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Everything posted by SynthesizedStampede

  1. Anybody playing on the West Coast? I just solo'd to 14 today and saw this topic after I closed the game >_<.
  2. Dude, remix is dope. Very nice tribute.
  3. This hit me HARD. Sadly, I only discovered him around a year ago but his songs have been on all of my playlists since then. So many gems dropped, sad that he won't be making anymore beautiful music. Rest in Peace, a play of "World's End Rhapsody" for you man.
  4. Shopped pic? Either way, this is making me feel like playing the game again :-\
  5. I nostalgia'd. Hard.
  6. I envy all the people with Beta keys T_T. Watching all the Team Liquid streams gets me all riled up.
  7. First one that came to mind, for some reason. I always thought the title sounded pretty cool.
  8. NiGHTS into Dreams most definitely. It's so short but the score attack is so addicting that I keep coming back for more once in awhile. Really wish they would bring the PS2 remake to the US
  9. Wait, why would they even do one for Link? Unless you know, some guys wish he was a girl or something. LOL @ Samus though.
  10. Ditto man. There are a lot of games I missed out on due to me not having a capable computer or not owning a console the past few years. I figure this is a good time to catch-up . Torchlight, Killing Floor, Jade Empire, Borderlands, Audiosurf, and Bioshock all bought in the past couple of weeks and under the price of a single console game. Sure, might not be a LOT of games, but I still also have a couple games I've just bought I need to finish, and since Winter Break is over that means a LOT less time for video games
  11. Wasn't too bad actually. I haven't seen much of these "overlapping" trailer things, but some of the ones I have seen make me facepalm. This one didn't make me facepalm
  12. District 9 was definitely my favorite movie of 2009, but that's not saying much considering I hadn't watch much movies. Still though, felt it was really awesome and can't wait til the 22nd so I can buy it and rewatch it with my fam and see what they think about it.
  13. Definitely Keyboard/Mouse. I actually hadn't really played any FPSes on the PC until a couple years ago, but ever since then I really hate playing any FPS on a console now. I just love how precise you can get a Keyboard/Mouse can be, and, as mentioned before, how many buttons you can use. The whole reason I got MW2 for PC was definitely because of the controls. I acknowledge that Live probably has the best online play due to the immense amount of people playing, but that just shows how much I despise dual analogue in comparison to KB/M.
  14. Ten years? It's really been that long? Wow, congrats OCRemix! Delivering orgasmic video game remixes and a wonderful online community for ten years. Wewt
  15. Dude, I just totally stumbled upon these people right before I came back into this topic wondering if anybody mentioned them yet. From reading the previous posts this time though, it seems the type of hip-hop we're recommending isn't the kind he's looking for unfortunately. Shame though, because what these guys dish out has definitely become my favorite type of music.
  16. "This Heart" ~ Destiny "Timcehill" ~ mv "Heart-Felt Recollections" ~ Suzumebachi "Another Inspiration" ~ Scott Peeples "Not Alone in the World" ~ Dale North; JAXX
  17. Wow, thanks for the responses prophet, Schwaltz, really makes things easier when given an insight by tech-savvy folks like yourselves. I've been in this limbo mode into what I should purchase, but with those explanations I think it's helped make up my mind.
  18. In addition to the couple of Nujabes recommendations, try out Tsutchie, Fat Jon, and Blazo if you're just looking for random "instrumental hip-hop" for inspiration.
  19. Hey, sorry to derail the topic real quick but I'm also interested in "upgrading" my PC too. But what I want to know is if it's right to assume that a 9500 GT will also play some recent games on the lowest settings? I mean, I'm planning on building my own computer down the road anyways, I just don't have the finances. I figured that I'd cheaply upgrade what I have now so I can squeak by. I'm not too tech savvy but apparently I need a new power supply too for that graphics card. Any recommendations?
  20. YES! Another sephire video! I'll check it out when I get back from work
  21. You know, I REALLY hate getting my hopes up for movies based on video games, but this one looks pretty alright. I know, I know, it probably won't, and I really do expect it to suck...but what's this? http://kotaku.com/5397474/test-audiences-love-prince-of-persia-movie Hmm...first good video game movie adaption? Or maybe its good as a film on itself but not a good translation of the game. I guess we'll have to see, yeah?
  22. This is one of those fields I haven't even ATTEMPTED drawing in my lifetime, but I really am interested in trying. Seen various "steampunk" pictures, just can't really make a connection in my head as to what makes something "steampunk". I think that'll be the hardest challenge. Nice theme though
  23. I did, and I'm having trouble finding how it refutes his claim that Cloud became more "emo" after time. Good read, btw, but as others have pointed out, would be more reliable if you didn't use the whole "enduring" line or closed, instead of opened, with it.
  24. Yeah we actually have those dolls too. Oh and stealing is too over the line for me in terms of my moral standards, sadly . Even though there have been many opportunities to, and well, I do feel I should cop some of the open candy bags (that are still in their own individual wrappers) I can't bring myself to do it. But yeah, it'll be a dead night and hopefully some scantily clad women (because that's all the Halloween costumes they have for women now, right?) drop by for some last minute shopping to brighten my day.
  25. A Target employee - I work Halloween night
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