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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. I say keep bringing irrelevant pieces of the game, I'm done with secret characters. Gotta leave some surprises for when the game ships.
  2. It looks hot, and I it's one of the games I'm getting this X-mas when I get my wii. It's getting great reviews, too.
  3. I wonder if master hand will make a comeback From the looks of it, he won't be the final boss anymore.
  4. I find it to be clear and understandable, good work. And again, I offer my help to translate any document to spanish, it's my first language. Keep up the good work.
  5. multiple choices... multiple endings? Looking forwards to that. Also: EGGPLANT WIZARD.
  6. Well I didn't see that final smash coming. Pretty kickass.
  7. I could even hear ninty fans cheering at unison.
  8. I started a mix for this, I LOVE the indian-themed style but it's hard to come up with something decent. I'll see what I can do tonight.
  9. would be could if you could use these in your wii, to decorate your messages and stuff. I bet there's more than meets the eye with these, as just collecting them and putting them in a virual album is kinda pointless.
  10. Thanks to blinding orange ocr, I became the shortsighted person I am now.
  11. I wonder how many players will recognice this character. I used to play Devil world in a hacked 128-in-1 cartridge back when I had my nes. Weird game it was, kinda scary back then too. I'm almost sure we'll see doshin the giant as an assist. It seems they're taking all the obscure characters to make them into a trophy.
  12. I wonder if you could pick a male/female trainer skin, as well as red/blue or Diamond/Pearl Trainer. The one in the pics is Red/Blue I assume.
  13. http://gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=8217 Famitsu scans that while don't offer anything new are still nice to watch.
  14. This is a slap to IGN indeed. But I do agree with them at some level, as in, I saw far more advertisement with the first metroid prime, and back then everyone thought it was a bad idea. Now that everyone knows it's a solid game is when they should have hyped the shit out of it. It's the game that will prove that Wiimote FPS controls are better than a controller, after all.
  15. Interesting item. BTW, if it hasn't been posted before, IGN posted some exclusive (and neat) shots: http://media.wii.ign.com/media/748/748545/imgs_1.html
  16. Pit is turning out to be everything I wanted him to be in this game. Even his final smash, is exactly what I said it was going to be like (Without the massive, beautiful Palutena appearing in the background though!) This is AWESOME
  17. well we've heard what, 3, 4 songs? I don't remember well but if melee is any indication we'll have one song for each game plus other extras thrown in, plus menu themes, adventure mode songs and many others. They've only shown demos so far, and the only song we've heard completely was the one composed by Uematsu for the presentation. I'd say, hold on to your socks, because when the game comes out the music will surely deliver. They won't tout their list of musicians if they weren't going to deliver something worth of their fame. I don't think an artist like Mitsuda would make a crappy song for the game and call it a day.
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