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Everything posted by watkinzez

  1. It's amazing how many people still get that wrong. Search for Rabbit Joint on Youtube and you get highly amusing arguments of who did it. Then it's just depressing.
  2. Wow. According to Wiki, the sequel was released everywhere but the US and Canada. Even Australia got it. O_o Sorry about that..
  3. TP did great in America, but not so much in Japan, where Wii Sports and Play trumped it. Here's the initial sales for the Japanese launch. As the majority of OST sales are made in that country, Nintendo's probably factoring that in terms of releasing a soundtrack. Wind Waker managed to garner a bunch of sales when it came out through the Master Quest preorder bonus.
  4. What great news to wake up to. Thoughts go out to anyone who is affected by this.
  5. The reason why it's taking so long (if at all) is due to the game's performance in Japan. It didn't flop, but it hasn't been able to match Wind Waker's numbers, either.
  6. Recalling flashes of BT's Anhtkythera Mechanism in this mix. That's a very good thing. I'd love for this to be longer, though. You've got some excellent stuff going here.
  7. A streamlined ratings system is something I would be in favour of- and to the OFLC's credit, they were changed to become more in line with film ratings in Australia (G8+ became PG, labels are now identical). It's just the discretion with the R rating between the two mediums that I have issue with. The more lenient evaluation with San Andreas et al I have no objection to- really, barring 15 year olds from playing those games seems more like pandering.
  8. Thank goodness. I knew IGN was full of bullshit when they said the soundtrack was nothing special. Thousand Year Door's was awesome!
  9. It's about now that I'm hating Nintendo for locking out GBC compatibility in the DS.
  10. The PoP team is working on Assassin's Creed though.. perhaps there's been some internal reshuffling for simultaneous development.
  11. So I go check out what this film is, and it turns out that they're releasing the two parts seperately for the rest of the world. If that's not a big 'fuck you', I don't know what is.
  12. Wait, what? Now I completely don't get what belongs in Community and Offtop respectively.
  13. I so did this two years ago. SM64 credits, big band style.
  14. So I won a copy of Spectrobes for, long story short, being a smart arse. Good game? Shit game? Trade-in fodder?
  15. rofl. A game that's probably been done since Christmas, too. Oh well, more money to go towards my 360.
  16. This is why I said it was good that Harmonix shed itself of the Guitar Hero licence- give them the freedom to make the next step.
  17. I didn't even get a PM, let alone a fucking one. >
  18. *cough* fcuk 10 characters
  19. I haven't seen any evidence of the PS2 version making a PAL release. It was probably going to be cheaper, too.
  20. The Wii controls suck for this, right? Never played a Metal Slug game before. Must pick this up.
  21. If anyone still thinks this is an April fools prank.. let's just say Nintendo would be throwing away a gold mine if it was so. Olympic-based videogames sell very well. An olympic-based videogame with controller waggle would sell very well. A Mario/Sonic crossover olympic-based videogame with controller waggle would sell catastrophically well. Regardless, it still fails to excite me. I know the game has a perfectly good chance of working fine, but I'm just not interested in this sort of thing. Already got Wii Sports.
  22. With each new Wii title unveiled, I continue to get the sinking feeling that I bought the wrong system.
  23. I'd be lying to myself if I didn't acknowledge my skepticism.
  24. If we've moved onto the non-Nintendo side of things, Rayman 2's soundtrack rocked. The Dreamcast version even moreso.
  25. Er.. yeah. Even though the former is a Mitsuda game. Also fails for lack of Tetrisphere.
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