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Everything posted by SynthesizedStampede

  1. I'm no music tecchie, but I have to say this is a VERY VERY nice, fresh remix on a song I've heard countless times in different formats. Awesome job, best of luck .
  2. Oh gosh, I can see why some of these characters would want to get revenge on Mickey for their lack of popularity: I haven't even heard of some of the ones being mentioned. Maybe I'm just too much of a young 'un >_<.
  3. No Panzer Dragoon experience for me besides the Orta demo from way back when haha. I'll do some research and see what I can cook up . Trying to tap back into my artistic side and hoping that the monthly FACs can help with that.
  4. Been keeping my eye on this ever since I've heard about it. Looks real interesting and the concepts look really promising. I just hope it turns out being "epic" instead of a cancelled project .
  5. Hmmm for bboying, a nice place to start is bboy.org. Reason being that it's really new-user friendly, but just don't stick along that site for long. People tend to turn into what some call "e-boys" (where the E comes from, I don't know) where they just post their pictures/solo videos online instead of getting immersed into the whole bboy aspect and don't go to jams or battle. It has a nice section though for learning moves, and I admit that I learned my hollowbacks from a useful video on that site. However the bboyworld.com forums is probably the most useful and thriving bboy community right now. It has videos from all around the globe, track lists for DVDs, general bboy news and the like. Bboyworld.com however has a lot of new and old bboys alike, so if you choose the right topics you'll get to see the mindset of the old school vs. the new school and the like. But for bboying the best way to learn is to try and find (maybe via those two sites) a jam to go to and experience it yourself. Don't hesitate to meet new people: while in battles people are fierce a lot of them are real humble and nice. They're no celebrities, they're people just like us, and just asking them any questions you have won't hurt. It's good to try and get information such as local practice spots and some bboys even have classes. Again, that bboyworld forum is a really good source for a lot of information. However, I really have to emphasize that "experience the bboy jam" part. If you go to a really good one, it's insanely fun, even if you're just watching. The whole atmosphere just engulfs you haha.
  6. Wewt great job Coop! Looking forward for next month's topic, yeah? ^_~
  7. Man, I hope this gets me and my friends back into D2. We always get tired of going through Act 2; hope this patch gives us a reason to start playing again.
  8. Wow...we have quite the creative types on this board...o_0
  9. Aw dude, Free's one of those inspirational guys that manages to get to everybody about expression in bboying haha. He's really down to earth too, talked to him a couple times and he's just really chill about everything it seems. Crazy footwork man, definitely shows the side of bboying that people really don't delve into. Seattle represent!
  10. Eulogic wins confirmed.
  11. Whoa Halcyon, you're into locking? Out of all the dances I DIDN'T expect anyone to bring up. That's so awesome. Locking is one of those dances I really really want to learn, but just don't have the funkiness in me to do. Bboying and popping are probably the farthest I'll delve into the hip-hop dances. Hilty & Bosh are amongst the best I've seen. I always skip to the final battle of the UK BBoy Championship 05 locking battles because they're so clean and crisp with their movements. Their routines are fire too. Nice to see it exposed more man! I think people really confuse the "locking" in "popping and locking" to just simply the muscle flexes in popping's hitting, ticking, and such.
  12. Haha, video was dope. But yeah, in terms of dancing, what I've learned over the past four years of bboying is that you learn the foundational aspects of the dance, then once you have those down fluently it's just all about doing what you feel and integrating your personality into your style. However, the best thing to do is to not worry about what others think of you and to purely have fun. Even if you feel you're stuff's not clean, you get cleanliness through repetition. Having fun does wonders in terms of creativity and overall enjoyment of dancing in general. I'm far from the best bboy out there, and because of school and work practice a lot less than I should, but I think that whole "fun" aspect is one of the most important ones. The whole "fuck it, let's do this" sort of attitude seems to have gotten a lot of people places. Hope you have fun with dancing as much as I have!
  13. I came in here expecting a marriage between two people I didn't know. Then I found out it was a marriage between two people I didn't know but knew better than a phone operator in Dubai answering my guest service calls. Congrats to you two! Celebratory collab!
  14. *skips majority of thread* I strongly believe that there really are no casual or hardcore "games", but will acknowledge that some games are marketed towards audiences we may not have been used to. Case in point, a person can play Cooking Mama in a hardcore way, even if it is classified by some as a "casual" game. However, I feel there are "casual" and "hardcore" gamers. As in casual gamers play simple, quick, games that can be played on the way to work on a cell phone or on a quick bus ride or something. Hardcore gamers actually buy games and play them for an extensive time. I'm waiting for Sephire to chime in though. He seems to have some good ideas on this subject
  15. Whoo good call haha. I remember hearing Ashley's name in relation to "Dreams Dreams" from some website, but wasn't sure if that was her or not.
  16. That actually would be awesome to hear but IMO, Ashley Tisdale (IIRC) didn't do too bad on the song in Journey of Dreams. I think that's a version with her singing in it, despite my hate for the girl .
  17. *Looks at first picture* Yeah, pretty much.
  18. Yeah, same here. Thrall's story would be interesting, on behalf that he is an orc, and a lot of people who don't play fantasy games relate orcs to bad because of the LotR movies. That and I think Eternity's End would be one heck of a thing to watch .
  19. I have no musical talent but decided to post to show my support for this project. Awesome soundtrack from this game, hope it turns out well [EDIT] Oh and I'm interested in taking up some of the artwork/banners. NiGHTS has always been one of those games that I feel could be interpreted a variety of ways artistically. If you want/need a sketch of something, I'll totally be up for it, especially for NiD.
  20. And...submitted! C'mon guys! Don't procrastinate! Leave that for your homework!
  21. I finally got around to concocting something. It's been in my head ever since the theme was announced, I just couldn't get around to doing it because I suck at drawing people, and I suck more at drawing people trying to do things, namely action scenes. But since I've bought this new printer/scanner and somewhat learned how to color my pictures in Photoshop, I can finally submit something! YAY!
  22. Yeah, pity they're going to have to take it down though, or at least I heard. I was hoping it would end up staying there forever...this giant robotic colossus...heh, too bad it's not functional. OR IS IT?! But yeah, they should try making more complicated looking Gundams, just for the wow factor .
  23. That's what I'm saying! I guess somewhere down the line in CN history that mission statement lost its focus on just being "Cartoons". But as mentioned before, Cartoon Network's "gimmick" (can't find a better word right now for some reason) is that it purely shows cartoons, much like how Food Network's "gimmick" is that it runs shows related to food, and all that other stuff. While I'm just repeating what's been said, I think it's that point that matters to most of us: with these new "CN Real" shows, the station should might as well be called "Children's Network" rather than "Cartoon Network".
  24. That's kinda exactly what I was thinking about when I saw the CN Real "commercial" before "Up" started. I mean, what's the need for all these "real" shows when the channel is friggin' called CARTOON Network? The whole reason I watched that before was because it was nothing but cartoons, and I loved it. Nick and Disney would have their own cartoons, but CN was the only place to find Powerpuff Girls, Dexter's Lab, Dragonball Z, etc. I just don't know what's going on in their heads over there >_<.
  25. This may be a no-brainer, but I figured I should give it a shot anyways. Is the subject strictly for Marvel vs. Capcom, or the vs. games in general? Because I was thinking about doing a Capcom vs. SNK one, but it's alright if it's limited to just Marvel vs. Capcom.
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