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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. This is totally sick. The best part is the arm cannon/sound hole on the bass drum.
  2. VG Mix got hacked big time around 2006, and the website was pretty much shut down. They threw a forum up in 2008, but the site still hasn't recovered. The vast majority of remixes they had prior to the attack still haven't been posted back onto the site. They are waiting for a more official launch (in the indefinite future) to start uploading stuff again. Though, from what I understand, people on their forums still have a lot of the tunes in their personal collections. I guess what I'm saying is that the selection you saw at VG Mix was most likely an extremely incomplete one. It's still very possible that it is an old VG Mix song, and if so, someone over there probably has it.
  3. Just in case no one has thought to check, here's a link to all the Gerudo Valley remixes on the site (sorted by date). http://www.ocremix.org/song/30?&offset=0&sort=datedesc Maybe it was Falling Back? Tweeter probably would have mentioned something about vocals though. EDIT: There don't seem to be any Ocarina of Time remixes on OC Removed, however it says Lockdown 2 hasn't been uploaded yet. That happened around 2005, didn't it? EDIT 2 REVENGE OF THE EDIT: Re-tweetposted the request at VGMix. Link
  4. Just so you know, when I enter the genre of a song into Songbird, anything by Sixto gets labeled as "Guitar Porn". That being said, I feel this song is pretty average for Sixto... meaning that it's f$%#ing awesome, but not his best. Not sure why I feel that way. Maybe it's the overused source (which would be weird, because I love the source), maybe it's something else. Can't quite put my finger on it, though I'd bet it's more of a personal taste thing than a quality issue. Still, this is damn good stuff. Looking forward to hearing what you have in store for us next.
  5. Man, I don't even remember all that clearly. I started listening sometime around 2000 or 2001-ish I think (woulda been around 13 or 14, so that sounds right). I know I registered for the forums in 2002, posted once and completely forgot the user name because all I ever did was lurk. SIgned up again in 2004 and I've been using this account ever since. It's kinda funny. I go through different moods when it comes to OCR. Sometimes I just come for the music and ignore the forums. Other times I only come to the forums and ignore the music. Sometimes I lurk for long periods of time, and other times I feel like I'm back in the postwhore society days (if anyone remembers that). But yeah, despite the postcount, I'm an oldtimer.
  6. This is brilliant. Should be climbing its way up the Top 40 in no time.
  7. What the heck are those things at 0:44? They look like glass fists holding pipe bombs. Good job, by the way. The music is very catchy indeed. I'll be watching for the ad next time I go to Jamaica.
  8. Happy birthday guys. Keep up the awesome. Audix, any chance you'll be working on another album soon? One Day Millennium was excellent, and I'd love to hear more where that came from.
  9. Well, I'll warn you that I found the trailers to be a bit misleading. I got the impression that there was going to be lots of action, but instead it was really more of a drama/thriller type deal. Still very well done, but not what I expected from the previews at all... though the commanding officer of the basterds is just as awesome/hilarious as he sounds, and then some.
  10. Here's a quick link for those too lazy to look it up. intellectual know that you do not know.
  11. Caught the midnight showing, and I have to say that I enjoyed it very much. Not exactly what I was expecting based on the trailers, and by no means Tarantino's best work, but it was still very good. Acting was great too; in particular, I thought Pitt, Waltz, and Laurnet were excellent.
  12. Pretty much what those two said. I'd use WinAmp/ChipAmp if you're going to listen on your computer, but sites like Galbadia Hotel have "normal" file types like mp3s and wavs, just in case you wanted to listen on your iPod or something.
  13. Bought my copy. Should be in the mail soon.
  14. Very impressive website. Can you tell me a little bit more about your experience working on film and give some ballpark examples of your rates? I've got nothing now, but I very may well have some work for you in the near future as I work quite a bit with film projects as part of my education.
  15. This happens to me from time to time, usually with the usual games like Tetris, DDR, and Guitar Hero. My psych prof back at my old college was talking about it happening to him once back with Mario Kart for the SNES. Said he couldn't get to sleep for a while because every time he closed his eyes he would be driving along in his head and slip on a banana peel. lol.
  16. I didn't. I just played the first few levels over and over until I got bored and decided to play something else.
  17. I think we've got the makings of a badass fanfilm right here.
  18. At this point, there really haven't been a whole lot of definite attendees, so the likelihood of official meetup actually happening is slim. If you still wanna come hang out, I'd be more than happy to meet with you, but unless activity in this thread suddenly picks up, I'm going to call it quits on the meetup planning.
  19. Sounds awesome... but why have you only released the album on cassette? I would definitely pick up a copy digitally or on CD.
  20. They sound like they've been put through some processors though... not just regular old bear sounds, but cyber bear sounds, if you will. The question, as Schwaltvald already asked, is why use the doom ones and not the originals. You'd think a company like National Geographic would have at least a handful of quality black bear sounds in their SFX library... these ones don't sound quite right.
  21. I'd love to get on board with this, but I have a bad habit of agreeing to do remix projects and then never getting them done due to a busy schedule. Oh well. I'll just cheer from the sidelines. Good luck.
  22. Honestly, they all could be good 'if done right'... the problem is, they wouldn't be. I'd love to see A) Metroid and B)Zelda the most, but honestly, I'd perfer if they didn't even try because I know they'd screw 'em up. Metroid is very dependent of its mellowness and sense of subtlety, and Zelda would have to be LotR quailty to live up to the source material (plus you know they'd make Link talk). The video games I might trust them with (because I think they're the least likely to be massacred) are D) Castlevania and E)Ninja Gaiden. The plots are extremely simple and call for some very flashy action scenes. In addition, both of them can afford to be a little hokey without stomping all over the source material because frankly, the games themselves were pretty over-the-top campy sometimes (not a slam on them at all, it's a big part of their charm). On the flip side, they'd probably screw that up too, by making the films take themselves too seriously or try too hard to be artsy (see Max Payne). I realize that I didn't make a clear cut vote. Interpret the above post into your numbers however you wish.
  23. Wow. This is absolutely wicked. I could do without the quotes personally, but they don't really hurt the song either. The clean guitar riff reminds me a lot of Pink Floyd, which of course is, a good thing.
  24. If you want to buy yourself a ticket later, that's fine. Buying tickets now is only important if we're going to sit as a group.
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