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Status Updates posted by DarkeSword

  1. Hey man, your sig is too tall. The combined height of stacked images should not exceed 250px. Please resize or rearrange the graphics in your sig.

  2. Hey man, your sig was gigantic. 250px is the height limit for graphics in your sig. I've edited it to a link. If you want an image in your sig, make sure it's not huge.

    1. GoldnGamer97


      Understood, thanks for letting me know O_O I had no idea how to link it, any other way ^^; terribly sorry about that

  3. Hey man. Your "real name" field is for your real name, not for anything you want to put in there. If you're not going to put your real name there, please leave it blank.

  4. Hey man. Your real name field is for real name only, not for titles (album director, etc). I've removed it.

  5. Hey timaeus. While technically your sig is within the 250px limit, your sig is taking up a lot of vertical space and needs to be pared down a bit. Please edit the layout of your sig and try reduce the vertical space it's taking up.

    1. timaeus222


      Alright; I figured it wouldn't be enough for all screen resolutions.

    2. DarkeSword


      Thanks dude.

  6. Hey your sig is 200 + 75 so i'm changing it so that both images are on the same line.

  7. Hey, I took care of your youtube link mixup.

  8. I did get it, I will PM you back when I have some comments.

  9. I don't know, it must be something with your connection and ETG's servers.

  10. I don't think I know who that is.

  11. I love your sig bro.

  12. I love your sig it's super cool.

  13. I moderate when you get involved because you don't understand the forum atmosphere. You post long, drawn out arguments. You aren't concise. You take too long to make your point. You argue for argument's sake. OCR forums have their own rhythm, and if you're going to post here, you need to find it.

    Also, you don't know my opinion of rap music or hip-hop culture, so don't assume that I've locked a thread that's strayed off-topic just because I may or may not disagree with you.

    If you're going to post on this forum, stop being a pretentious snot and start posting intelligently, instead of trying to be an intellectual.

  14. I moved the Link's Awakening project to Projects.

  15. I moved your thread to the proper forum. Site Issues & Feedback is for feedback from users about OCR; if you want feedback about a remix, post it in Feedback: Workshop ReMixes. :)

    EDIT: Nevermind, you already had a thread for it. Don't make duplicates! :(

  16. I moved your thread to workshop, as per our Community forum Music posting policy.


  17. I need ur robot master mix :(

  18. I really hope that the Batgirl in Arkham Knight is Cassandra Cain.

  19. I wouldn't worry about it too much. My real name is associated with 'DarkeSword' in a lot of places. Plus the only real issue I see is if someone tries to IM him, they end up IMing me.

  20. I'm not really sure what the deal is with that. :\

  21. If you have a specific release date for the album, you can go ahead and post in Community. If it's just a "hey here's what we're working on, we'll release it when it's done" preview, then wait until the album is actually available to post in Community.

  22. If your post keeps getting deleted, don't keep posting it over and over again.

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