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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Just saw it. Fun action movie with lots of snappy dialogue and great acting. I liked it a lot.
  2. Bluefox, don't reply to a thread in this forum unless you can offer some useful advice. Off-topic, useless posts (and their off-topic rebuttals) moved to Abuse.
  3. The what?! Tatsumakisenpukakyu.
  4. If you're still a noob to mixing and you're going to end up using a Mac, then just learn to use a native Mac application. I mean I'm pro-FL all the way, but you're still at that stage where you're not really locked into an application like someone like me is (I can't imagine trying to learn an entirely new DAW). Apparently there are a lot of great audio-apps for OSX (I wouldn't know any, Vista user), so just look into that. Why bother with the potential overhead and latency issues when you don't really have to?
  5. Well Taxman is doing the programming, and he's the guy who did the Sonic Retro engine and the new Sonic XG Retro engine (which I think was just adapted from the Retro engnie, but anyway). So, uh...already got a hell of a head start on that?
  6. Except you ultimately fail because if you had any kind of reading comprehension skills you would see that Suzu was portraying an angry, militant MUSLIM: And as one of the few Muslims who posts here at OCR, I can tell you that Muslims believe that it was not Isaac who was to be sacrificed in the name of God, but Ishmael. http://www.amaana.org/arch/ismail.htm
  7. Yeah but...we're not talking about OCR here...or remixing, or anything like that. We're talking about the Sonic 2 HD project. It's an upgrade of the old game. It's not a reimagining, or a reinterpretation. It's pretty much Sonic 2 at a higher resolution and with some higher production values for the music (i.e. not Genesis synthesis). There is going to be SOME arrangement involved, as far as I'm aware (I mean Dream Pipe has a lot of stuff added, so you can count on me!) but come on, just enjoy it for what it is. :\
  8. Baby Peach is adorable. That is all.
  9. OR YOU COULD JUST GO LOSE SOME WEIGHT YOU FA- *shot* jk jk lol Thx for your support. I just dropped a $25 donation myself.
  10. Not entirely true. The special stage music is going to be a modified version of Dream Pipe.
  11. I'm really interested, honestly. The main reason I picked up TF2 was because OCR people were always playing it. I prefer to play with people I know; I don't like playing online games with 'unknowns.'
  12. I believe the term you're looking for is not "whack," but "dope." "Whack" is bad. "Dope" is good. The word. Not the drugs. Don't do drugs.
  13. Can't believe I never dropped a review in here. This is one of my favorite songs on the site. I love the subject matter of the lyrics and the soft shuffling sound of the hats. Very smooth, mang. More please.
  14. How is that ironic? Sounds appropriate enough to me.
  15. You registered here just to post this? And yeah, the concept is cool, but it's pretty boring to watch. :\
  16. So...it pretty much looks like every other iTunes clone out there?
  17. Yes. That's pretty much the entire POINT.
  18. I'm more of a reader than a listener, but I do have some recommendations: A Tale of Despereaux - A great fairy tale fantasy about a mouse, a rat, a maid, and a princess. Graeme Malcom's voices and accents for the different characters are absolutely amazing. Harry Potter - Jim Dale narrating all the Harry Potter books. Enough said. Now if you like Star Wars, I heartily recommend the Star Wars Radio Drama. In the 80s, Lucasfilm partnered with NPR to adapt the original Star Wars film to 13 half-hour long episodes which were broadcast weekly nationwide. Mark Hamill returned as Luke Skywalker and Anthony Daniels played C3PO. The rest of the cast was a group of very talented voice actors who sounded similar enough to their movie counterparts to make it believable, but different enough to allow them to make the roles their own (in fact, to this day I prefer Ann Sachs's Princess Leia to Carrie Fisher's). A lot of scenes were added and expanded, giving the story a lot more depth and foundation. A New Hope was very successful, so Lucasfilm asked Brian Daley (the scriptwriter for the first 13 episodes) to adapt The Empire Strikes Back to 10 half-hour long episodes. Hamill, Daniels, and the rest of the radio cast returned for the production, and Billy Dee Williams himself reprised his role as Lando Calrissian. I'm afraid I can't really recommend Return of the Jedi though. It was made in the mid-90s, long after Empire and it's only 6 episodes long. As such, it doesn't add a lot of new material to the story; it only stretches things out and makes the story tedious. Hamill and Williams didn't return to play Luke and Lando, and their replacements didn't really deliver (Lando's actor in particular was terrible). The only real highlight is hearing the radio cast again.
  19. But they did say that. http://blog.capcom.com/archives/1154
  20. How's it a spin? I mean, they're acknowledging the gaffe themselves, right? The bonus boxarts are EXTRAS.
  21. Uh, if you can run it on PC just get it on PC.
  22. OCR has a twitter. http://twitter.com/ocremix I've got it set up to aggregate Recently Posted Remixes, OCReMix Announcements, Larry's VG Frequency Blog, and Andy's Soundtempest Blog. I've also got a twitter myself, but I don't use it as much as I should. I prefer pownce, personally.
  23. Pretty freakin' awesome man. Always nice to see some virtuosity and creativity in a sea of "hay i can play vg songz on mah instrument" videos. Very cool
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