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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. Leaving for MAG in less than 12 hours. SEE YOU JERKS THERE
  2. lolkotaku. no thanks.
  3. Hit and miss
  4. Varying opinions? I've only heard disappointment tinged with optimism that missing towns and npcs and exploration will appear later in the game (which, when those people finished, said it didn't).
  5. Except Uncharted is apparently good (haven't played), whilst 13 is a huge underperforming letdown mess of a game. how the f did this happen
  6. NeoGAF importers report almost zero exploration. No towns. No purchasing/upgrading equipment. Very few NPCs. Most time spent just running from one corridor to another, battle, CG movie, corridor, battle, CG movie, for 40 hours.
  7. aaaaaaaaaaand my interest in this game is dead. it's essentially a corridor-running game for 95% of it, with no exploration except for one very small area in a later chapter near the end. seriously. an rpg. where you run from corridor to corridor. for 40 hours. WAT. this game is already having the fastest return rate in Japan and the lowest resale value for an RPG in history. gj squeenix
  8. If I were you, I'd return it and allow me to pick out the perfect fixed-bridge Ibanez in your price range. It would be used, and have to be purchased online, but I have the hookup when it comes to these things. Edit: For example, the following: Ibanez SZ520 - I owned one of these (in green) and it was great. This is definitely a mid-to-upper range Ibanez, falling somewhere in between those categories. Your guitar you have now falls in the low range. Price on this: $311 RG2ex1: I owned this in white (which was called the 2ex2) and while it was a lower end guitar, it played very well and I enjoyed it. It is the equivalent of what you have in quality. $259 Edit #2: Oh, sweden. Shipping might be a problem. eBay'd be your best bet.
  9. Congrats, tweek! So many OCR peeps getting engaged or married. Goodness! I wish you and your lady well. (Ash wrote this, not Neko )
  10. I liked the throwbacks and references to Aliens.
  11. Yes, they do. Heart disease kills anyone, any age, any time.
  12. Thanks to everyone who came out, and even though the wedding was fun, i think the funnest part was the strip club last night. that was fucking great. especially when we bought long a private dance.
  13. Matt, PosiBolt, Ramanamadingdong, Sexofrog, Long Daq, protricity, audiofidelity (left to right) Matt, PosiBolt, Ramanamadingdong, starla, sexofrog, ashamee, monobrow, protricity, audiofidelity, long daq starla, ashamee, monobrow
  15. So we set up the arrangements for the actual wedding tomorrow and GUESS WHAT, they have free web streaming, so all you jerks can WATCH US GET MARRIED. 8:00 PM TOMORROW (PST, 11PM EST) AT THIS URL http://www.bellezalasvegas.com/live.html Ash as she was scheduling the wedding a half hour ago:
  16. Mono... I... I... I had no idea you thought of me that way! I... I LOVE YOU TOO! RUN AWAY WITH ME! WE CAN JUST RUN OFF AT VEGAS!
  17. had a long post typed up, forum failed, lost it. FUCK OCREMIX FORUM but yay ocremix +10 moar years
  18. i nominate myself for pretty much everything ever i win
  19. hay guys wuts goin on in this thread
  20. My mistake. Yeah, HL2 is still very well supported (even if it's in the form of paid episodes, that's still support).
  21. TF2 is at what, 5? Almost six? With no end to the updates in sight? And a far more regular update schedule than any Blizzard product has ever had? Yeah, going to go ahead and say that this "support" for D2 ten years later is nothing more than a passing glance to keep people thinking about D3. I honestly wouldn't even call this support.
  22. Confirmed for the Vegas party: Nekofrog Ashamee Protricity Monobrow Starla Rama PosiBolt Audiofidelity And 80% sure he's coming: Long
  23. Good job, Blizzard. Announce a "monumental" patch. Hype it up. Delay it. Delay it. Hype it. Delay it. Delay it. Delay it. Nearly a year later, release the patch info, not worth the wait. Yeah, not going to buy D3. This is going to be a trainwreck.
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