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Everything posted by Nase

  1. Any1 on iPad Here? Give Heroes of Order & Chaos a try. Its Kind of a Nice Medium between Lol & Dota. Nick Skoshu. Playing chillaxed botgames Atm. Up for some coop.
  2. So there's this new mobaah on iPad Somewhere between lol and dota It's pretty fucking good so far. Only played 2 bot games. Feels like a lot of thought went into it, considering its on a casual platform, anyway. Heroes of order & chaos. F2p, with heavily imba coin and exp shit as it seems, but couldn't care less ATM. No hardcore dota for me until I get a working desktop again. Does me gud lol.
  3. That's what I'm talking about Killa Bedroom Studio ChopZ
  4. Depends on what you define as an online degree. If youre Talking about credits and pieces of Paper then yeah. If youre Talking about the ability to Self-sufficiently gather Information from a near limitless resource and process it into something resembling Knowledge, Things Look different. Thats, like, the Meta online degree. While degrees still matter These days, its just as apparent that the educational institutions are trying to connect to that "newfound" DIY Mojo. With Mixed success. Nvm the Caps. iPad is Hard.
  5. Lol Danny, all you're sayin is that the instructor is more of an analogous thinker and youre more of a sequential one. Both have a place in sound design, both have a place in everything. More the Merrier.
  6. my point exactly actually they do care, it makes em happy. more people are hearing their sounds. your name might just become heard enough for them to put it in their portfolio.
  7. all they usually say is don't make a sample library with our sample library.
  8. aw you explained the joke, don't do that. see i raised you with a progression that's just as cliched as yours even though it's mainly attributed to one single song. and now i explained my joke. FUCK THAT!!
  9. that one sucks balls TAKE THIS ONE BEST EVER Cm - G - Bb - F - Ab - Eb - Fm - G7
  10. never bought anything from him, but before he went kontakt and commercial he was making the best soundfonts ever. he had this sweet little 20 mb sf2 called 'ultimate guitar kit'. it's been my goto fake guitar since 2005 or something if i weren't so sick of huge sample libraries, i'd probably buy from him. his stuff sounds great.
  11. yeah...that was the plan. it's just that the rest of the theme doesn't seem to be too willing to receive that treatment. it's all too free flowing, increasingly sinister and minor. big surprise there guess i'll be listening to the whole OST again and see what i can scavenge. it could segue into one of the vaguely beat-driven wilderness/dungeon tracks for a bit... i've been wanting to do a diablo mix for ages, but i dunno if this particular one is meant to be. it just seems like a dead end.
  12. http://tindeck.com/listen/efpm i have no clue where to take this right now. mainly because with the direction it's beginning to take, the rest of the theme would be such a pain to transmogrify into something fitting. it's still pretty rough, not much need for feedback on production yet. i guess i'm looking for ideas.
  13. oops...i flew over the first page of votes and thought that was it. my bad. good jawb then i guess )
  14. oh this is wonderful. im getting this distinct andrew bird feel once it gets loud. the whistling and the strings and the melody...ever listened to mysterious production of eggs, jordanius? couple NOs for PRODUCTION VALUE??? jdgfgts these days... this is completely yummy tasteful muddyness if i ever heard some. way cool.
  15. act 2 is starting to feel like a bullet hell game. quite awesome really.
  16. no need for it now, but i'll check back in a couple years for FL 10. cause i'm going to stick to that version. need the old ugly patterns.
  17. see... what makes finding stuff awesome? not finding stuff for a while. the greater the shortage, the greater the perceived reward. diablo always got that right, atleast in single player mode. what you find or don't find in each playthrough is part of the random dynamics that make every playthrough a bit unique. that's the roguelike quality that diablo was originally inspired by. was diablo 2 considered balanced when it came out? nope. did we care that much? i don't think so, and that's because there wasn't really much of a benchmark for measurement. D2 eventually became the benchmark. hey, maybe D3 is gonna suck...but it won't be due to balancing. firstly because it's fucking blizzard. they keep working on stuff. secondly because diablo really isn't that much about balancing. starcraft multiplayer is all about balancing. you want strictly determinable and reproducible cause and effect for that. diablo is about randomness. the balance lies in tweaking the randomness to achieve interesting results. part of the fun is that randomness just isn't fair
  18. check watermelon flava for ultimate elevator goodness. you're right, this smooth type of jazzyness present in many morse/po tracks lends itself pretty well to muzak. it's probably hard for any musician to not take that as an insult, lol. definitely not intended as i love the tune. especially the final part! such great flow.
  19. weaver is my only 5 star hero lol i expect most people REALLY suck with him.
  20. i dont have a car but i can attest that it's awesome walking music. no matter how mean the street or the faces passing by, this tune makes everything groove along. it's like musical valium or something.
  21. that veldt tune sounds pretty cheesy and meh to me :S i think the guy's big strength is simplicity. his most simple tunes are the most epic. when he's actually trying to sound epic with all them samples etc, it ends up sounding bland.
  22. i understand what you mean, but i somehow expect shna to hate this type of compliment. music is meant for inspiration, not intimidation. i know it's a joke, but it's also not, isn't it? oh yeah, great tune!
  23. my all time favorite from fx3! it's really only barely hum-able or singable, but i could never keep myself from trying journey into the rift is my 1st love on the album. digging that thrash sound so much.
  24. the original torchlight was a disappointment for me. it was ok as a generic proof of concept, but it completely lacked the atmosphere and lore that made the diablo games worthwhile. i hope they aimed to create a more unique experience this time. in any case, i'm looking forward to more matt uelmen!
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