation, awesome instrumentation. Still feel like this is being run through a low-pass filter though (albeit with a very high cutoff freq). I could do with some EQ on this to maybe bring out some of the higher freqs. YES (conditional)
  13. I agree with everything that Deia said. The drums are repetitive, it needs more panning, and a lot of it sounds like a conservative arrangement with solos over it. I think you need to really sit down and look at the elements of the source and write something that really works with that at the forefront, rather than using it as a backing track for your own original stuff. NO
  14. Holy wall of sound, Batman. This really needs a rebalance. You've got synths really loud and in your face, guitars really loud and in your face, another synth really loud and in your face, and the drums, which are just really repetitive and lo-fi samples. Synths are really buzzy and generic sounding. Not sure how I feel about the medley approach here; I realize that that's what the ending credits are, but the transitions here are all abrupt and come out of nowhere. I think the track would have been better served if you focused on one or two themes. The Springyard Zone section is really nice. I'd rather listen to a full version of that. Needs a lot of work. NO
  15. Goodness gracious, this is right out of a Tim Burton movie. Danny Elfman would be proud. I love what you've done with this source tune; so wonderfully quirky and eccentric. It's got all the right elements; a dark waltz with splashes of blues, haunting voices, and wonderful little bells. Yes!
  16. Gonna disagree. The source is really characterized by that syncopated line and some sustained chord movements; there are some embellishing chimes that also show up, and all those elements are here. I really love the contrast between the smooth, relaxing bell sounds and the high tension dnb percussion. There's a wonderful sense of motion here. I like it! YES
  17. polllyyyrhythmmmmsssszzzz yeess Yeah I dig this arrangement for the first half, but then you just repeat it. Need some variation the second time around dude, or at the very least show of some solo skills. Also drums need to sound massive in a piece like this but they're kind of buried; try looking at your compression and see if you can bring the drums out a little more. NO but please resub this
  18. Yes yes yes. Absolutely wonderful. I love that percussion; really gives this a militaristic, wartime kind of feel. And then that bell and guitar section in the middle is just fantastic, like a calm before the approaching storm. Performances are damn good, especially violin. YES!
  19. Not of the fan of the static; I don't feel like it really adds anything to the mix. Definitely has to either go, or be scaled back and more present throughout the mix. As it it's used now, it just comes out of nowhere and then disappears again. This is kind of muddy; Deia mentioned that the instruments seem to be occupying the same frequency range. Work on some EQ for that. Drums vary a lot which is nice, but that ill-defined bassline is pervasive; needs to sound like less of a blurry whirring noise. Arrangement itself is not bad at all, it's got a nice driving intensity. Just needs some work. NO
  20. Good source choice; I love Ristar. This mix needs a lot of work. It's essentially a simplified version of the source theme. The feel is changed up from a heavy swing to a straight rhythm, but you've slowed it down and lost a lot of the energy. It's also quite repetitive. Everything is really mechanical and dry; sounds are passable but the whole thing has a general midi sound to it. You need to create a performance here, not just go through the motions. This needs a lot of work. Expand the arrangement, interpret more, and make it really stand out as a compelling piece of music. NO
  21. This song sounds like it' supposed to be swinging, but it sounds really square. When doing something jazzy like this, you need to emphasize the upbeats; everything sounds really static in terms of velocity. Percussion is particularly bad in this regard: just some hats on 1 and 3 of the measure. That's not good. Sample/synth quality is not so great either; really basic sounding stuff. You could use some better sounds. Arrangement meanders as well; there are some nice ideas and an interesting approach, but the energy level never changes, and I sort of lose interest about halfway through. Some variation is needed. Not a bad start, but needs work. NO
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