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Everything posted by Hemophiliac

  1. I wish i had time to actually participate this year. I'll put in a request though.
  2. There's a good chance I could be going to this. Two VG concerts within a week, that's awesome...VGL and this.
  3. http://vgmq.garoux.net/ better stuff here, me and CHz would go at this so much back in the day. i had no idea it still existed
  4. Another game where you just need to click quickly to get more points, the songs themselves are pretty pedestrian. VGMQ was the best music quiz that has existed, and i miss it 4,050 is about is good as i will probably do, and that's with clicking songs before they actually start going, because some of their midis take 1-3 seconds to actually start which costs you points. occationally it's broken and won't give you the picture for the game the song is actually playing too...fail there.
  5. disclaimer: this is a headphone listen. this may be a bit too crunchy...what i mean, overcompressed. nice break after the piano. arrangement might be a little bit too liberal, the original is there, but not often. i can hear the march rhythm pop in a few times, but maybe not enough to pass this. ending felt a little lackluster compared to the rest of the song. i like the way this concept sounds, and i hope you give it some TLC.
  6. not bad for a new guy however, the mixdown isn't that solid. the bass might be a little too big, this could come down to a personal taste question. the drums are not big enough in the mix, they really feel subdued and don't share as much space as the rest of the mix. as far as the arrangement, it's kinda close...thought i really think to put this one over the bar would be to put some kinda improvised/altered version of the original melody in there. i hear the original in there twice, it would be good to have it have a little of your own spin on it. personally i think this will probably get a "no, resubmit" if submitted as is. nice start though.
  7. another good one in the same vein:
  8. Or you could make me an engima, i am a hammerdin afterall. edit: and i just got a nearly perfect (198 ed) Herald of Zakarum from countess in hell
  9. no no, not at USC; in orange county...i actually think it's gonna be in the crystal cathedral aboretum.

  10. Yeah sure will do, we have a show with the USC choir in early April, and it should be pretty local too.

  11. I'm performing at your school tonight at 8pm if you're interested.

  12. 1 or 2 of my friends and I are gonna be starting up some stuff soon, we're planning on doing summon necro, zeal/fanat paladin and maybe a summon druid.
  13. dang, it doesn't look like i'm going to be able to make this unless i get off work early
  14. yep you missed it, because it's all over the place, the synth bass and the percussion are playing it...so it's more of a rhythm based thing rather then a filter swept synth. so yeah i kept the rhythm of it, dropped the pitched part of it.
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