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Everything posted by watkinzez

  1. Few composers keep the rights to their own songs. Yuzo Koshiro is one that does, I believe. Maybe Mitsuda.
  2. Any non conformists should be burnt at the stake.
  3. Lame. That's a game that should have been a no brainer for pointer scrolling.
  4. Word of mouth mostly. And Katamari Damacy wasn't released here. :\
  5. Plenty. And I'd pick up Advent Rising if it existed anywhere.
  6. Get a PS2.
  7. Ah. Bugger.
  8. I'm a consistent listener to Press Start, run by ex-forum goer Phthisis/UnforgivingEdges. Mostly gaming news, reviews and impressions, with a connection to gamesarefun.com. Good stuff.
  9. Get them to remove region locking for VC and I'll think about it.
  10. Confirmed a friend who can come. Still waiting from Dave.
  11. I demand that Staff Roll be arranged for Big Band. Other than that, do as you will.
  12. What is good and what is not? http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2360 Though if you want other remix sites, this is a good resource.
  13. The dude is 12- profile. Way too vague to help you though, guy.
  14. Apparently Kojima's choice for Snake is Viggo Mortensen. Not bad. I originally wanted David Hayter to play the role, but then realised that he isn't really a good actor. Reads every line exactly the same.
  15. Can't miss xoc's beach rendition of the Zelda theme.
  16. Donkey Kong and Jetpac were included due to their significance in each company's history. Though indeed, Donkey Kong 64 is probably the better suited game for this thread.
  17. Eh; if it sucks, I have Project Snake to fall back on. And this probably means more Harry Gregson Williams awesomeness.
  18. West Bristol is a pretty unique track. Don't think you'll find anything similar to it on this site, I'm afraid.
  19. Mahito Yokota, according to GameFAQs. Good site to use for the more well known games, otherwise MobyGames or a google search should turn something up.
  20. Yeah, I was just pointing out that I don't have a nostalgic attachment to the series, clouding my judgement of the newer games.
  21. People who want you to buy a classic controller. Which are probably impossible to find at the mo'.
  22. Never bought a Sonic game in my life. Only ever finished Sonic 3, so I'm not comparing. The 3D games simply came off as poor mascot showrunners to me. Probably in the minority, though.
  23. Hey, that game was cool. Didn't come out in America? Missed out.
  24. DKR's critical response seems unjustified to me. I'm sold on the online play.
  25. While the above is amazingly accurate, it's probably the 'classic' Sonic appeal of Secret Rings bringing people in. No extra human characters, lack of corny story etc. Even if the experience turns out lacklustre, nostalgia would probably hold it up for the dedicated fans. As for me, there's plenty other good games on the market I can play instead. Not waiting for Sonic Team to get their shit together.
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