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Everything posted by watkinzez

  1. Watched the video earlier this evening. Very impressed by the new system and features; never knew what all that RPG stuff was on 2.0, so pleased to see it explained here. It'll be interesting to see how effective the review-incentive system will be.
  2. Damn. True respect for Darke- you did an excellent job of judging and PR, regardless of the situation.
  3. If you're looking for some orchestral covers, there were some MP3s flying around from the defunct Resurrection remake. You can look here for scraps.
  4. The newest mix is linking to the php decision thread instead of the proper one. Actually, make that all of the mixes that went through the panel. The new one, however, doesn't have a php equivalent, so it's a dead link.
  5. Not up to the standard of the stuff you'll find in the game, but still pretty funny.
  6. I'd get one of those if they weren't so freaking expensive shipping wise. BG&E figurines, however, might change my mind.
  7. There's been.. 40. It was.. 4 months ago.
  8. The original was never released in PAL territories. We got the sequel, though.
  9. I don't own the soundtracks, but I pretty much know the major themes from the Final Fantasy series without playing a thing.
  10. Kondo was credited last of the three composers- in order, Toru Minegishi of Majora's Mask fame, Asuka Ota, and Kondo. Methinks he's only in there for credit of previous Zelda tunage that gets arranged in TP.. what tracks were you sure of having his mark?
  11. Small text, perhaps? That one's not a huge spoiler, anyway.
  12. With Twilight Princess finished, I can safely say that Majora's Mask still lies claim to the throne. The first half of the game was better- after dungeon four, the plot is sort of forgotten until you finish the mirror task at hand. The sections between dungeons early in the game (especially between two and three) were much more varied, whereas they hardly existed later on in the game. And to whoever mentioned it earlier:
  13. Wait, can you have a quote within a quote on vb?
  14. I'm trying to restore my avatar, and I notice it only shows 10 of them at a time as compared to the list we had on the old forums. Considering the amount of avatars available, it's a bit daunting and slow. They don't even seem to be in alphabetical order. Could we get that rectified?
  15. There we go. Whoa. That's a lot of white.
  16. Holy crap it's my old account. I don't think it's completely loaded for me, I'll get my proper account and refresh a couple of times. Otherwise, huzzah! EDIT- Just above my post, 'Site AdminPost Status on ProfileJudge'. rofl?
  17. lol. Its not even your country. And yes, this did turn into a USA bashing thread.I should stop typing, huh? The map's fine. Did I just start an avalanche there?
  18. Game music? What, like Mario? Why would I want to listen to that bleepy bloop shit
  19. I'm offended.
  20. That's off the 'Hyrule Symphony' official arranged CD, track 13. http://www.rpgfan.com/soundtracks/zeldahs/index.html
  21. Yay, both Coupling and Snakes on a Plane are now mine!
  22. I recall this topic popping up a while back, really should have saved it then. Basically in need of converting some old tapes I have onto the comp to preserve the recordings. What stuff do I need; cables, software etc to do this?
  23. Didn't really go for the sales, as I pretty much knew what I wanted to get. Yoinked Ender's Game, Seinfeld Season 3 and Disgea 2 for $140. Would've gotten the Coupling box set (awesome show), but I couldn't find it. Ah well.
  24. DVD player for Dad Pink album for Mum Family Guy Season 5 for my brother Super Monkey Ball Deluxe for my two cousins Other bits and bobs I contemplated making a topic called 'U + Ur Haul' after said album was playing through the house, but I decided against it.
  25. Er, have fun.
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