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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. Sweet. Congratulations man. Keep us up to date on any interesting projects you're working on.
  2. I might be wrong about this, but weren't the Prime trilogy soundtracks pretty much just remixes of the older Metroid games? Don't get me wrong, I thought the Primes' soundtracks were phenomenal, but isn't this kinda like doing a Smash Bros remix project?
  3. The websites are screwing with you. The second we walk away, they'll be down again. When you come back here asking for help a second time, everyone will just be like "fix ur intarwebs noob".
  4. I'd venture a guess that a good number of artists don't actually regularly read the forums, and out of all the ones who do, I'd bet only a few of them will read this particular thread. Your best bet would be to directly contact the ones you want to feature on your blog, via email, private message or an IM service. You can usually find all their contact info in their forum profile.
  5. Montage! Clearing off hard drive space as we speak.
  6. I think you mean an amazing soundtrack by an amazing remixer, remixed by some of the best remixers out there. I just had a thought... Is this the first time that an established remixer wrote an original game soundtrack that was then remixed?
  7. Could you clarify what you mean by this? Are you asking the artists if it's okay to post their songs on your blog?
  8. ONly watched the first few minutes, but this looks pretty good so far. The cinematography looks pretty great... The first scene in the woods is especially gorgeous. They seem to know what they're doing, which is rare for fan films.
  9. aaaaaaaaaarrrrgggrggrggggg. Rant time. Don't you just hate all those people who insist that they are the best halo player EVAR because they can snipe? The only reason you're such a good sniper in halo is because of Auto-aim, the fact that you only play Blood Gulch or whatever kids are calling it these days, and the fact that all characters move at 2 miles an hour in extremely predictable motions, no matter how good the player is. Halo 2 made it ever worse by upping the auto-aim, the damage of the rifle, and by getting rid of the halo 1 pistol... pretty much the only defense players had against the all-powerful sniper rifle. (I haven't yet been bothered with trying out Halo 3) /rant While I still side with mouse and keyboard, this is a legitimate claim. One of the downsides to M&KB is that you essentially only have 8 directions you can move in without using your mouse. A console controller gives you a full 360. While I believe that the aiming precision you get from the mouse easily makes up for this, I've also found that a controller is preferable in games that are more about movement than shooting (like Mirror's Edge). I wonder what it would be like if one could rig up a "Mouse and Joystick" set up, or maybe build a gaming keyboard with special pressure sensitive keys.
  10. I think that accurately describes most unmodders who aren't around anymore.
  11. I definitely think you should promote the site from your blog. Even if it pales in comparison to some of the other publicity the site has gotten, every little bit helps. I think most of the ridicule directed toward you had to do with your English, more than your desire to help out. You might want to work on making your posts a little more readable. I apologize if I came off as rude. You should definitely post a link to your blog ASAP though.
  12. I've heard that he was a big fan of video games in the first place too. I would make sense that if it was something he loved, that he'd want to try his hand at applying his own art form to it.
  13. Both of them loaded okay for me. They were a tad slow, but not too bad.
  14. We should do a Sonic 3 remix project composed entirely of Michael Jackson style songs. I have no idea where we would find someone to sing like that... but it might just be funnier to hear everyone trying and failing.
  15. Mouse and keyboard easily. Way more precision and speed, plus you can customize much more. I remember hearing about this 3rd party mouse and keyboard controller for the first xbox a long time ago... people were saying that when they used it, their average kills nearly doubled. Not a scientific study or anything, but I don't think there's much question about which method is superior. I'm pretty much in the same boat as you as far as submitting to Halo and dealing with non-inverted controls. I've never understood why so many console FPS players don't play inverted... in fact I remember back in the day when inverted meant up=up and down=down. It just seems logical... IRL you tilt your head back to look up and forward to look down. But I suppose at the end of the day, what's fun for you is what's most important.
  16. Pretty much these. I pimp the site all the time... best response I got was from a guy I knew at my old college who was an old school gamer and was particularly obsessed with capcom titles. I swear he sat there for hours listening to Mega Man and Street Fighter remixes, and he just went on about how great the site was... then I never heard about it from him again. Just suddenly and inexplicably lost interest. I remember him. Where's he been?
  17. Where are you finding a link to this blog? Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but I can't find one anywhere...
  18. This is rock. This feels very proggy.Technique-wise, this is all around great, but the thing that makes it so great is just hope much fun it is. It's loud and heavy, but it isn't angry at all. The "hey hey" parts came out of left field, but they added a lot of fun to the whole thing.
  19. Like others have said before me, the orchestra hit was a poor teen life decision. Not a big fan of the fake choirs that start the song off either, but I got used to them as they fell into the background. Can't complain about anything else though. Guitar work is top-notch, and the drums and synth accompany it well. Good arrangement, and good mix overall.
  20. Happy anniversary! Not sure there's much to say that hasn't been said already: excellent production and arrangement, it's catchy as all get out, and the Ashleigh does some freakin' fantastic vocal work hear. Definitely hope to be hearing more from her. Also, as a church-goer myself, I'll just say this: more worship leaders need to do electronica.
  21. Yeah, like those people who play Smash Bros while listening to their CD's, or the worst... people who play handheld games with the sound off. I just about slapped my sister the other day when I caught her playing Chrono Trigger DS with the volume turned all the way down.
  22. Oh. Okay, I can do that.
  23. Happy birthday, sir. If you need any help crossing the street or getting your mail, I'll be here.
  24. I'm at 10 reviews so far, not counting a few one-liner reviews. Posted a lil' sumptin sumptin about all 10 remixes posted today.
  25. tl;dr I got something about Yu-Gi-Oh, YouTube, and voting. Someone wanna sum it up for me?
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