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Everything posted by watkinzez

  1. Looks like ILM haven't lost their touch.
  2. The MGS film is backed by Sony Pictures.. probably some deals preventing that. Maybe a timed exclusive.
  3. Hmm.. watch a Russian trailer now vs. waiting a few hours for the English one. Then again, I'll have to watch Dancing with the Stars.
  4. Multimeda Fusion is good if you're not into serious programming. I've previously used The Games Factory, but it wasn't powerful enough to do lengthy games (30 screens).
  5. Never would have expected to see this one again. Always enjoyed it since the original decision, though.
  6. Solution: 1. Download all via torrent. 2. Browse through collection, finding both well known quality songs and underappreciated gems. The only true way.
  7. An hour's install later, my iPod is now awesome. :]
  8. I've been meaning to ask someone how that is done. How is that done?
  9. SPM is Thousand Year Door's script without the RPG. Double win.
  10. Okay, I'm pretty much kicking myself over why I didn't import Phoenix Wright sooner. It (finally) came out here last week.
  11. And Australia, for some bizarre reason. Runs like shit, though.
  12. It depends on the game. Silent Hill I'd describe as a gripping, mess-with-your-head experience. That's something I like, so I'll play it again. Stop trying to use 'fun' to describe it. Addictive is better.
  13. Killer7's graphics worked because of the fixed camera perspectives. Now that it's free roaming, it looks a bit less stylised and a bit more like a Playstation game.. maybe Suda should move away from the daylight scenes. Otherwise, bring it on. And Hecker is such a pussy for apologising. Then again, working on Spore would be a pretty good job.
  14. More often than not, I find using 'fun' to describe gaming a poor choice of wording.
  15. April.. Oh well, we get Hot Fuzz first.
  16. Tune 1- Space Harrier. The theme everybody remixes. The other two don't remind me of anything though.
  17. Huzzah, more Hecker bashing..
  18. Muck-up day? It's been largely banned for 'safety' reasons.
  19. sony is teh doomed lol Wouldn't mind playing one myself. Hurry up, March 23.
  20. He did James Pond 2? That was a cool game; I'll check out the music. Rest in peace, Richard.
  21. http://gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=7496 http://gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=7522 Jerry Bruckheimer as producer; Disney probably want this to be their next Pirates of the Caribbean. It has Jordan Mechner on the script, so it has some hope.
  22. You're not supposed to admit to this sort of thing.
  23. Pretty cool trick; seems like your PAL Wii can play GC imports out of the box. No mods, no Freeloader, nothing. Originally found here. Here's how: Put an original PAL GC game in the Wii. From the Disc channel, hover your cursor over the "Start" button. Now, here's the tricky bit: Press the Eject button on the Wii, and then press the A button on the Wii Remote to select "Start". The "Start" button will remain unghosted for a moment after you hit the Eject button. Try to select "Start at the last possible moment. As fast as you can, whip out the original PAL GC disc and swap in your NTSC GC disc. You've only got a split second here. Get the NTSC disc in before the disc slot lights up. BINGO! If you've been quick enough, the import GC game boots up. Once you get your timing down, this isn't hard to do. I'm assuming this works for American consoles and Japanese games, too. Wii software apparently doesn't work though.
  24. Oh, shit. Hope it comes through for him.
  25. 4373. Mostly listening to podcasts lately, though.
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