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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. uuuuuuhh..... you still haven't added me to the list. wtf
  2. Would have been my 4th, but then I was like, "Screw it. I own this game already... I'll just torrent it." Didn't get my CC number in time, but I managed to sucker my mom into getting me Braid and the Shooter Pack.
  3. Free AnSo album? I'm in! But I have to wait until I get home.
  4. I second that. You're right. 1939-1945 were much better. Remember kids, it could always be worse. Except for maybe the 90s. That decade all around was pretty lame.
  5. Man... as soon as I get my new CC number, I'm downloading the Jedi Knight Collection. Pretty much one of my favorite series ever. You guys should buy it too and come play online with me.
  6. Nice! I'll be keeping an eye out for you then. Looking forward to whatever you come up with.
  7. This might be your best yet, Coop... and that's saying something.
  8. Crap. All my big talk in the original thread means I have to submit something now, doesn't it? Better get started. Anyone who's not doing a video have any good concepts I could borrow? I'm thinking it would be fun to do something with a lil' rock n' roll. I like Sixto's stuff a lot, but anything'll do. I'd do Funky Monkey Love, but there's a no porn rule, and the Cincinnati zoo would probably get pissed.
  9. You probably don't need to worry about that. If you follow zircon outside of OCR, you'll know he's one of the most musically busy guys around here. Seems like he's got a new album every few months (though that's probably an exaggeration).
  10. What? No! Dammit. You'll be missed.
  11. Well in the next couple hours anyway. I'm already kinda drunk.
  12. Awww. How did it taste? Or are you saving it for a special occasion?
  13. Looked around and surprisingly didn't see one of these yet. There probably is one, but I missed it because I'm blind. Sue me. I got a Flip Ultra pocket camera (though I think I might take it back and upgrade to an Flip Ultra HD), Resident Evil for the Wii (never played the original before so this should be fun), a 2 month membership to the local mega-gym (which I fully intend to use), and the usual socks, candy, etc. Your turn.
  14. Oh man, I would sooooo join this, but I'd probably spend more time fighting my DAW than the other robot masters. Brilliant idea though. I'm looking forward to voting on the entries.
  15. Friendly generic holiday greetings everyone!
  16. A heart attack at 32? That's odd. I didn't follow her work all that closely, but I feel bad for her and anyone who knew her. That's way to early to go.
  17. Congratulations you two.
  18. Rage Against the Machine is pretty much the genre defining band when it comes to rap-rock. They have some killer riffs (as previously mentioned), but they do tend to get a tad repetitive sometimes. This however is made up for by the extremely well thought-out and written lyrics. Even though they are typically associated with angsty teenagers, their lyrics consist of some very interesting and intelligent socio-political commentary, IMO (although you may or may not agree with the message). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu67yo-3jfw They should totally do an anti-consumerist Christmas song. That would be sick.
  19. 1. Would you be willing to put forward something valuable towards a prize for this contest? Not entirely sure... I think I'd have to be sold on concept of a contest first. I think if it really helps attract attention to the site, I'd definitely consider it. 2. Which contest would you prefer, a silly one or a serious one. Serious, duh. 3. Which contest would you enter? Serious, duh. 4. Exactly. Damn straight. 5. What kind of rules do you think would be fair? I mean for a serious competition there should be some minimum requirements not unlike the ocr standards... a certain screen resolution and file quality perhaps? Should it use the entire song? Should flash count? Should there be any kind of censorship? I don't think resolution should be stressed to much as long as it's above a certain bar. (i.e., no camera phone level junk).We want stuff to look professional, but at the same time, we don't want people to not participate because they don't have an over $9000 camera. While I've got no problem with flash, I can almost guarantee that if flash is allowed, we're going to have about 1 live action video for every 1000 flash videos. Just something to consider. Censorship is dumb... but I guess the obligitory "no pr0n" rule makes sense in this case. I think as long as edits to the song are professionally done (and with the permission of the remixer) they should be okay... but there probably should be a minimum length requirement for edited videos. 6. Since the mixes are fair game on the site but permission must be granted before they are used in things does that mean a contest of this sort might require the entrant hunting down the remixer? I'm pretty sure you need to get permission from the artist if you intend on using their song in any way at all. 7. Would you buy an ocrmv dvd? If the videos were pro-quality (regardless of budget), then hell yeah. 8. Would you go to an ocrmv dvd-screening party? Again, if the vids are good... I'd be there in a heartbeat. 9. What would be the best method of getting high quality video files like this to each other? Co-ordinated sever space until they're recieved by the judge(s)? File transfer/torrent? By mail? I might be wrong, but I don't think anyone 'round these parts are going to want to host a bunch of high quality video files. Torrent is probably your best bet... or maybe you can host/torrent low-medium quality video files, and the only way to get the HQ ones is to buy the DVD (of which proceeds go to OCR and/or film crews.) 10. Awww jeez what about the judges!? I agree with friendlyHunter on this one... let's not talk about this like it's going to be an official thing, unless someone official pops in and expresses interest in doing so. It would be extremely cool if that happened, but we should let DJP and crew make that decision. It may or may not be the direction he's wanting to take things right now.
  20. I like Rage Against the Machine and all, but how is "Killing In The Name" a Christmas song?
  21. That's actually a pretty fun idea.
  22. Doesn't Taucer do stuff like this? Maybe I'm thinking of someone else. I remember that someone here teaches gymnastics and has come up with routines set to remixes before.
  23. So there's this website that some of my friends and I frequent called Cans & Boxes.Basically, the premise of the site is that someone submits poetry and everyone has 1 month to put that poetry to music. Songs do get rated by listeners, but it's not really a competition. So this month, my sister's poetry was posted. In true big brother fashion, I promised that I would take a dump all over her deep, meaningful work by turning it into shitty 80s glam rock, ala OLR or an EAR compo (That's about all my extremely Rube Goldberg rigged DAW setup will allow me to do, recording-wise) Problem is, as someone pointed out to me when I was almost finished, that it actually has some potential to be pretty cool. The Orginal Poetry El WIP Uno Right now, as I see it, the two biggest things I need to do are... Find a guitarist to lay some power chords and a solo, in place of fake guitar and square wave solo. (hint hint, nudge nudge, OCR) Get myself to a studio (probably my school's) and redo the vocals. Not sure what how I'm going to do EQing, as at the moment, I'm literally singing into a microphone plugged into a 1/4" adapter, plugged into an 1/8" adapter, plugged into the mic input on my '02 laptop, running into audacity. I literally spend more time fixing latency problems and just trying to get it to work at all, than I do on my trying to get a good performance... I'll probably just spend a lot of time at school in front of their rig. I think if I can somehow pull all of this together by 11:59pm December 31, I will be one of the cool kids, and the hot cheerleader I've had a crush on since 3rd grade will finally notice me.
  24. Nah, it wasn't directed toward you. Mad props on out-ranting me btw. I thought I was the biggest Halo hater around here. Also, you can turn off auto-aim in Halo? Is this something I've been completely missing, or i it just a feature in 3? That would make controlling the game much less aggravating... now if only you could turn it off for everyone else as well.
  25. *Looks around* *shyly raises hand*. This kind of stuff is exactly what I'm in school for. I got a perfect 100% grade in my Lighting class, I won Best Editor at the in-house movie competition this year, and the department chair got me into the Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges for 2010 (not exactly sure what that means, but I guess it's supposed to be a big deal). If I had a decent crew and a vision for what a video would look like, I'm pretty sure I could pull it off something pretty nice. The school even lets its students check out professional film making gear for our personal projects too.
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