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Everything posted by tweex

  1. QFE, and not just on the live level. There's a good chance I'll never use it at all because Image Line has no interest in releasing a Mac version. Even with an intel Mac, I could use parallel with Windows XP to get it, but it's not worth it. If IL decided to make a Mac version, I'd pick it up immediately! Live was designed to be a live sequencer/DAW and Ableton has perfected the process. I've used it countless times for DJ'ing and theatre productions. It's also brilliant for SFX work on video. The automation controls are easy, simple, and quickly navigated, which is of the utmost importance when dealing with sound design! I will argue that it's piano roll feels goofy and block-ish to me as well but I don't use Live as a midi sequencer. I leave that to Reason and Logic. All this is to say, I'm looking forward to 8! Need to check the speccs even closer!
  2. Typical OA rock-gasm!! Loving the synth action on this, just like all your other mixes!
  3. Thanks for the comments everyone. The mix was a joy to make and I'm happy to see it up here!
  4. Well I can't speak for everyone else, but I know that I would use the app quite a bit. I already have that RSS on my phone and it's great. Truthfully, the main two things I would like on any OCR app is the ability to send/receive PMs and checking the forums. I already receive emails on my Blackberry notifying me of a new PM waiting for me, but I have to go through another web browser on my phone to be able to reply. It's certainly a functional system that I have, but it's not terribly easy or time efficient. However, I would never so no to more functions being added . Again, I really can't speak for everyone else, but I can say that I would love for something like this to take form!
  5. Now, I don't know the programing that goes into something like this, but I was wondering if an OCR BB app would ever be a possibility. Anyone with a Blackberry that has the Facebook app on their phone might agree that something like that for OCR would be awesome! Doesn't have to be anything really really complicated, but something that allows you to look up remixers/remixes, send private messages, and check the forums maybe. Again, I have no idea the depth and time it would take to do such a thing, but anyone who might know how, what's the likelihood of of something like this actually happening?
  6. got an awesome wip going. dyne, hit me up on AOL asap so i can update you (brianma14).
  7. just a brief FYI: got a nice WIP coming together
  8. Just a heads up mate. I'm the studio manager for a music house that is primarily a jingle house for commercials. Obviously, we do music of all kinds for all different products. The trend right now is for ad agencies (the people who will be giving you the majority of your work) are looking for cheap music to license instead of custom made music. One reason: it's cheaper. As a professor of mine said to me, I will pass it on: there is NO easy road to take in the music industry! Do everything that you can, where you can, when you can.
  9. I'll definitely try to contribute again this year since I had so much fun with it last year.
  10. Not sure what size you need, but these are the stands that I use and they've been great! Fairly cheap too. http://accessories.musiciansfriend.com/product/OnStage-Stands-SMS6000-Monitor-Stand-Buy-One-Get-One-Free?sku=452067
  11. Glad to finally have someone accompany my Tetris Attack mix! Also, considering my TA remix was ALSO my debut mix on OCR, this one is a little extra special. Love how mellow it is despite the craziness of the beat. Congrats mate!
  12. Any experienced locks out there that can help me with my build? I have a 70 hunter but I'm picking my lock back up (currently level 44). I worked with affliction pretty much the whole time up to this point, but still played hunterlock. With the new abilities and the fact that I'm on a PVE server, what's a good build? I did the fear kiting for a little bit when I got Dark Pact and it was pretty sweet but I'm not sure what would be ideal. Since my talent points have been refunded by default, I wanna get input before I assign them. Thoughts or links I should check out (with updated info from the new abilities/talents)?
  13. Bout damn time. Rathalos, better watch your six.....
  14. I brought this up a little while ago, and now it's time to put my money where my mouth is for those of you who might have thought I was blowing smoke . Without further rambling: http://www.sketchcreative.net/dfass/delta/delta_081808.html If you're on a Delta international flight, be prepared to see this play.....a lot! Enjoy guys!
  15. This was "work for hire" since I was hired by the media/production company who is doing the spot. Sadly, no residuals, but a spot for Delta; I can't complain too much . Thanks all for the congrats. Its quite exciting! Like I said, I'll make sure to post a version of the final spot as soon as I have it in hand. I'm quite anxious to see/hear it myself!
  16. My friend, you have just made the day in which I am sick as hell with a nasty nast cold into a glorious day. Not only do I love the music from FF11, but to make the San d'oria theme into a sweet and melodic classical guitar piece, I have nothing more I can say. You, sir, are my hero! Do NOT be surprised to hear from me in the future for possible collabs! (FF11 related, I'm sure ).
  17. For anyone flying an international Delta flight, be on the lookout for the Duty Free spot that plays in flight. The music you'll hear is a part of "Bipolar", one of the tracks on my debut album Alter Ego. As soon as I am given a final copy of the spot, I'll post it for all to see and, more importantly, hear!
  18. What you're talking about is whats known as a Digital Hybrid. What it does is it splits the phone signal out so that you can route it elsewhere (i.e. a computer with a DAW set up). The main piece of equipment on the market today is made by a company called Telos. Piece of equipment costs around 600-700. There are other cheaper options out there, but the Telos will give you the best quality possible. Keep in mind, your recordings will ONLY be as good as the phone line that you're using and phone lines use a severe high and low pass filter.
  19. Everything was fine for me in the order process. Just the .rar file was a little glitchy on the Mac I was using. I'm not well versed in file archiving, but I do prefer .zip files. I'm sure there are pros and cons of both, but just my two cents! Cheers
  20. Love it. Love it. Love everything about it. Solo violin in a dance song: Greg, let me give birth to your babies!
  21. I'm completely floored by this track. Wil, you are truly a master at your craft and it shows. Lee, the beats in this are beyond sick. I'm loving this more and more! Got Harry Gregson-Williams and John Powell all over it. Gorgeous!!
  22. Through my experience with Reason, Logic, Pro Tools, Cubase, and all the others, what I've genuinely found is that Reason is a great Rewire application. It offers such versatility and open ability to do whatever you need with just a fraction of the CPU power needed. While the the default sample libraries with R4 are good, they don't match up to Stylus RMX, EWQLSO, B3, etc. Using Reason a LOT as a rewire slave has been one of the most rewarding situations to have put myself in recently. Is Reason a good stand alone product? Yes, no question. It can easily produce professional quality sound by ONLY using it. But BT said it best in an interview when he said that "by using other products and programs, you keep your mind thinking outside of the box." No arguments and I encourage EVERY musician who makes music electronically to adopt this thinking. You will be utterly amazed by how much your music quality will change!
  23. That orchestration is sexy as hell. Yeah, that's pretty boastful for me to say, but damn it's good! And we romped all night long...... Too far? I think that might have been. Good mix, love how it turned out. So should you!
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